Thursday, October 25, 2012

Prayer Requests 10/25/12

The prayer requests from last Thursday's Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for your prayers for this ministry and our guests!



Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.
1 John 3:18 (NLT)

-- My name is Emmitt, I ask God to find me since I have so much difficulty finding Him.  Time is so short, so hurry, Lord, find me please.
-- That I, Kevin C., will resolve my present problem successfully and with no stress, in Jesus name. Amen
-- Eric J.: A toy for Christmas. 
-- Lori S.: Please pray for my sister Donna, that she fails a scary operation. That God removes the mass inside her duodenum. Thank you.
-- DeParte de dios, yo quisiera que todos somos Hermanos. Que dos no nos vendiga. Amen (Translation: On behalf of God, I wish we are all brothers. That we ??. Amen)
-- To have place in one’s self daily life and guidance in one’s self.
-- That God may bless me through all my trials and tribulations and bless me in my decision make my mind set.
-- Please pray for my family and friends to be safe through this storm.
-- Roosevelt J.: Pray for me and family. Thank you, God bless.
-- Robert: Prayer for family, my wife, brother, sister, a job, a place to stay, mother who passed away, myself.
-- Ricky J. and Takiya
-- Randy J.: I need toys for my kids.
-- I wish for a bike.
-- I wish for a bike and I wish for some sandals.
-- Physical exercise is beneficial but spiritual exercise is beneficial for now and the life to come. I pray that all men come to know the true God, know the truth and it will set you free.
-- James S.: Pray for me to get my ID and documents, need to get a job and indoors with my fiancé.
-- James T.: Please pray for me to be called and used for Christ’s work.
-- Please pray for Kathy who we love and appreciate her service every week. Sincerely, God Bless, Dennis
-- Aurelius T.: Father, thank you for another day in life. Father, please bring Faustina home, let her know that I miss her and will love her. Father God, please help Sharon in life with her problem. In your name, Amen. Pray for me.
-- L will pray for U
-- Ellen: Love to my family and Kathy’s continued recovery.
-- My prayers go out to my mother Josie S., I ask that you guys pray for her. She needs strength.
-- My prayer request would be for the continued safekeeping of my family: Clarissa, Tramane, Trevon and Elison. I also pray for possibilities of employment to continue presenting themselves and if it’s God's will, one starts for my girlfriend or myself.
-- Keith F.: Pray for me to get off the street and get me a job and a good relationship with God and Jesus Christ our Lord and back with my family. Amen.
-- Clay M.: Lord, please help me help myself, thank you.
-- J.T.: Pray for me and pray for apartment, money.
-- My prayer is that I, Clarissa, and Tramaine have a blessed and good life together, good health, and that I get this job that I had the interview today. Thank you and have a great day.
-- World Peace.
-- Make all my wishes come true.
-- Tod: Health for my mother Hester, Richard, Joey, Greg, Ida, Jen, David, and myself.
-- Say a good word for Lori, our parents Steve, Mikey, Mary and Bob. God bless all of you that put this night together.
-- Employment for Adolf M., Bill N., Mike and for the Lord to keep me strong and to give hope and strength to others and to remove the suicidal thoughts from my mind.
-- Donald D.: Lord, strengthen this ministry and my beloved family, I pray.
-- For the health and healing of Kathy, Sister Pat, Gypsy.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres to continue the search.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April, Erika, Pery.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Prayer Requests 10/18/12

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for your ongoing prayers!


Open up before God, keep nothing back; he’ll do whatever needs to be done: He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon. Quiet down before God, be prayerful before him. Don’t bother with those who climb the ladder, who elbow their way to the top. Bridle your anger, trash your wrath, cool your pipes—it only makes things worse. Before long the crooks will be bankrupt; God-investors will soon own the store.
Proverbs 37:5-9 (MSG)

-- James: To Dana (my sister) who took her life and for me, who might do the same.
-- Please pray for my family, children, friends, enemies and the girl next to me. Thank you.
-- Alphonso P. and son: My blessing is to overcome the negativity within my life for everyone to be blessed as well. I want to have a better life and to gain more of it by overcoming negative things. Everything that I would like within my life I wish to have that is positive!!!  
-- Agree with me in prayer that God totally heal my body, restore my complete health and my fiancĂ©’s health and that God grow my youth ministry and send me more help and that He proper every division of my youth organization.
-- Sharon S.: Pray that I find a job and stay clean and sober.
-- Please pray for all on the streets to find their way, home, jobs, etc. Thank you
-- Jen, Fred: Jesus, you are love, bless those in need of your love.
-- Pray for everybody.
-- Prayer for Thomas Y.
-- David W.: Traffic school.
-- I love Jesus.
-- Randy: Pray dear Christian I got off street soon.
-- Brian: Something to get better.
-- Rachel: Please Lord, heal my pain and bring me peace and allow things to work out. In Jesus Christ.
-- I would like to ask for a job that the Lord thinks is best for my plan and vision. Thank you.
-- Dear God, I want my life back. Pery is great.
-- Pray for Melvin M. Jr. for good health and apartment.
-- Please keep Jennifer, Chucky, Ma, myself (Chris) that we may find and have peace and love for ourselves and others always. God be with you.
-- Jimmy M. J., Jr.
-- Randy J.: I need X-mas toys for my child.
-- Donald D.: Let's enjoy God's love, I pray.
-- Isaac: Pray for more of the will of God not my will, for everyone here. Also that James and I get jobs at “Latite Roofing” I plead the blood of Jesus
-- Lawrence: Prayer for healing rheumatoid arthritis.
-- Prayers and blessings go up for all of our family, friends, and loved ones to continue to be blessed and protected through your salvation.
-- World Peace.
-- For Bruce: Please give me my health back and protect my family.
-- Robert: Prayer for family, my brother and sister, my ex-wife, a place to stay, a job for myself.
-- Ellen: Annabel, please stay in touch with me. All my love to Andrew, Austin, Avery, Juliet, Annabel & Hadia. Andrew please stays well.
-- Reynold, Bettey, Mat
-- Esther L.: I would like to give thanks to all the volunteers and pray for all. I like also to keep prayers for my son and family. Thank you God and may God bless us all.
-- Jesus you are bless those in need of your love. Lord miss Sharlet.
-- Hey, I am Kimberly, love this church. I will like for you to pray for my family.
-- Pray for my family — Brittany, Anthony, and Rod and my grandchildren that they seek the Lord with all their hearts.
-- James D.: I want prayer for Kathy, and my brothers in Christ who are still incarcerated, and I need prayer. God knows who we all are and what we need before we ask, I just pray that he will open my eyes so that I may see!!!
-- Everett, for successful surgery, for his wife Georgiana & family.
-- Jill has been interviewing and needs employment. 
-- Vinnysa has been interviewing and needs employment.
-- Pray for John S., that he gets some work. PLEASE!
-- Bob R: I am having a hard time paying all my bills each month.
-- Charlotte: Dear Lord, please help a man by the name of Richard to get that job soon. Such a nice man. Please help him.
-- My name is Alan. I am having some trouble deciding what to do next.
-- That I get a new life. C John B.
-- Riley and Diane: Pray for us! We love y’all.
-- I love God because my mom was sick and she had to go to the hospital and she felt better.
-- Give me shelter.
-- Jarrel W.: Please help watch over my daughter and bless me with a job.
-- Prayer for Willie P., for family and all V.A. petitions, thank you and God bless.
-- Thanking you Lord, for dying on the cross for my sins. Keep your hand on me.
-- Please pray for Veronica C. and Kenneth J. to stop smoking crack cocaine. Forgive us, O Lord, our sins.
-- Emmitt asked for prayer for Eula. She is my sister and is in very bad health. I love her and hope God does too.
-- Prayer request for Christopher & Mary that we keep God first always and that he watches over us.
-- Ronnie & Debra ask for financial blessings from God, so that our house that’s been closed up for two years can be reopened. We then can have all of our children back with us. Praise God!
-- Please pray for all the lost and broken, especially the ones fighting addictions. Please pray for my homeless family, keep us safe at night and keep the demons from our door as we sleep.
-- This is George B. My prayer request is for a power chair, heart, kidney, for family, health.
-- Lori S.: My sister Donna has to get a mass removed from her duodenum. It’s a scary operation; her pancreas, gall bladder, part of the duodenum and stomach would have to be removed. Pray for a miracle with me that God will eliminate the mass. Thank you!!
-- Bob: Albert S., my roommate, left the United States for a few days and did not return back or call me. Hope Albert will return back to Fort Lauderdale, as Albert’s mom is very sick and may die any time. Albert is a great guy and he is very good to me. Also Albert is having problems with work. Albert is not making good decisions for the past few years. If Albert returns back to USA, Albert would have a good paying job. Pray for Albert to return back to USA A.S.A.P., as Albert is not doing good outside the United States.
-- For the health and healing of Kathy, Sister Pat, Gypsy.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April, Erika, Pery.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Prayer Requests 10/11/12

The prayer requests from last week's Love in Action meal are below. Thanks for your prayers!


"And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful."
Colossians 3:15 (NLT)

-- I would like a special prayer for the S. Family. Pray that God join us together again and bless us all.
-- Derco S. needs to get home to Chicago and have bus fare when I get there.
-- Pray for me and Ice Man Family.
-- William M.: Just want to thank God for a sound mind, His grace and mercy and pure heart. 
-- Edward L.H.
-- I pray for everybody.
-- S.H.: Pray for myself and everyone who God has put here on earth that we may be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit and that God forgives us for our sins.
-- Roland: Prayer for Anglia M., her salvation, a new heart, and for her life to be put back together with faith.
-- Matthew C. and I need a money blessing for God to bless me with furniture in my apartment in Jesus name.
-- Demetrier: Prayer for deliverance.
-- Ricky J.
-- Willie C.: Prayer for myself, family and Kathy, may God heal their mind, body and soul.
-- Jimmie Lee M. M., love Deena M. M. M.
-- Keep off dope.
-- Heidi: For Ashley, Savannah, and Kelsie, their mommy loves them very much.  I (drawn heart) U Jesus!
-- Salvado A. E.: I need peace in others, to keep their distance and mind their own matters.
-- Michael: Please pray that I might understand God’s will for my present circumstances and that I might have the faith and patience to wait for Him to bring what he has prepared. And also for better judgment in all circumstances.
-- Randy: A good thanks for my kids. Merry Christmas.
-- Father God, please my apartment help me got paper that I need to keep my place! Bless me with this request.
-- Samantha & Anthony: Can you please help me and my boyfriend get into our new place. All we need is a deposit, we have everything else but that.
-- Please pray that the people can love one another unconditionally.
-- Robert & Sandra: I would like you to pray that I get to be in my children’s life.
-- World Peace
-- Fawna
-- To bring my grown children back as a family. To find a live-in caretaker to help me.
-- Takiya C.
-- Gary: To help me overcome my drug addiction and lust issues.
-- Pray for Randy C., who has liver disease. 
-- May we be sheltered in our own place.
-- Ella: I need to have a job. Please pray, this is very important for me. And I need to make a statement to police, but police department do not let me do it.
-- Ellen: Love to Andrew, Juliet, Austin, Avery and Hasia. Good luck in North Lauderdale, much success to Annabel.
-- Pray for healing, safety, clean spirits and forgive.
-- Lori S.: Pray for my sister (Donna). She had a biopsy from a mass they found in her duodenum. Pray that it’s not cancerous. Pray for me that I get my place. Thank you.
-- For peace, tranquility, and happiness, and those in my life.
-- Roland: Prayer for Dania J.’s heart, a strong will, His will and for her to be a law-abiding member of society, stop prostituting and drugs.
-- Casey T.: Pray for the world to renew their minds and transform from the world and to walk in light and let their light shine in dark places.
-- Lois: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord God King of Israel – Psalm 118:26. I thank God and the church for everything that’s being done for me. I ask that the church continue to pray for us because it helps when there is a multitude of praying, in praying for one common purpose – to fulfill needs.
-- Tony L.: Please, all my family and kids and mother and family members with the Lord faith. Bless all these church members and volunteers. Me and John’s carpet cleaning business and Monica 7. Rachel at Las Olas Farmer’s Market. Bless place in Jesus name.
-- Casey T.: Pray for love for the world, new world peace. Blessings for his lost.
-- Grace, mercy & blessings for poor, hungry, homeless children & those in most need of God’s mercy and help. The abused, neglected, exploited & oppressed. Veterans killed in action & their families, wounded & disabled vets. The working poor. Those who’ve been libeled and/or slandered. Those who’ve been unjustly imprisoned, over-punished & overcharged and felons that are never forgiven. The powers that be in corporate America & governmental leaders to soften their hearts and get jobs back to American men & women. Stop the off-shoring and outsourcing. Off-shoring and outsourcing doesn’t show love of neighbor. Stop the unrelenting greed & covetousness. Jobs for Americans. Bless the blue collar working class heroes who’ve been/are excellent employees, both in regards to attendance and work output. Conscientious about safety & quality. Thanks, Bill
-- Anthony N.: Prayers for President Barack Obama, that he and his family are happy, safe and loved.  That President Obama gets 4 more years and a Congress that will work with him to get the country on the right track. Prayers for my children Anthony Thomas and Alexis Brooke that they are healthy, safe and loved and know that I love them with all of my heart and miss them so very much. Prayers for my ex-wife Kimberly – that she opens her heart and lets me be a part of my children’s lives. Prayers for my late mom, Barbara G., who is sitting up there with you. Tell her I miss her very much, that I still need her wisdom and counsel today. I hope she is happy, watching over me and my sister and our kids and are happy with how we’ve turned out. Prayers for my sister Jackie T.H., her husband Perry and my nephew CJ and niece Teresa. Please watch over them, keep them safe and protected with your love, especially Jackie next week. She is due to deliver my 2nd nephew, Matthew, and I can’t wait. Prayers for my half-brother Erik, that he and his family are full of love, peace, happiness and prosperity. Prayers for my biological father, Ray N., that he can get past his own b/s and attempt to forge a real relationship with all of his children. Prayers that he finally owns up to his mistakes, for him to be forgiven by me. Prayers for May P.N., the woman I love, that her enlarged heart is not a danger to her health but a sign of her growing love for me. Let her know that she is the light of my life, my everything and I can’t wait to be her husband. Prayers for myself: that you continue to bless me with a new day, that you allow me to be May’s man as soon as I can save the money, get a job, and complete my community service. Thank you, Lord, for all you’ve done for me, and continue to bless all that I love, cherish and miss. Prayers for my public defender, Hugo A., for all the hard work he did for me to help me out of my court troubles. He, through You, worked an amazing miracle for me and I am grateful. Prayers for the homeless veterans who are on the streets without food to eat or family to go home to. Please look out for the warriors of our nation that gave all they could for their country, including their lives. For some, only to be rejected by the people they serve. Find them shelter, jobs and food, Lord, and comfort them please. Prayers for the National Hockey League, that they all come to their collective senses and end the lockout so I can be entertained by people who are using their God-given gifts just for that purpose. Prayers for the Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team that they beat the Stanford Cardinal this Saturday night and stay undefeated. Prayers for Lineback Manti Teo whose heart is heavy from losing his grandmother and his girlfriend. May he be at peace knowing that his loved ones are now with you. Prayers for the New York Giants, that they beat the San Francisco 49’ers this weekend in defense of their Super Bowl title. Prayers for the New York Jets, that Tim Tebow get off the bench and lead the Jets to victory in a season that is full of trials and tribulations with the loss of their best offensive player in Santonio Holmes and best defensive player Darrerle Revis. Prayers for the New York Yankees that they win tonight as they are on their way to their 28th World Series Championship.
-- Thank you for your grace, Father. Thank you for changing your mind today about cardiac stuff today. Praise you Jesus for not pulling my daisy yet. I still got too many people to pray for so thank you for sparing me. Father, if it is your will, may I have financial provision for an apartment and a security deposit. This time I need a new miracle, Father, but I love you for it. Thank you for your love and thank you for the opportunity to pray to you all the time. Bless Mr. Pery and Mr. Tim. Bless Laurie and Randy. I love you, Jesus.
-- God, me and family need prayer for everything. George B., Angel
-- George B.: Need prayer heart Kendy L. heart. I need power chair and help power bill.  
-- Rolande: Bondue etendue mande sievrer priergous or … sie… poufamilie jeannide frau.
-- For the health and healing of Kathy, Sister Pat, Gypsy.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April, Erika, Pery.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Prayer Requests 10/4/12

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for praying for this ministry and our guests!


Lord, grant us peace, because all that we have done has been your doing.
Isaiah 26:12 (CEB)

-- Stacy: Need the Lord’s spirit.
-- I pray for the safety of every homeless person on the streets.
-- Please pray for Willie J. J.
-- Tom D.: Pray for Cathy. God is good.
-- Intercession Prayer for a healing miracle for Ms. Cathy and my mother Mrs. Edmonia P.
-- Make sure that all my friends are coming home tonight.
-- For Korey H.
-- For my family, 6 months ago my wife passed away today is my answer without her and the Church on the corner.
-- Elizabeth: I want to go home.
-- My name is Paul K., please pray for me that I get a job and can start paying child support. My kids need help.
-- To help people prepare what’s gonna happen 2 months. Help get them repent, sorrow for their sins. Pray that Cassey times keep his promise.
-- Christopher J.: Keep me out of jail.
-- That I get to see my son before I die, I hope will be soon!!!
-- Pray for Kathy that she will be cancer free and for me, Robb.
-- Please pray for God’s strength and wisdom in dealing with my family. Thanks, Stan the Man!
-- God bless everyone.
-- Jessica: I love God. I (drawn heart) God. I pray for God.
-- I would like for u to pray for Valerie that will be in court in November. Pray for me to visit my family this coming Holiday, God bless.
-- Willie P. requests for a blessing in my VA situation.
-- Pray for Ricky J.
-- Pray for Takiya C.
-- Pray for the world to make a positive change.
-- For Patti. Love, Joe
-- Prayer request for family to have a place to stay. Brothers, sister, wife.
-- Pray for me, Thomas Y. Family
-- Phil M.: Saints, pray for me concerning personal problems of personal well-being and somewhat of fears.
-- Lighter walk in faith with God through Jesus Christ.
-- To help me overcome my addiction.
-- Aurelias T.: Dear Father, thank you for life, my family. Father, I come to you tonight with open arms. Father, bless me with the help I need and keep hands on Sharon F. I pray that she come home soon. Father, I need help with life-living benefits that I need in Your name, Amen.
-- World Peace
-- Pray for everybody who is acting a fool!! In Pastor Pery's Church!
-- Randy J.: I need a job.
-- Please pray God give me a financial miracle of $100,000, that God give me an apartment I can afford and that I receive all the help I need for my youth organization and that me and my boyfriend get married immediately and that I get the building I want for my youth organization and that my children and my boyfriend gets saved.
-- Aaron Walton: Prayer request - Healing prayer
-- Please let Lori, Mom, Dad, Del Shirley, Mom, Mary, Mike, Steven, Bob, Buttle, keep them in God’s house.
-- Lord, please find a way that we may have the rent paid for October, also please Lord help Mr. Swan with disability
-- Please pray that Kristen feels better and is safe.
-- Please pray to help the lady who has problems with her breast.
-- Pray to see my children!! Robert and Sondra
-- Pray Leslie W.: My pink hurt me day end (very difficult to read)
-- Tifany
-- Bob: Albert S., my roommate, left United States for a few days and did not return back or call me. Hope Albert will return back to Fort Lauderdale, as Albert’s mom is very sick and may die any time. Albert is a great guy and his is very good to me. Also Albert is having problems with work.
-- Pois & Ziebert: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord God, King of Israel. Psalms 118-26.  I thank God and the church for everything that’s being done for me and my family. I know they are praying (can not understand next few words) that have the power to deliver our prayers to God. Please continue to pray.
-- Grace, mercy & blessings for poor, hungry, homeless children. Those most in need of God’s mercy, grace and blessings, the abused, neglected, exploited and unappreciated. Wounded and disabled veterans and families that have lost soldiers. Orphans & widows. Those who’ve been over-punished, falsely accused & unjustly imprisoned. The oppressed and the working poor & the blue-collar working class heroes who worked so hard for so long ...  excellent employees, both in regard to attendance and work output, conscientious about safety and quality. Those who’ve been slandered & libeled. Social & economic justice. Those who’ve endured excess apathy, indifference, & complacency. Thanks, Bill
-- Bandue papame Etendue mande pirie ge risen silboupheur noll Rolande pou Geannide pow Rodleir. (Unable to translate)
-- Grace, mercy and blessing for poor, hungry, homeless children & those most in need of God’s mercy, grace and blessings. The abused, those neglected, those exploited, veterans killed in action and their families. Wounded & disabled vets. Those that have been unjustly imprisoned.
-- Prayers for brother John for a full recovery.
-- For the health and healing of Kathy, Sister Pat, Gypsy.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April, Erika, Pery.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.