Saturday, March 27, 2010

Prayer Requests 3/25/10

Thank you to P.C. for helping me prepare the prayer requests this week! And thank you to all of you for holding this ministry and its guests and volunteers in your prayers.

"Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:4-5

-- My name is David and I ask that you please pray that I stay in God's words and obey, and pray for me to find a job and to understand God's words and live by them.
-- Joyce and Dorethea ask to pray for Bryan, Mable, and Lillian. And for world peace.
-- David: That I get into a shelter soon. Thank you.
-- Sandra: I wish to walk and not fall.
-- Veka and Anderson: Help us to have our own house so we can have a second child.
-- Aaron: Ask God to help me.
-- Malok, Anna and daughter: Financial prosperity, good health and marriage.
-- Pray for health, love, and mental health/family.
-- Bless all animals great and small.
-- Greg: That things get better for me.
-- Tony: Please help me with my faith for my salvation during Easter holiday week. Work/place to stay and keep angels protecting me.
-- Greg: Stop somebody from hitting my mom's door and running off.
-- Pray for David M. to get well.
-- Prayer to get off the streets and in a house. Healing of hands for E. and J. and two friends.
-- Aaron: I am in need of prayer. God is good all the time for endurance.
-- To do better in life to be stronger and learn about love.
-- I pray that grandma is healed from Alzheimer’s in the blood of Christ
-- Lord, bless those who care for the smallest of men and women.
-- PJ: Pray for my grandson and Grarmon and mommy and me.
-- Pray that things do work out for Jeff.
-- I would like to say thanks and may God bless each and every one of you.
-- Joe: Pray for power.
-- I pray that I do get free of probation.
-- I pray for me and my son and boyfriend and for a place to sat and legal help.
-- Charles: Pray for Tony/Laura and money. Also for a car and place to live.
-- For God to break the addiction of Sean and bring him home.
-- Lord, bless Joe with power.
-- Errol: I pray for my family and friends to have a job and a good home.
-- I pray for all of us homeless to make it week to week.
-- My request is simple – I want to thank our father in heaven for everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. Thankful from a heart that I got a friend in Jesus. Thank you Lord, I love you.
-- Jessica M.
-- Restoration of health for my wife and improved marriage relationship.
-- The man that is sick.
-- For a deeper walk with Jesus daily. For God to bring the funds for our business to reopen. To fulfill God's will for my life. To be completely healed and walk strong again.
-- Pray for John S. and to keep him safe.
-- My name is Savanna. I would to know if you can pray that I can move where I can keep my job.
-- Obed L.
-- To best me with some money, home and wife.
-- Prayer for John and to get him right with God.
-- Can you pray that me and my boyfriend Bartholomew can be blessed to have a baby.
-- Carl and Richard: A job and a home.
-- Better days ahead and stay healthy.
-- Beryl: Help me to overcome this difficulty I face and lead me back to you to serve. Amen
-- I pray for a safe journey and temperance throughout my life.
-- That Lord watches over all of us and keep us safe.
-- For David – I will pray for you and my God to see your way through
-- My name is Atiba and I am trying hard to hold on to everyday life. Please pray for me and my loved ones.
-- Pray for me to find a job and place to live.
-- Kevin: Pray that I will not be on the streets much longer and for a great financial blessing.
-- Gail A. and Kelly R.
-- Ricardo: Be able to take care of my kids.
-- Edward: I sleep in my van and it's not running. I can fix it myself but I do not have the money. I need tag, title and registration and insurance.
-- I ask you to pray for all my family and friends. Lord bless you all.
-- Please pray for our strength as we grieve the loss of our newborn son named after me, Anthony L. A. Pray that I am granted my social security benefits and for the health and prosperity of my fiancĂ©e Myeka. Pray for my bishop Bobby Moore Senior and pastor Moore of “Revelation of Jesus Christ Church”.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Prayer Requests 3/18/10

Last night when I got home from the Love in Action feeding, I peeked into my 4-year-old's room to say goodnight and found him already asleep in bed. His hair was still wet from a bath, he was in warm pajamas wrapped in a blanket, and had his arms around his favorite stuffed animal. And all I could think about as I kissed him goodnight were the four kids I had just said goodbye to at the LIA feeding. The four children who were, at that same moment, trying to fall asleep in the back seats of the cars they call home.

Two separate fathers, each raising two kids on their own, described to us their struggle to find permanent housing for their families. In light of their pressing need for shelter, we did everything we could think of, called everybody we knew who might help, and were able to put plans in motion to connect them with the right people this morning. But ultimately, they spent last night with their daddies in cars.

One girl, the 4-year-old, told me, "Some day, my mommy will come back and take me to Disney World." She blew bubbles and chased her brother like any other preschooler—like my own son—but she has no bed to get tucked into at night.

The bad news is, even if we can help these two families, there are hundreds more like them in our own community. And over the course of a single year, more than a million American children experience homelessness. It's truly overwhelming.

Yet in the midst of all this discouraging news is the Good News. As Kathy said last night, the "good news" is we don't need to figure it all out ourselves. In fact, relying on our own wisdom is counterproductive. He asks us to rely upon Him and listen for His call. And in hearing that call, to allow ourselves to be moved into action and service. Truly, to put love into action.

Please continue to pray with us for solutions to these seemingly insurmountable challenges. Pray for an end to homelessness, an end to poverty and starvation, an end to suffering, abuse and neglect of all kinds. And please ask anyone you think might be moved into prayer and action to do the same. Pass along these prayer requests wherever you can. You are his hands, his feet, his warm embrace, his encouraging words, his smile, and the channel through which his resources flow.

Thanks be to God, whose love for us is so great that even death is no obstacle ....

“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20

-- For Mike and his two kids, who are 2 and 3.
-- For Roger and his two kids, who are 4 and 6.
-- For the other families who were at this week's feeding, including Jessica.
-- For Tino, who is completely lost and has not yet hit bottom. Losing everything has not been enough to change his heart. He needs to be humbled before God and seek His wisdom.
-- For Nina, who asks us to pray for the neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. She also needs prayers for her own physical and emotional/mental healing.
-- For Errol A.W.
-- For Scott, who had surgery this week. We ask for complete healing and a meaningful change in his life.
-- For Robert, who talks the talk but has trouble walking the walk.
-- For Jon, a praise report .... We thank God for continued blessings as Jon gets his business off the ground.
-- Better daily relationship with wife.
-- My name is Atiba. I'm a student at Everest and I'm in a bad living situation, and so many problems keep arising. I'm trying so hard not to give up, I really am. I ask you to please keep me in your prayers. May you have a blessed night and God bless you all. Thank you.
-- Family, wife, brother, sister, mother, a job, and a place to stay.
-- So many times this church has blessed me with a meal. I'm just so thankful for it and may God keep blessing this place. And that God give increase and lack no good thing. Watch over Quonisha my wife-to-be and pray for all those who don't have this blessing in their life.
-- Carl and Richard: A job and a home.
-- Clay M.: Please keep me strong.
-- Kevin L.: Get closer to God and health, insomnia, not sleeping.
-- Powell: Keep me strong.
-- For all those who give time and food to the homeless. We appreciate you. For our country.
-- H.D.: Pray for me to find a job and a place to live.
-- For my family, my husband's health, and for a family.
-- For money for laundry and ticket to AZ.
-- Please pray that I am blessed with other child and please pray to bless Barthomew to be able to be blessed to have a family of his own.
-- Please pray for my niece, she needs to have surgery.
-- Cori D.: Work.
-- I ask for prayers for my nephew Mattew.
-- To please keep Altagracia strong and healthy.
-- I'm just thankful for everything that I've got. And pray for my father who is very sick and in TN. My mother died three months ago and he took it very bad. God bless.
-- Derwin: Deliverance from my addiction.
-- Charlie M. and family.
-- I pray I have a job and a better future. I pray I could be able to get my GED and go to college.
-- Please, pray for me and Judy.
-- Cowboy: I pray that the Lord will keep my daughter and stepson in the truth and knowledge of the Lord. Thanks.
-- Alexis and Cynthia: To keep our love strong and our bodies healthy. Let our love last forever.
-- Housing and financial blessings for Bilal/Anna. Good health, prosperous marriage, long life together, child.
-- Hammerfall, Kings, Queens, New.
-- Much needed immediate rent money.
-- My name is Savannah G. I wanted to know if y'all can pray for me and my family and for me to find a job.
-- Jaret: My prayer for all those here who care for us: I pray to you, Hashem, to bless those who work for your glory with health. To long life. Amen
-- Anna: Stay clean from drugs.
-- Abe: I request a prayer for my niece who needs to have surgery done soon. Also my friends and family. God bless you.
-- I would like you to pray for me and my family and that my other half and myself will get through this obstacle that has been put in front of us.
-- Pray for people to stop lying to get ahead of everyone else.
-- Ray: Help in getting $450 to register my van, that includes plates and tag.
-- Kevin T.: Help for perseverance and continued faithfulness every day.
-- Please ask our Father above to guide me and my family. Fred (brother), James (Dad), Vicki (sister).

Friday, March 12, 2010

Prayer Requests 3/11/10

Here are the prayer requests from last night's Love in Action feeding.

For those of you who missed the Christ Church events for serve.everybody weekend, it was amazing! More than 1000 people did more than 100 projects for 1 mighty God! View the slideshow at At Hope Central, there were events all weekend: outreach, cleaning, landscaping, free clothing, haircuts, bike raffles, worship services, barbecues, face painting, a family festival. It was incredible!! Truly, love was put into action in a million little ways, across a million little moments. We truly serve a mighty God.

Thank you for keeping this ministry and its guests in your prayers!

He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor.
1 Samuel 2:8

-- For a little girl, Jessica, who put her name in our prayer request bag this week.
-- My grandma wishes to walk without falling.
-- For Jeff and Nicole, getting married on March 19th. Jeff is a wonderful servant and friend, and we pray for blessings in his upcoming marriage to Nicole.
-- For Robert, pray for hope.
-- For Scott, we ask for healing. He's having surgery next week and we ask for wisdom for the physicians working with him.
-- For Randy, Nina,
-- Errol A.W.: To have a job. To help get my loan for my business. I want to see my grandchildren. To have a home and wife. For my family and friends, for them to be well.
-- Abe: Please pray for my health, for my family and friends, that God may bless all of you.
-- Tino: I go on everyday wearing a mask that smiles all the time when my real face has tears coming out of it, a dark cloud hanging over my head with a whispering constant reminder of how I'm going to fail. I'm bleeding while I'm still breathing, I'm just not happy. Isn't my Lord the same today as he was then? Now there's my dilemma. I am now standing in front of a river—I can't go back to where I came from. Maybe feelings of resentment or maybe guilt, shame or maybe just me. I'm asking for a miracle. Asking to walk on water would be absurd. I just need a sign — a word — or open the river. Please, I'm falling apart. Tino is falling apart.
-- Gene: Need work every day.
-- My name is Steve, please pray for me and my dad, brother, his family, and sister and her family. Thank you.
-- To help improve my relationship with my dad.
-- Christ, could you please give Criss peace of mind.
-- Wish for lots of money $$
-- I wish for a job, truck, please.
-- Bryant E. needs leniency in court case. Caroline E. needs help being a single mother with stress, anger, finances, transportation, etc. Healing for my brother's broken leg. Shonth needs restoration with kids. Kuturah needs victory in court case.
-- To change my whole life in Jesus' name. Pray for my family and fiance that I love.
-- Lord, bless me. Please back with Miss C.R.P.W. that we shall be together in Jesus' name. Amen
-- R.J..: For my family indeed. My Jesus, I am ashamed of what I do. Please forgive me. I love you my Lord. Amen
-- L.G.: I really, really need you my Lord. That my life change in the name of Jesus. Amen
-- Kevin T.: Father God and Jesus, I pray to accomplish all things in my life in His timing and will. Father bless you all.
-- Nina: Bless and protect all homeless and neglected animals and their caregivers. Please find them all a home.
-- Napoleon P.
-- Bless my family, my son Joshua, and Shemar.
-- Shonta: I pray that I get a job, a stable place, and my baby back.
-- James: Thank you for the food.
-- Kevin L.: I need prayer for upcoming HIV test. Blasphemy.
-- Lord Jesus, please, that your mercy, your love, your forgiveness will come to me. Please answer my prayers.
-- I pray for my mom, grandmother, grandfather, other loved ones, our country, world, earth, globe.
-- Pray for me to find some work and a place to live.
-- Meera (she's cute, I want her)
-- Dear Christ, please protect Bike Johnny.
-- I pray I have a job and brighter future.
-- Charlie M.
-- Just please watch everybody back home and all the people around. The food and shelters are a blessing. Thank you for always being there, regardless of what happens.
-- I pray for my daughter to stay free.
-- Please say a prayer for Pam.
-- Carlie: Love, peace, and happiness.
-- Clarity of mind and the strength to stay clear of drugs.
-- Prayer for ME, Patrick.
-- I would like a prayer for my friend on the corner. That God move in all our lives. And also my life. Thank you, Jesus, and you all.
-- Greg: That I do better in life.
-- Obed L.
-- Jimmie Lee M.M., J.P., Deena Marie M.M.
-- Christ, please help and love and comfort Lucy or Lenny, Lord. Thank you.
-- Quintiv, rest in peace.
-- Sherrell: a job!!!
-- Pray for Justin.
-- For Savannah
-- For all the people and groups and all they do to help the homeless.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Prayer Requests 3/4/10

Here are the prayer requests from last night's feeding. Thank you for praying for this ministry and its guests!

Listen to me, dear brothers and sisters. Hasn’t God chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith? Aren’t they the ones who will inherit the Kingdom he promised to those who love him? James 2:5

-- For Robert, Scott, Tino, Rocky, Randy
-- Mark W.: I would like to pray for more work and for safety for everyone.
-- Mary: Grandma want to walk again.
-- Pray for peace of mind and a good place to live with Jesus in my heart constantly.
-- Errol A.W.: Pray for my family and friends to have good things in their lives. To have a nice home! To have a good wife. To get a good job and help others. To bless me with the money for my own company, or a loan.
-- I pray for my mom, grandmother, grandfather, other loved ones in heaven, our country, world, earth and the globe.
-- Pat J.: Love and happiness.
-- Sandra M.: I wish I can walk straight.
-- God bless this mess!
-- Please, Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, respond to my prayer.
-- Dear God, please help my people and me to do what we have to do everyday and keep me and us close together. Amen.
-- Thank you for dinner.
-- Pain in my legs.
-- Please pray for my safety.
-- Por mis amigos. (For my friends.)
-- My partner lost his mustard seed. Help, I'm in foreclosure.
-- I need prayer for a job, my health, and my own place and a clean lifestyle.
-- Pray for my friend Thayra and her sons and brother. Thank you.
-- God to deliver me completely, to have a job, housing, school, transportation, and spiritual purpose.
-- Instead of M.E. try WE
-- My name is Savannah. I would like for y'all to pray for myself and my three kids, Jacob, Avant, and Jaqua, for us to be safe and for me to get them back.
-- Dora W., my landlady, for pain.
-- Cordell F.: That I can find a ministry that I can volunteer in.
-- For a job. To be drug-free. Financial blessing.
-- Sleon T.: Job. Pick 3 hit.
-- Pray for those who don't know Jesus. Pray for those who don't preach the Word of God. The harvest is full.
-- Abe: Please pray for me, my family, and all of my friends, please.
-- Kevin T.: A safe place of refuge to live and sleep and eat.
-- Nina: Bless all the homeless and abandoned and neglected pets and animals. Keep them safe and fed and bless the caregivers as well.
-- Please pray for my friends Scott, Jack, and Kent to straighten their lives out and be HAPPY :)
-- For Larry M. to get work.
-- Lennox B.: I need good health and good living conditions.
-- For a March and April.
-- Need my boyfriend to make it alright in courtroom.
-- Michael E.: I ask you, Lord, to teach me to pray. I ask you, Lord, to strengthen my faith.
-- Please take care of my friends and see them happy. YOU know who they are!!!
-- Please pray for Jack, Matt, Kent, my friends that are out here with me that help keep me safe.
-- Lord, I ask you to help Nelli with her cancer, and bring happiness and joy into her life, and bring her kids closer in her life, and place her grandkids closer to her, and take alcohol and pills out of her life.
-- Roger
-- God is a bullshit artist.
-- Please help Jonathan and I to stay in our home long enough to find jobs and another place to go. Please keep us healthy. Bless my children Josh, Nicole, Haylee, Michael, Mallala, and my unborn twin grandchildren. Please keep Jonathan and I together no matter what and help us remember we love each other.
-- Bryant E. needs fair sentencing. Caroline E. needs peace of mind (very stressful and worried for son Katura's court situation). Direction from God on what He wants me to do.
-- For work, please.
-- Carl and Richard: a job and a home.
-- Love and patience for everybody.
-- Dear Jesus, please watch out for Dennise and teach him.
-- Tony L.: Lord, keep your angel, protect and lead me in right direction, and praise you, Lord, I love you.
-- For Derek S.: Needs strength to quit drinking and drugs, and a job.
-- Pray for mom.
-- Pray for me to find a job and a place to live.
-- Please, please pray for a working economy! Thank you all!
-- Stan: Please bring Pansy H. to the Lord. She's so spiritual and so blessed and I love her so much but it's all that "new age" stuff. In Jesus' name I pray.
-- Please lift up and strengthen Scotty G. He's struggling with pills he has to take (wounded Marine vet). In Jesus' name I pray.
-- Please pray for Mike H. He has cancer.
-- Kervin E.: That I am blessed with a way back home! I live in Anniston, AL.
-- For world peace.
-- My name is Angela C. from Nebraska. Pray for my mom and dad and baby.