Thursday, May 31, 2012

Prayer Requests 5/31/12

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for this ministry and our guests!


Live together in peace with each other. Don’t be proud, but be willing to be friends with people who are not important to others. Don’t think of yourself as smarter than everyone else. If someone does you wrong, don’t try to pay them back by hurting them. Try to do what everyone thinks is right. Do the best you can to live in peace with everyone.
Romans 12:16-18 (ERV)

-- Bro Andrew is praying for a stable job that’s real good with good bonus and an apartment.
-- Gerald R.: Lord, help me to keep my house. Bless me.
-- I am asking Jesus, the people to keep on praying for me to stay clean from drugs. So far I have been clean for 3 weeks.
-- Reid: Keep me safe, Lord.
-- Father, thank you for your grace. Thank you for your provision to buy me the security deposit and rent for an apartment, 1 bedroom preferably but you are in control.
-- Feed me.
-- God bless you.
-- Immediately gainfully employed, Love in Action & Coral Springs Church, and Carlen. Success with my CAN license & ID renewal. God’s purpose fulfilled in my life for this soon.
-- Thank you for arresting the abusive man for his wrongdoing to me but may you make his heart softer. Thank you for clothing and shoes. Thank you that they fit and I won’t get no blisters. Thank you for hydrating me.
-- I have faith that everyone come to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus. Amen!
-- Otis C.W.: I thank God first of all! A large financial blessing and more wisdom and more courage to make a difference. Pray for my family, keep us safe.
-- God watch over my children. God bless.
-- Joseph-n-Kimberly: Free from drugs and evil.
-- Louis: Pery, for you and your wife, may both have peace. Will always care for you.
-- Keith: That you have mercy on me. That I get a job, a place to call my own.
-- Eric L.: I need verification & help with my relationships. I would like to get a job by my birthday (10/17)
-- Thank you, Father, for what you did for me on a cross so I didn’t have to. Lord, if it be your will, may I have enough money to travel to see Randy, Lauren? Thank you for Mr. Pery and them giving me a purse. God bless Mr. Pery and Mr. Tim. I love you. Lids so they don’t show a lump from the chemicals John put on me. Thank you Father for helping the hair on my scalp be my natural color look and thickness and for you giving me my crown back.
-- For my family and my friends.
-- Please pray for my friend Jonathan for his temper.
-- Michael T.: My mother will be 93 on August 11th and she has not accepted the Lord in her life. She survived Nazi Germany where she is from. She lives in Royal Oak, Michigan with my sister. She also has dementia. Please pray.
-- Please pray for us a job, school & housing. To also help me stay clean and sober.
-- Lois J.: I need prayer to be successful on my job. I need mercy and to be blessed with good health, prosperity and loving kindness and not to have to struggle so much. Sincerely.
-- Prayer for family, wife, brother, sister, a place to stay, a job, financial.
-- Dear God, please watch over everyone who I have met and my family. Times are tough and people need help and guidance.
-- Anthony N.: Prayers for my children, Anthony T., Alexis B., Nicholas to be safe, loved and know that I love them and miss them. Prayers for my sister and her family, Jackie, Perry, kids Christopher, Teresa and unborn ready to come out, my cousin Joyce and her daughter, my deceased mom Barbara G., deceased grandmother Helen G., deceased cousin Joyce G. Prayers for all my friends and classmates from Pequannock Township High School for continued success. Prayers for my friends around the world, including the Philippines, that they are safe through their typhoon. Prayers for my friend Jeff D. and his family, wife Lisa, daughter Dyana, son-in-law Matt, that his changes to his business increase business and success. Prayers for the love of my life, May, her son and her family. Keep her safe and protected in your love until I am with her and able to do that. Prayers for me that my gout will finally go away and enable me to start working soon. Prayers for me to get what I need for my ID, purposes so I can seek shelter, employment and get off the streets. Prayers for all the world leaders who are suppressing the rights and freedom of their people, big and small municipalities, that they are awakened in your love and find compassion, love and respect for all their people.
-- Michael T.: This prayer request is for myself this time. I applied for Disability, SSI and Social Security benefits. The Social Security Administration sent me a letter and said I didn’t qualify for any benefits. I’ll be 62 in a month and I’ve worked on the books since I was 18. When I became homeless I worked off the books. I need the Lord’s help. It will benefit not only me , but quite a few others as well.
-- Pray for peace & compassion among the homeless. Pray that their needs be met, not wants but needs.
-- Clay M.: Dear Lord my Father, please stop me from fighting and drinking and help me get off the streets. Love you.
-- Mark B.: Family & friend to be safe and blessed.
-- I pray for Jamalle because he needs to learn how to treat people. He is arrogant and he don’t need to work around people and he beg for money too.
-- Karen B.: Pray for my children & grandchildren & myself.
-- For guidance & acceptance in others. To be patient and content in one self.
-- God love Mary & Frank.
-- Please pray for Christ Church & New Life Church that all burdens are financially fulfilled and more volunteers come forward, physically and financial means flow into Christ Church so they can help more people.
-- Dear Lord, may we dwell in your spirit. Amen.
-- For Hoster, my mother, Richard and Joey and Joey O. For good health and maybe a job for me too.
-- Please resolve Andrew’s plumbing issues. Prayers for Austin and Avery’s good health.
-- Please pray for Debbie & Floyd. Debbie was hit by a car approx. 2 ½ weeks to a month ago. That she regains her strength and that Floyd pulls out of his depression. Pray for Clara R. that she gets physically and emotionally better.
-- Fawna
-- Pido por la felicidad de un familia gringa. Porque no tergamor miar corecti material. (translated: I pray for the happiness of a family girl …. ?)
-- I go to court 6/6/12. Help me. I love you.
-- Please pray for my family.
-- Aaron W.: Healing prayer.
-- Please pray for Necole to buy some clothes.
-- Don: God bless you in Jesus love. You and Jesus name I pray. Amen
-- Patrick J.: What on earth am I here for? I serve you.
-- Keti O.: I need take a job. This is necessary for my life.
-- God, please bless and deliver my siblings.
-- Miguel: Please pray for me and my family, that I find a job and to be a better person.
-- Eric S.: I need prayer for healing from my stomach pain. I need prayer to find a place to live & I need God’s help!
-- James G.
-- Ivan D.: I ask for prayer from addiction.
-- Dios Bendice cada deambulante en este dia de hoy ... Oracion a los fallecido y fortaleza a las familia. (translated: God bless every homeless person in this present day ... Prayer for the deceased and for family strength.)
-- Nepolius P.
-- Keep a shield of protection around my children.
-- How about some old fashioned hymns for the musical portion? Such as “How Great Thou Art” and “I Saw The Light”. These are still great songs!
-- Prayer request for me and Cathy and all the people of this church.
-- Alice F.: Please pray for me for better health and a closer walk with God.
-- For the Mullen family.
-- For Errol's health, for Gypsy's health.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Prayer Requests 5/24/12

The prayer requests from last week's Love in Action feeding are below. Thank you for your prayers!


He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the Lord’s, and he has set the world in order.
1 Samuel 2:8 (NLT)

-- Dear God, it is me again. Is it okay if I ask for the same things? I want furniture, money, and clothes.
-- Father, thank you for life, my kids, my mother, sister, godmother. Father, brother, in your name we pray. Amen.
-- Pray for Tanya S., Mitzie C., Melvin M. Sr., Melvin M. Jr., Undray L., Gail L. For things to get better.
-- Randy J.: Football and basketball for my kids.
-- God love Frank and Mary.
-- P/Z: Deliverance for my kids.
-- Edward H.: I applied for disability (I don't  see myself as disabled). I want to see myself as God sees me. I have had broken bones and head damage, broken leg, and many more. I should have been paid a long time ago. I need God. I need what Jesus says I need.
-- Pray that me and my girlfriend have enough money to pay our rent.
-- Pray for my family, wife, and brother.
-- I need prayer for me and my relations.
-- Please pray for Doug - helping him to fight his addiction and a job.
-- Please pray for peace and healing in my life, for I want to leave this world.
-- Father, thank you for your grace. Bless Mr. Pery and his wife. May the sun shine more. May I have a financial blessing. Jesus, I need a security deposit for an apartment. Father, lower the cost of living so we can afford an apartment. Bless Mr. Tim. Bless Jose reading the Bible. I love you, Jesus.
-- Pray for me - patience, a large financial blessing, guidance, strength, more like Christ.
-- Love for all God's children - thank you!
-- J. Bean: Pray for my grandkids and Zydon L.
-- Luke J.: Pray for my family. Thank you for all that you do!
-- Gary R.: Please pray for my friend Keith A. He has had a hard life since the age of 11. His disabilities have not stopped him. I want a better life for him in this world. He definitely deserves it. Thanks.
-- Frederick M.: I thank you, God, for everything you do for me. Pray for my family.
-- Pray for me and my family.
-- God grant me the serenity.
-- Ronnie and Debra need financial blessings! Praying that we will receive shelter from God.
-- Richard: Keep LIA strong. Thanks to God for bringing Kathy. Help them to soar to the next level. Bless Jon and Diane with all her needs. Revival among our homeless/youth/families, Pery/Susanne and family. Pray for forgiveness.
-- Edward H.: I thank God for all of you and I want to pray for you. I have needs but God tells me to seek Him and all things shall be added.
-- Pray for every need one deserves.
-- Thank God for allowing me to be able to visit my family last Christmas and I wish to visit them more often.
-- Lori J.: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord — Psalm 118:26. I pray you have mercy on me and my family; to keep the job I have; help me be successful and prosperous in accomplishing what is expected of me. Please take away all sorrow and pain.
-- Thomas S.: Please pray for me.
-- Beasley: Please pray for me and my family. Thank you.
-- Tony: Lord, I thank you for everything including your love.
-- El: Pery and Suzanne stay strong. Andrea, Juliet, Austin, and Avery, I love you.
-- Edward H.: God is able to use all of us in a way our world does not understand. I pray for you. You pray for me.
-- Lisa: Please pray for 3 of my sons (Charlie, Scott, Christopher). Please pray for me.
-- Father God, thank you for giving me life. Lay hands on Sharon and Faustina. In your name I pray, Amen.
-- Dear Lord, thirst for me and draw me into your sacred heart through your holy heart. Spirit, oh heavenly eternal Father and Immortal One.
-- Please pray that the problems of the homeless, healthcare start getting better. Looking at gall bladder surgery - pray it is no longer needed. Thank you and God bless.
-- For the Mullen family.
-- For Errol's health, for Gypsy's health.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Prayer Requests 5/17/12

The prayer requests from last Thursday's Love in Action meal are below.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers!

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

-- Rubeok: Prayers for family, wife, brother, sister; a place to stay and for myself.
-- Apache: God, please bless everyone. Hope they listen.
-- Howard L.: Pray that I get to NY for my son Kalvin's high school  graduation and that he can go to his prom. Pray that our world will  get better with each new day.
-- Zebiah: Mom and I need money, furniture, clothes, food. God, please bless us.
-- Request prayers for Suzanne whose father died. May she find comfort, healing, and peace as she begins a new chapter in life without her father.
-- Father, thank you for your grace. Humbly I come before your throne to request a financial blessing so that I can pay a vow to you and afford an apartment and the security deposit. My identity was stolen and I am asking that all the original copies be returned. How can I get my adoption papers returned if they are sealed. I haven't  received enough blessings to afford a lawyer. You will provide. I am waiting but I am showing you my faith. I need to take steps to help myself. I need the documents. Thank you for providing them. Thank you for warming up the weather. Thank you for your favor upon me, Father. I love you.
-- James G.
-- Lionel: Please pray for me and my family.
-- Robert needs surgery on his right foot. Doctor recommends cutting it off.
-- Bless everyone who cooked and served us. Thank you for the food. Amen to guys and girls.
-- Derwin: Pray for housing.
-- Please pray for Pery's wife and family and my friend Kerry.
-- I pray for Don and Amy to be happy and safe forever and make a better life.
-- Lois: Blessed be the King (Psalm 118:26). I thank God for Love in Action. Pray for me and my family. There is strength in numbers and whenever 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, He is in the midst. Continue praying. Thank you.
-- Luke: Sleep. Grandma passed away.
-- I am praying for Suzanne, Pery's wife. Sorry for the loss, stay strong. Family will draw strength from each other.
-- Edward H.: I pray for those who have lost a loved one and those struggling with sin in their life. I pray for my family and myself. I need money for my van, parts/tools. I pray for my business.
-- I pray for my son Leslie whose birthday is May 17.
-- Betty J.: Pray that I get my income tax return so that I can get the cottage in Hollywood. I don't want anyone else to get it.
-- Nepolius P.
-- Prayer request for my unborn child, Pery's wife, and children Chris and Nick.
-- Rich: Pray for my kids and all of us.
-- Olivia J.: Pray for my family. God bless you all for helping us. Howard is in need.
-- Gerard R.: God bless me and help me.
-- Pray for John for a full-time job.
-- God bless Suzanne's father.
-- Prayer for Pery's wife.
-- Pray for Pery and his wife.
-- Pray for Pery's wife and Kathy's daughter.
-- Reynold/Bettey
-- For Michael, keep up his hope and serenity.
-- Pray for my mother, me, and family.
-- Keep showing the love that God shares with us. Thank you. Amen.
-- Ray: May the Lord thy God bless and keep Pery's wife.
-- Michael J.: I pray that I get a job and my family is safe. Pray for peace.
-- I hope to find guidance in my life through God with my family. Protect Chris.
-- Please pray for my friend and I to get jobs, ending this bad period in our lives. Thanks.
-- For Miss Charlotte, bless her Lord!
-- Lord, I pray you use me.
-- Give me a bottomless belly.
-- Turtle: Pray for sanity.
-- Joe C.: Pray for my parents in Ohio and family.
-- Pray for my ex-wife and daughter (Bernadette and Christina), me, John, my mother Patty L., my brother, niece, ex-mother-in-law, Pery's wife, and for all the homeless men, women, and families in the world. Thank you and God bless.
-- Matthew C.: I ask God to bless me and give me a money blessing, in Jesus name.
-- I pray for all families. I pray that work comes soon and to be one with God.
-- Father, thank you for your grace. I come humble before your throne to request that you give Mr. Pery's precious wife, Suzanne, perseverance at the request of her husband. Father, bless her heart and may your joy give her strength. Thank you, Father. I love you.
-- For the Mullen family.
-- For Brian.
-- For Errol's health, for Gypsy's health.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou.
-- Thank you, Father, for April's new job in Chicago.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Prayer Requests 5/10/12

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for praying for this ministry and our guests!

Real wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.
James 3:17-18 (MSG)

-- Pat J.: It’s time to learn to love the Lord!
-- Pray for friends to find their way again. Also for me to feel better.
-- Happy Mother’s Day! Even those that didn’t give birth, mothers are love!! You got that. I lost all furniture, lamps & some kitchen stuff to termites. Wish I could unpack … Wore out my shoes. Thank God I was carrying my shopping, buggy died too, haha. Hope we get backpacks soon, hard to shop. Pray always.
-- Please pray for me for I am ready to move on to the hereafter for this world & lifestyle is too much for me!!
-- Money for my mom, some furniture, clothes, a job, good health. God please, thank you, I love you.
-- Pray 4 John S. that he gets 2 wrk soon.
-- B.R.: I need to stop drinking.
-- I pray for a large financial blessing.
-- Stan: Please pray for my mom, Lillian, as she is suffering. My sisters, Caren, Marie & Joan, while they are taking care of her. Thanks.
-- Aaron W.: Healing prayer.
-- Large financial blessing.
-- Roger: A prayer for my friend, Bob T., who broke his hip and is in Broward House. I send my love.
-- Please forgive me of my sins and bless me with a job.
-- Sophia: Lord, please keep me & Quintant’s relationship growing and help me help him get out of jail. Also, please help me & my mother’s relationship get better. And please help Larry get a job to take care of himself. Amen. Thank you.
-- Pray that me and my wife find a better place to stay.
-- Prayer is needed for Latavia M. and Jerome J. Father God, please be with us through our struggles. Keep us safe from harm’s way. Thank you.
-- Mark W.: I pray for work tomorrow and more often. I also pray for healing of my right leg and to both of my parents.
-- Robert: Prayer for family, my wife, brother and sister. A place to stay, a job for myself.
-- Praise the Lord for love, grace in my life.
-- Thank you for Miss Charlotte.
-- Larry S.: Socks.
-- Lois J.: Blessed be the King Psalms 118:26. I pray the Lord have mercy on me and my daughter. Keep us in place in my apartment, bless me with a job so that I can provide for my family. In the prayer of many, blessings is accomplished.
-- I pray for a job and more money. I also pray for a better future for Gypsy & Turtle.
-- Ruggie & family to do better.
-- Prayer for myself that things turn out better and all the people of this church.
-- Thank you very much for praying for my brother. His surgery went well and he is okay.
-- Kevin G.: (my first prayer request) Pray for my health, finance, to hunger for doing the will of God! Turn homelessness situation 180 degrees.
-- Moises C.: I pray for a light to shine so I can see my way out of the darkness.
-- Neville B.: I was late, but it is still a blessing. God loves us all.
-- Michelle B.: Thank you for praying for me and my family.
-- Robert T.: Deliverance, home, food.
-- Financial blessing for our family so that we can get caught up on rent, electric and other bills.
-- Thomas: Safety, a place to call home and a career.
-- Leonard M.: Please pray for me about my immigration problems.
-- I, Brieanna R., having difficulty with a stable place 2 call home, no money, need my kids in my custody, healthy pregnancy, and get my credit back to normal, and have my baby’s daddy (Sam L.) to claim his kid, apologize 2 me and ask me 2 marry him.
-- Rico/Gwen: Laptop & job so I can work and do ministry by Saturday, May 12th, 2012.
-- Pray for me and my family.
-- I thank you and God.
-- For myself and Kevin C., continued success in the medical and mental health. Kathy knows about it.
-- Richard C.: Please pray for me, I can’t be alone anymore. No more kids or wife. Thanks.
-- Ellen: Andrew and his children, my love and Kevin – continued good health.
-- Father God, thank you for another day of living. Father, forgive me for my sin and Father keep hands on Sean. Amen.
-- Father God, forgive my sins. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Ask for unity with my family. Ask for a safe home to live with peace and love, happiness with whoever I live with. Bless Three, Dee Dee. Touch her heart and mind to do the right thing.
-- For the Mullen family.
-- For Brian.
-- For Errol's health, for Gypsy's health.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, April.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Prayer Requests 5/3/12

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for holding this ministry and our guests in your prayers!

And as for you, brethren, do not become weary or lose heart in doing right, but continue in well-doing without weakening.
2 Thessalonians 3:13 (AMP)

-- Josie: I am praying for a job to help my fiancee with the finances. I am praying for a place called home.
-- Beasley Family: Please pray for  me and my family and my new home.
-- Pray that I make it home to visit my family in June.
-- Lord, I love you and thank you for everything you do for me and my family.
-- I would like to pray for my mom, sister, and that the family has peace.
-- Thomas: Pray for safety, a place to call home, a career.
-- Pray for my fiancee to regain his mental health; stay off drugs; stay home more often.
-- Aaron: healing prayer.
-- Les / Josee: Slow season at work has caused lack of funds. I am praying for additional employment and 2 bikes for my fiancee and myself.
-- William: I need a job so that I can get a place to live. Thank you.
-- Cynthia: I pray for everyone in the world and also my baby.
-- Please pray for everything that  God made.
-- Pray for me and my family and my new home.
-- I have faith in God. Bless me, God.
-- Mr. Lee: I need help to get back home to Georgia.
-- Roger: I am scared of chemotherapy. Maybe the Lord meant for me to die. I have no home.
-- Ellen: Andrew and children are happy. I start my dental issues.
-- Sandra: I am asking for prayer for peace, protection, and guidance. Thank  you.
-- Charlie: I want to be blessed to go home.
-- I pray for everybody to stay out of my prayers.
-- Matthew: I want to get my own apartment and be blessed with money. In Jesus name.
-- Frank: God love Mary.
-- I am praying for Carol C. She is moving from Orlando to Canada. I am praying for Melvin M. to get to Orlando before Carol leaves.
-- Looking forward, I need lots of prayers, but this one in particular. I need to get off the streets into a place to overcome my addiction so that I can focus on my kids.
-- Mike: Please, I need a job.
-- Sis Pat: Prayer to God to strengthen my heart so that I don't have to have a heart transplant.
-- Please pray that God will bless April H. with her legal problems and bless Gregory M. and all that he is doing in the Lord.
-- Pray for my son Tosh so that we will talk again.
-- Lord, please help me and pray for my mother, brother, James, and all my family. I am in love with Toni. Help me please!
-- Financial blessing, housing blessing, Yankees and Devils win, health, happiness, consumption, stronger faith, new ID, forgiveness.
-- Prayer for family, friends, brother, sister, wife, place to stay, and a job.
-- Please pray for me, peace of mind.
-- Anthony: Prayers for my children (Anthony, Alexis, Nicholas); my sister Jackie; her husband, Perry; her 2 children CJ, Teresa; my deceased family —  mom, Barbara, grandmother, Helen, cousin, Jeann, my sister's unborn children; my father, Ray; half brother, Eric and his family; prayer for the love of my life, May, and may her birthday be filled with love, peace, happiness, prosperity today; prayers for the sick in the world, that your love, Father Almighty, keep them protected and safe; prayers for my fellow Marines active and already served, that they may come home safely to their families.
-- For the Mullen family.
-- For Brian.
-- For Errol's health to improve.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres.
-- For Gypsy's health to improve.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, April.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.