Thursday, June 28, 2012

Prayer Requests 6/28/12

Greetings, the prayer requests from last week's Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for your faithfulness!


My dear children, let's not just talk about love; let's practice real love. This is the only way we'll know we're living truly, living in God's reality. It's also the way to shut down debilitating self-criticism, even when there is something to it. For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves.
1 John 3:18-20 (MSG)

-- World peace
-- B. Rogers: World peace; love of Jesus in hearts of mankind.
-- God bless our Pastor Pery.
-- Earl: From this day forward until Jesus comes again that my life lines up with His will.
-- I wish I had a house.
-- R. Jackson: Football and a basketball.
-- Nikolas: I need shoes.
-- Kevin: Lord, please provide a new, safe home for me.
-- Stephen: Pray that I wait patiently on God to resolve my financial and employment problems.
-- Pray for Courtney to see her father.
-- Greg: God, I wish to get with Amber or the other big chested blonde I have been interested in years.
-- Dear Lord, keep me out of the courthouse and bless that I don't go to jail or program. Bless me that I get an apartment and bless the homeless people. Amen. Thank you, Father.
-- Please remove what is attacking my lip. The doctor said it was skin, but I say it is a lump and remove it. Thank you for the opportunity to love you and pray to you a lot. I love you, Father.
-- A. Simmonds: Pray for me. I am sick in the body.
-- Pray for Amber and Thomas.
-- God bless everyone with what they need.
-- N. Lawler Jr.: Pray that I get my life together and my soul to God and that I never go to prison again.
-- Bless John in his heart with love, and thank you for showing up for him in a big way. You dropped the restraining order. That is good for him, but now I need a breakthrough in my life. Bless Mr. Pery and Mr. Tim. Please keep Lauren and Randy harm free. I hope to see them soon. I hope they grow up knowing you. Bless Jose on his July 12 court date. I need warrior clothes that fit me and an apartment security deposit and the apartment itself so by the 4th I receive it in your glory.
-- Just give thanks. Every day is Happy Thanksgiving.
-- John, Ebony, Shananiah: Pray for us financially and pray we get housing.
-- Pray for Carol C. so she can work out, with immigration her issue. Pray for Tonya S. for her house not to go into foreclosure.
-- Pery, you are made of gold. Thank you for being an angel. God bless!
-- Remember Clark in prayer that he is okay and he will contact someone. Keep him safe.
-- F. Petersen: I pray that the Lord brings my wife to justice for stabbing me in the head 4 times. May the Lord continue to bless me.
-- Pray for John with his newborn baby, Bean.
-- Pray for Sharrea to get better fast; for Gail L. with good health and her pregnancy.
-- Pray for Melvin M. that he makes it to Orlando to stay at the hotel. Pray for good health: Undray L., Jackio B., Zydon F.
-- I pray for success for Juliet, Andrea, Annabel, Austin, Avery - continued health as well.
-- S.M./J.M.: Pray for my grandma.
-- Lord, thank you for everything. I have 2 jobs and holding my own apartment.
-- Please help me find a job and a home. Please pray.
-- Dear God, I need money, furniture, clothes, please pray for my mom and dad.
-- Please pray for the Dixon family in Pompano Beach.
-- Please pray for financial prosperity.
-- Please pray for me, as I need prayer for health, job, and to get to know God better and understand him better.
-- Adreanna: I want God to continue to bless me and my family. Keep us strong, healthy and happy, and my pregnancy to go easy and safe. Thank you.
-- Tim P.: Overcome addiction and get work.
-- Deliver and save all of God's people.
-- Pray that the government stops harassing the homeless mostly when they say we can contribute. That the sea turtles are able to hatch this season and for people's health.
-- I pray that these people will quit trying to suck me back into this kind of life.
-- Frank: God love Frank, Mary.
-- A. Walton: Need healing prayer.
-- R. Baptiste: For strength in work, job, home.
-- I pray to see my children Robert and Sandra.
-- We shall all have patience and leave it in God's Hands. He will handle it because I believe!
-- B. Rogers: This request is for brother Mike and Melissa, that Jesus will help them understand the meaning of real love in Jesus Christ.
-- M. Harrel: Can you  please pray for me to keep the job I have and get a place to lay my head?
-- Please say a prayer for the homeless worldwide and bless all mankind. God is magnificent!
-- C. Wilkins: I pray for victory, salvation, supernatural blessings, and healing. I pray for spiritual guides, strength, peace and happiness. Amen
-- I hope for an improved independence and financial security. I wish for health for me and my family. I wish for true love in my life. I feel almost nothing now. Pray that I find the right direction.
-- Thank you, Father, for your grace. Father, if it be your will, I need financial blessing immediately, cab fare, bus pass. May I keep it in my pants long enough to pray over it.
-- Father, I ask humbly for your provision, safety in a physical way. Thank you for the people who love you here, for their help and hearts that want to serve your glory. Bless the little children.
-- Praise God! For prayers answered. Mike C. was not found dead behind a dumpster. He was seen on Powerline and Atlantic Blvd. yesterday afternoon! He's alive!
-- Please include my grandmother, as she is having hip problems. Look after Love in Action volunteers. Bless good health with my friends and family. Please bless my new relationships.
-- L. Joseph: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of Lord God, King of Israel (Psalm 118:26). Pray that the Almighty God have mercy on me. Bless and open the doors I need to provide for my family, forgiveness of sins, to open doors of employment, and financial stability. I ask in the name of Jesus.
-- A. Naughton: Prayers for children - Anthony Thomas, Alexis Brooke, Nickolas - let them be safe, happy, and know they are in my heart and soul. Prayers for my sister Jackie, husband Perry, niece Teresa, nephew CJ, Nickolas; may they be financially safe and happy protected by your love. Prayers for my late mom, Barbara, my late grandma, Helen G., cousin, Joann, wherever she may be. May she be prospering in your love and protection. Prayers for my cousin Joyce, may she be happy and safe. Prayers for my brothers and sisters in Marine Corp. May your love protect and comfort them as they serve our country and come home safe. Prayers for the love of my life. May P.N. and her family be protected from the typhoon in the Philippines. May your love shelter her until I can be with her.
-- Thanks for the work you have given me. I appreciate all you have done and yet to do for me.
-- Scott: Please pray for my sister during her surgery and recovery. Pray that my trip to New Jersey is safe.
-- For the Mullen family.
-- For Gypsy's health.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Prayer Requests 6/21/12

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for praying for this ministry and its guests!


"'This is what the Almighty Lord says: I will search for my sheep myself, and I will look after them. As a shepherd looks after his flock when he is with his scattered sheep, so I will look after my sheep. I will rescue them on a cloudy and gloomy day from every place where they have been scattered.'"
Ezekiel 34:11-12 (NLT)

-- Randy R.
-- Pray for my brother, William, for making the Lord’s choice of kicking me out, for the better of him & love.
-- Bless Dasyria, Shemae, Joshua, David, my family. Bless us.
-- Jeff: Small go 2 heaven in 3,000,000 years. 101 JK stay outa jail.
-- Anita T.: My prayer request is to first get right with God & also find a job, clothes and all the things I need. In Jesus name, Amen. Thanks, God bless.
-- World peace.
-- Pray for the homeless, sick and shut-ins, people around the world.
-- For Mike & Melisa, that the Lord Jesus would please meet everyone of their needs ASAP. Thank you Lord.
-- Anthony D.: Please pray for me, my family and Karen B, and all those I left out. Please God, pray for us.
-- Football & basketball (written by a child)
-- Please pray for the atmosphere between the homeless persons clears up and gets better & respectful. Pray for patience for all volunteers.
-- Nicole: Father, thank you for your grace. Thank you for getting me through humble attack and the rape. Thank you for your faithfulness. I humbly ask you to provide Godly doctors that need to do the procedures. Bless their hands and not to mess my organs up, please. Thank you, you gave me a full functioning woman womb and no infection or any of that stuff of venereal diseases, the cops need to arrest the man now, God, so if that be in your plan have your way. Please don’t let me suffer anymore. I need a really big breakthrough and Father, I also am believing for a miracle financially. I need to pay a vow to you and to buy an apartment and the security deposit I need for a rent. If it be your will, Father, may I have your favor on me financially, even now so I can do something with my circumstances. You are my provider so I look to you for the help. Thank you, Father, I still need some documents and the $ for the fees, but I’m trusting you. Can you bless the crown of my head with my thick hair growth back and my long hair for your glory? May I have a P/T job, preferably in a salon, Father, even though I don’t have my certificates yet? Bless the guy who stole my stuff and made me buy him some food. Bless my friend Jose. Father, may I have the money to buy a bus pass so I can get to the doctors? May I have the change to purchase toilet tissue and feminine items? When the doctors look at me again, may they have your hands? I love you.
-- Stephen: Pray that my quest for a job be God’s will, that He bless my efforts and give me strength to deal with rejection and push forward.
-- Lord Jesus, please bless Izetta and Dontay with everything.
-- K.O.: My God, thank you for safety. I need to have a job. I need to have bus pass and pay for a lawyer. Please bless me.
-- Frank: God love Mary & Frank.
-- I pray to God that He stops the mother of my daughter from selling my daughter for money because it is wrong and she is lost completely. (I’m not joking about this.)
-- Al: No more hate.
-- Please pray for Sebastian to talk soon.
-- God, please give me my daughter back. Amen.
-- Angel R.: Please pray for my mom’s health and also for me and that God will guide me and lead me for what I have to do.
-- Helen: I am looking for an apartment. I need somewhere to live. I have the money.
-- I wish I had a big house. I wish I had a house with my mother and brother. (written by a child)
-- Jobless the world.
-- Pray that Harvey gets to see his kids!! P.S. Need pair of shoes as well.
-- Gregory D.: Please Lord, bless me with your wishes and grace and mercy!
-- My life back.
-- Annette: Asking for God to please find me a place to live that’s not rat infested. Amen.
-- Thanks for the help. Thanks for the many blessings and prayers. I hope to see my son next week.
-- Jessica M.: Pray for my mom. (written by a child)
-- Riley: Please pray for me and my husband to get this apt on Tuesday and bless us.
-- Please pray for me and my family. I also would like prayers for the volunteers.
-- Please watch out for my family & improve their situations. Let me get back on the good side of my job. Please let me find & have true love.
-- Zebiah: Dear God, I need some clothes, shoes, furniture, money, praying for my mom, and praying to let me go to summer camp, please. Sincerely. (written by a child)
-- Randy J.: Football, basketball, bus pass.
-- Ronnie and Debra need God’s blessings for financial. Our house can be re-opened up with $1,000. We give all praises to God. God bless all of us!
-- Please pray for Mariel, Arlene, Antonette, Alicia, Alvin, Tony & James, especially Jeremiah. Thank you, God, for answering release for Ricky & job. Please he get through his school efforts & answers God’s total call for his life. Thank God for all His help. Ms. Bogaloo’s sister died. President Obama, Love in Action, Onika, Nicky, Marvisha, Craig, Cassandra, Shelly & family, Gwen & Kerry, Ms. Dianne, Debbie, P.C. and church at 1100.
-- Ellen: Suzanne and Pery are well. Andrew and Austin do well and Andrew stops yelling at Austin and starts to talk. Annabel and Juliet stay well and lots of luck to Juliet.
-- Thomas: Safety, a career and a place to call home.
-- Please pray that Tim and Brenda will find work and a new place to live. In Jesus name. God bless.
-- God, please pray for me and my family.
-- Nikolas: I pray for work boots or tennis shoes, preferably high tops. Also for work, I believe & know that it will happen if you pray for all bros & sisters.
-- Pray for Timothy S. and Shirley T. to come closer to the Lord or God & financially.
-- Thank God for the small blessings we don’t notice!!
-- My mom, dad and 2 brothers.
-- Pray for all the people and churches who provide the love and compassion, food and clothes. For everyone who helps when need arises.
-- Fawna
-- Fausting W.: Father God, I thank you for your mercy and grace, and forgiveness. I ask for peace in my life and a job, a better place of my own to live. Please help me, Father God, I ask in Christ Jesus name. Amen.
-- To be good.
-- Lois J.: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord God, King of Israel. Psalm 118:26. Please pray the Lord that what’s impossible for me to achieve becomes possible in my life and to make a way out of no way for my daughter and I to survive a job and not to become homeless. Sincerely.
-- Need prayers for a job and shelter. Struggling with Satan and his demons. Keep away from Satan!!!!!
-- Clureliues: Father God, I want to thank you for life’s blessings in keeping me in your favor. Father God, keep hands on me everyday. Keep Sharon and Faustina in good health and straight and can you keep me out of harm's way. Keep Sharon on the straight and narrow. In Jesus name, Amen.
-- Por la armonía y la felicidad de mi familia y la mia. Gracias senor. En el nombre de mi senor jesncristo. (Translated: For harmony and happiness of my family and mine. Thank you sir. In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ.)
-- For the Mullen family.
-- For Gypsy's health.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Prayer Requests 6/14/12

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below.

Thanks for your prayers for this ministry and our guests!


You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth? It certainly isn’t God, for he is the one who called you to freedom. This false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough! I am trusting the Lord to keep you from believing false teachings. God will judge that person, whoever he is, who has been confusing you.
Galatians 5:7-10 (NLT)

-- Pray for Carol C. — immigration matters. Hope they all work out. Pray for Undray, Gail, Jeikio, Zydon for good health & prosperity.
-- Lord Jesus Christ, please give me a bus pass.
-- World Peace.
-- Ebony & Shaniarach: Pray for us to get housing and jobs. In Jesus name.
-- Larry: Pray for healing rheumatoid arthritis.
-- Pray for Tanya S., house is going into foreclosure. Pray that the bank works it out with her. Pray for Melvin M. Sr. & Jr. for good health and for Jr. to make it up to Orlando.
-- Watch over my children, God, and my family!!
-- Lois J.: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, King of Israel. Psalm 118:26. I just thank God for being alive & asking that my trials are not severe and when I’m knocked down that I’m able to stand with His great strength & victory.
-- Zebiah M.
-- Tim: I like that song “I Can Only Imagine.” Thanks.
-- James G.
-- Please help me through each day & soon to have a home.
-- Roland W.: Pray for felony case to be dismissed in court. Thank you.
-- James AKA Mushu: I would like to pray for my brother that’s in prison and that he makes a safe trip when he gets released.
-- God, please help me, I’m strong but my will is being tested, but with your love and the faith I have in you, I will persevere! 
-- Peaches Jones H.
-- My scars go away.
-- Faucting W.: Father God, I ask for a safe place to live. To heal my heart, mind and soul. Protect me from the enemy. Amen.
-- Reynold B.
-- Edwin S.: My God, continue to bless the world with His love and also another job for me, I pray for health & protection. In Jesus name.
-- I submit for my prayer that I would have the strength to do my new job and that me and my daughter's relationship be mended.
-- Solage N.: Please pray for answers concerning Mike C. a former homeless person, who they say was found behind a dumpster. He was gay. Pray that he is alive and OK.
-- I want my family back.
-- Tommy O.
-- Michael Angelo C.: Goodwill & peace to the world & everybody. Amen.
-- Anthony D.: Please pray for me, my family, my kids and my crazy old lady.
-- Frank: God love Mary & Frank.
-- Kevin B.: I would like you to pray for my family, John, John Shawn, Ad, Jr, DD and all our nieces. Thank you.
-- Annette: I’m asking to remove the rat out of my house, I’m scared. And that I be removed into somewhere better for my living.
-- Alonzo J.: Please pray for me and my friend a place to stay and a job.
-- Karen: Please pray for kids I have & grandkids, my baby’s father’s nieces, nephews, grandparents, parents & world peace & compassion with respect for others.
-- I pray that all of our families are & stay well. They pick back up in the word and praise the Lord & daily give thanks. Me & my wife continue to stay in the word. Jobs come & stay. When what we are to be at strikes, everyone holds on & learns what God wants & has in store.
-- Nicole: Father, thank you for your grace. Please stop the criminal activity that’s been wanting to swallow up most of this year already. Restrain paper, cops, couas went helping. And I forgive the unspiritual educated hard hearted person who cut me down like I was nothing. It’s the same guy I asked you a few weeks ago to let live and I prayed the whole week you gave him a heart surgery. Now just who today did you allow all that yeah-yeah and stuff that came out of that man to be directed at me? I’m living your story. My life is a story of His story. Do not allow wicked hearts to cut me apart, Father, not physically or any other way. Every action I do I get a scripture to back me up. This evil hearted person that screamed at me, told me to grow up and get off the street, too. You should silence the wicked tongue and make that same person talk good loving things to your glory, Father. Please allow my crown of my hair to be grown back. At least throughout the next 6 months? I ask for your glory? Take the hollow point bullets and the gun it belongs to away from the guy who owns it. Let him pick up the Bible as a weapon I have too. Thank you for that privilege Father. I love you. Can someone please open up a Christian-based shelter for abused people, if Jesus isn’t welcome in the other ones there has got to be some somewhere where Jesus is welcome. Praise God for beautiful hearts here working. Love You.
-- Please pray for Harry. He has had a series of unfortunate events happen to him. Please help him to strengthen his faith. Thank you.
-- I wish I had a iPod tuch and a fon when I am ten for a song. When I am 11 a iPod tuch. (written by a child)
-- Marvin R.: Trip home.
-- I, James will like the prayer team to pray for me about my court date on June 26th at 9AM that the Lord will work things out for me and keep me in His hand of care for me and my loved one. Thank you Lord of God, Amen.
-- Please pray for me and my children and the homeless and the ones that entertain us every Thursday.
-- Father, I have enough. I want to come home.
-- That your church may follow its own rules and think of the people that do follow the rules. If there are sick children making a lot of noise, have them go to the back. Peace.
-- Robert B.: For strength and perseverance through time of need and understanding.
-- I, Matthew C., request for my apartment to be approved and for me to move in soon and to get a money blessing. In Jesus name.
-- Aurelius T.: Father God, thank you for another life and Faustina, my sister/aunt, friends. Father, keep hands on Sharon that she make it in life, and keep me whole in Jesus name, Amen.
-- Randy J.: Football & basketball for my kids.
-- Jerome V.: I pray for my family and friends who lost their loved ones. I also pray for help with my financial situation. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
-- O’Neil J.: I love God and I want a phone, a tuchscreame phone for my next Chirasmast. (written by a child)
-- My prayer is for everyone here and Tuesday is the day I leave and please pray for me each and everyday. Thanks. Hope for all the blessing that was given to me and help.
-- Pray for full recovery of the job and get off the streets.
-- Please pray for me and Shon, we are trying to get a place to stay. We need all the prayer, thanks.
-- Lord, may we live each day as an eternal day portioned off to us. Amen
-- Conyers: I first want to give God praise & glory for life, love and everything that He allows in our lives. I ask God to continue to be a part of ME & MY HUSBAND’s lives as well as the world. I have a song request “I give myself away”. God bless everyone, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
-- Samuel H.: God bless you.
-- Help me.
-- Robert Earl B.: To get back with Jesus, the way it used to be.
-- Please pray for family and friends and our troops.
-- Please bless the S. family, Tim, Shirle.
-- Edward H.: I need money for repairs and pay my insurance on my van. I need insurance before end of this month.
-- Angel R.: My request is to please pray for my mother’s health, please and her husband. And also for me so God will guide me.
-- C. & S. family: Financial blessing for my family so we can keep our apartment. I need a job and my fiancé starts probation. Please let him be successful in it. And help us to get disability for him.
-- For the Mullen family.
-- For Errol's health, for Gypsy's health.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Prayer Requests 6/7/12

The prayer requests from last Thursday's Love in Action meal are below.

Thank you for holding this ministry and our guests in your prayers!


But if I were you, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before him. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. He provides rain for the earth; he sends water on the countryside. The lowly he sets on high, and those who mourn are lifted to safety. He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success. He catches the wise in their craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are swept away. Darkness comes upon them in the daytime; at noon they grope as in the night. He saves the needy from the sword in their mouth; he saves them from the clutches of the powerful. So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth.
Job 5:8-16 (NIV)

-- G. R.: I love God. I hope he will bless me.
-- Prayers for family, wife, sister, brother, a job, and a place to stay.
-- David P.: Please pray for my family and separation from each other to do the hard trials and tribulations of my life. Thank you and God bless.
-- That my probation officer does not violate me for some technical violation.
-- Pray for me and my family. Pray that I can find a steady job.
-- Thank you, Lord, for everything you give us.
-- My dear God, excuse me for my bad life. I need help finding a job and I need a card for phone and a bus pass because I need a job.
-- Deliverance from drugs.
-- Please pray for the homeless that their burdens be lifted and they find peace.
-- Keith: Pray for me to do the will of God.
-- God bless everybody and everything we need. Bless Izetta and Dontay with every need.
-- Pray for more prayer for Shibra.
-- Lord, I need your help when I go to court on June 26th, that I will not get put into jail and the judge will have mercy.  Psalm 91
-- Please pray for Patrick to get better.
-- Zebiah M.: Dear God, my mom and I need clothes, new shoes, money, furniture.
-- Arnez S.: Please pray for Patrick and help me find a job. Save my home and life. Thank you, Lord,  for the church feeding. Bless my friends.
-- Tony: Thank you, Lord, for this food. Please pray for me and my family.
-- Please pray for my family — Aurora, Adam, and John. I miss them.
-- Turtle John: Please pray that our friend Patrick comes out okay. Bless the sea turtles as it is going to be a busy season. Pray for my health.
-- Friends and family.
-- God, please protect me and my loved ones.
-- Health for Hester, Joey, Richard, Joey O. Work for me.
-- The Beasley Family: Please pray for me and my family. Thank you.
-- Deliver me from unhealthy relationships. Love me for me and not for worldly. Bless me with a peaceful place to stay.
-- Prayer for all the church at this church.
-- William M.: Please pray for a good wife for me.
-- Dear Lord, bless Patrick.
-- Elvis F.: Friendship, love, job, place to live, and for us to be safe under the bridge.
-- Patrick's well-being, members of Love in Action, sponsors, meatloaf night, Javanto, Tamisha, Marlene, Angie, Angela, Jon, Rico.
-- Stretch: May Shelley have a speedy recovery.
-- Heavenly Father, I pray that you release me from my addiction.
-- Lois J.: Blessed is that cometh in the name of Lord King of Israel (Psalms 1118:26). Please pray for my family that we are protected and covered in blessings to survive in this world. Thank you, Lord.
--  Father, thank you for keeping me blessed with life, Father. Keep hands on all my friends. Amen
-- God, please bless me and my family and heal from my sickness. We need it. Thank you.
-- K.S.: Prayer changes things cause no matter what I do I confess my sins to God. Please bless me and fulfill my life. Thank you, Jesus.
-- To bring to the Lord and a deeper walk — Christopher, Sean, Patrick, Jonathon, Joseph. For me, employment, and for the Lord to bless you all. Obey the Lord.
-- Tyrone F.: Please help my wife, family, and myself  succeed in life. Please Jesus, we need your help.
-- Pray that I get back on my feet. Bring my 3 kids back home. Get a job. That my 3 kids and husband get it right. Keep my brothers and sisters safe.
-- Prayers for the love of my life, May N. May her love keep me honest, safe, young, and may we enjoy the rest of our life together. Thank you for bringing her to me. Prayers for my sister and her family — Jackie, Hoar, Perry, CJ, Teresa, may her unborn child be safe, healthy, strong. Prayers for my children — Anthony Thomas N., Alexis Brooke N., and Nicholas. May they know in their heart that they are loved, missed, and needed. Please keep them safe in your love, Lord. Prayers for the sick, suffering, homeless who need to get off the street, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and their pride. Keep them lifted in your love, and protect them from harm from their enemies, city of Ft. Lauderdale, and police force. Prayers for Shawna, that she gets help getting away from her situation and back home to those who love her. Prayers for myself so that I can get off the streets, get my ID, get back to work. Thank you, Lord, for all you do and have given me.
-- Thank you, God, for this meal. Please pray for me, John M., my ex- wife, daughter, Bernedette, Christina, my mother Patty L. and ex-mother-in-law, Wanda, for my 2 sons, Stephen G. and Sean K. For all the homeless men and women, children and families, Jerry, and all the people who prepare this meal every week. THANK GOD!
-- For the Mullen family.
-- For Errol's health, for Gypsy's health.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.