Saturday, January 28, 2012

Prayer Requests 1/26/12

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action meal are below. Thanks for your prayers!

Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.
Isaiah 49:13 (NIV)

-- Prayer for Wendy to heal her body.
-- Father, help my children continue to grow in faith and overcome challenges and obstacles that come their way. Please do not let my financial/job circumstances have a negative effect on my children. Please help me to provide for my children in all ways. Please give me the strength to persevere in the face of adversity and help me face my challenges with strength, dignity, and humility. I ask this in His name.
-- Sabrina S.: My unborn baby, complications in pregnancy. Housing.
-- Joe M. just lost his grandmother and is taking it very hard.
-- Leon R.: Prayer.
-- I pray that everybody will win the peace prize!
-- Robert: Toni, please believe I love you. Wane B., rest in peace.
-- Nepolius P.
-- Please pray for Sher and for me and HFM, Sapp family.
-- Roger B. for cancer.
-- God's blessings and healing upon Wendy, for her to reach a full recovery. PLEASE, LORD. Thank you.
-- Brandon W.: My prayer is to make it to either American Idol or Sunday's Best. Please pray for me.
-- Frank: God love Mary.
-- Alphonso D.: Pray for my friend Alexander R. for everything to work out in court.
-- I pray for all the sick and suffering and I pray for everyone less fortunate than me. And world peace.
-- Rafael G.: HELP, please.
-- Rusty: Please help little Wendy M. to be healed completely.
-- B.C.: What I would like for to pray for is peace among the homeless.
-- My family and friends.
-- Please pray for my daughter Francesca, who has wandered away from Jesus Christ and the church. I pray with all my heart that He brings her back to him. Thank you and God bless you always!
-- My prayer is that God blesses the woman in the hospital to a full recovery.
-- Please help the lady!
-- To keep us safe from harm.
-- Bob: I am having a hard time finding a roommate.
-- Brian R.: Please pray for my dad John C.R. and my son Dorian R. that they're both doing well. Thank you.
-- Aaron W.: Healing prayer.
-- World peace.
-- Pray for jobs and pray for the politics to get better. I also pray for everybody and their attitude.
-- G.R.: I hope God blesses all of us.
-- Pray and watch over Norris and Sharon. That we get off the streets and have a good life.
-- May God bless me with good health and strength to the fullest and continue to let me live. Also bless my brother to be okay and to take it easy and do the best he can with his life.
-- Sandra F.G.: This is a special prayer for the hospital sister to be healed and feel better.
-- Randy: We come together again on this lovely night to join together to praise you, Father.
-- My name is Otis C. W. II. Pray for me and my family. Help make me stronger in faith. Help make me a better person than what I am. Pray for my success.
-- I request you pray for me to have wisdom to make better decisions.
-- Please ask God to help me in my appeal.
-- I would like to get my sobriety and my life back to normal and get off the streets and into a program. God, please help!!!!!!
-- Sis Pat: Prayer for my son and grandson to be set free from their own way and prison, with a sound mind and healthy body, willing to serve God.
-- Pray for Wendy.
-- Terry T.: Wisdom, guidance, that God may help me find a job.
-- Harry: Please keep my baby Wendy in your prayers. Thank you for all you have done for us.
-- Monclair J.L.: I work any work, job.
-- James G.
-- I ask that my family, friends, and the lady in the hospital to be safe in the hand of Jesus. Amen
-- Julie L., pray for her!
-- Gary R.: Pray for the soul of the person who has insinuated herself into my life, spewing venomous lies and exuding evil. Pray for her soul, she needs it!
-- Bettey R.
-- Ellen: I pray my family communication returns. And the health prognosis of the girl that is in Broward General from the hit and run accident.
-- Tony: Dwight J., my friend, he is doing good. Tracey and Diana, Christian program. All my family members. My kids, all churches I attend. Me and John's carpet cleaning. Bryan and Racheal, Las Olas Farmers Market
-- For my family and me, very happy and soon meeting.
-- Zabiah: Mom's job, money. Please, God, help me and my mom (Lois).
-- Lois: Please pray for my family and that I get the money I need to pay my household expenses. Thank you.
-- Robert N.: Pray that Rob and Sandy stay safe and that I find employment . Thank you.
-- Joe: I would like a prayer said for everyone who had part in this meal and a special prayer said for the young lady we all heard about. God bless.
-- Pat J.: Pray for the lady who is sick and me, please.
-- Jesus, as living stones, oh master, may you retrieve the young woman hit by a car, bogged down by injury. Through our prayer group, channel and pull her through the thresh gate to your peace and light. Amen
-- Pray that Sandy and Rob will continue to stay safe and that they will find peace and happiness in their lives.
-- Pray for the lady, I think her name is Wendy, that God bring her through. And my mother Rey, that God heal her from the cancer. Plus me, Quentin, that He bring me out of this bondage I'm in.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres as he continues to seek Dave's killer.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Gypsy, Jamalle, Tino, Richard.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Kayla, Lorenzo, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

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