Thursday, February 28, 2019

Prayer Requests 2/28/19

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below.

This week we offer special thanks for the life and service of Arnold Abbott, who set the bar so high for the rest of us.

Thanks for praying with us for this ministry and our guests.


“I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd puts the sheep before himself, sacrifices himself if necessary. A hired man is not a real shepherd. The sheep mean nothing to him. He sees a wolf come and runs for it, leaving the sheep to be ravaged and scattered by the wolf. He’s only in it for the money. The sheep don’t matter to him.

“I am the Good Shepherd. I know my own sheep and my own sheep know me. In the same way, the Father knows me and I know the Father. I put the sheep before myself, sacrificing myself if necessary. You need to know that I have other sheep in addition to those in this pen. I need to gather and bring them, too. They’ll also recognize my voice. Then it will be one flock, one Shepherd. This is why the Father loves me: because I freely lay down my life. And so I am free to take it up again. No one takes it from me. I lay it down of my own free will. I have the right to lay it down; I also have the right to take it up again. I received this authority personally from my Father.”
John 10:11-18 (MSG)

-- I pray that Arnold has eternal life. He is admired man, truly a hero. I had the pleasure of working with him. I truly was inspired.
-- Tuesday D.: Healing following a car accident.
-- Freddie M.: Pray for me that God will me this year, 2019. God bless you. Thank you!
-- Reynold, Bettey
-- Please pray for Debbie and Becky for good health. Also pray for continued sobriety for Brian. Please pray for Timothy for patience and wisdom.
-- Pray for a miracle blessing in my life. Stay on top of all personal affairs. Pray for all volunteers, Pastor Pery and Greg.
-- Please pray for David B.’s legal problems.
-- I pray for peace and endurance. I pray to be healed from within. I pray You guide my steps as well as my thoughts. I pray for safety for my friends. Amen.
-- Pat J.: I pray for Randy and her health - Sheldon because I love her!
-- Employment for James, David, Jimmy, Arthur, Manfred, Dennis and for Lord to keep us strong and leaning on Your understanding.
-- Prayers for vision of hope to progress even more in correcting the issues members and homeless recipients requests. We need the people who attend to become serious in change to do their best towards new endeavors - Christianity, repentance, and faith.
-- I pray for all the homeless and ask God to please keep me in his house we had for 38 years.
-- Chester R.: Thank you for keeping me safe. Keep your hands blessed over me. In Christ’s name, Amen.
-- Broward: I pray for my family and friends.
-- The way, the truth, and the life.
-- Skip S.: Pray for my friend Chrissy K. She’s in jail for prostitution and drugs. Please pray for me, for patience, wisdom, and my anger towards God! I take all my problems out on God. Me and Chrissy are from Philadelphia, Pa., Kensington. Thank you. God bless.
-- Om Shanti Oui: Yes ... Peace, love, joy, compassion, freedom, enlightenment. No ...  violence, brutality, greed, gluttony, avarice, theft, adultery.
-- Thank you gonna for this blessed day to be here. Thank you gonna for Pery and his crew. Thank you gonna for my family and others. I can do all things which strengthen me.
-- Please pray for Cathy and Miles to get a room in a house this Saturday. I need a prayer for the purchase of a new condo without problems that my brother is purchasing for me. Thank you.
-- May Arnold rest in peace!
-- Diamond and Pearl: Patience, financial breakthrough, and hope in each other - individually and collectively.
-- Greg Y.: Employment. Velma B.’s housing.
-- Help me get my life together and money blessings!!!
-- C.T.: Lord, my God in Jesus Christ’s name, please help me have a please to like the marry man alone in Jesus Christ.
-- Pray for Melvin M., Tanya S. and family, Jeikio B., Zydon F., Gail L., Undray L., and Sky L. - for good health and finance.
-- I would like to thank you for your generosity. You guys are a big help in the community.
-- Jerome H.
-- I pray that Arnold has eternal life. He is admired man, truly a hero. I had the pleasure of working with him. I truly was inspired.
-- Sending special prayers for Kimmy.
-- For Tracy’s physical and emotional needs.
-- Continued prayer for Ashley and her daughter, Trinity. 
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For the police department to give attention and effort to solving the case.
-- For the health of our volunteers. 
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann and Kamaurry. 
-- For Lennox, Wolf, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Sister Pat, Gypsy, Turtle.
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Joey, Christian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. For Nina.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.
-- Thank you, Father, for the hands and hearts of the Love in Action volunteers. Thank you for our donors. Thank you for the way the members of our ministry use their gifts to lovingly care for our guests. Thank you for loving us.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Prayer Requests 2/21/19

The prayer requests from Thursday’s Love in Action meal are below. Thanks for your prayers for this ministry and our guests.


“Let me set this before you as plainly as I can. If a person climbs over or through the fence of a sheep pen instead of going through the gate, you know he’s up to no good—a sheep rustler! The shepherd walks right up to the gate. The gatekeeper opens the gate to him and the sheep recognize his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he gets them all out, he leads them and they follow because they are familiar with his voice. They won’t follow a stranger’s voice but will scatter because they aren’t used to the sound of it.”

Jesus told this simple story, but they had no idea what he was talking about. So he tried again. “I’ll be explicit, then. I am the Gate for the sheep. All those others are up to no good—sheep stealers, every one of them. But the sheep didn’t listen to them. I am the Gate. Anyone who goes through me will be cared for—will freely go in and out, and find pasture. A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.
John 10:1-10 (MSG)

-- Please bless, oh Lord, and for those gifts we are about to receive through thy bounty of Jesus Christ, Amen!
-- Skip S.: God, please help me with my patience and give me wisdom. Please help my friend Chrissy K. in Philadelphia, Pa. She is a prostitute and drug user. We live in Philly.
-- Moises C.: Need a place to stay and a job doing roofing.
-- Reynold, Bettey, Cat
-- Pray for Melvin M., Tanya S., Gail L., Undray L., Sky L., Jeiko B., Zydon F. For food, good health, and finance.
-- I need prayer for my family and friends.
-- Dirire: From my heart - wife, home, job.
-- Just tell my better half I’m seriously sorry and I am retarded. I love him with my entire heart and disgusting soul. Please forgive me, when able.
-- M. Davis: God, thank you for the last couple of days to get on the right track. Thank you.
-- Hotel room.
-- Please bless this church and the people who serve the food. Please, I pray Lord, you help me with my mom and her house.
-- Greg Y.: Prayers for Godly direction, employment, ministry opportunity.
-- Please bless Jerome.
-- Pray for families, friends, nieces, nephews, aunties, uncles, brothers, sisters, volunteers, homeless people, and my
-- S. Osborne: Pray for my __ and kids to be healthy and safe; be able to stay on top of my affairs; be prosperous; pray for all the volunteers and Pastor Pery.
-- Adul M.: Dear Lord, I pray for this earth; protection and guidance, wisdom, peace among all people. I pray for your mercy; pray for a job. I pray that South Florida prospers in righteousness. Also in success and love.
-- My prayer is that you ask God to give me SS. God bless you!
-- Maurice D.: Pray for my speedy recovery.
-- Matue Chapet 4
-- Please pray for Cathy to get her condo that her brother is buying for her ASAP without any problem. Thank you.
-- Lord, I thank you for ______ that God give _______ you know I stay I need you to bless me. ______________
-- C.T.: Please Lord, my God, help me get off that married man. In Jesus Christ name. Amen.
-- Special prayer request for a friend. Praying my Heavenly Father resolved Brother Vincent Case by giving him a good lawyer. Amen!!
-- Sending special prayers for Kimmy.
-- For Tracy’s physical and emotional needs.
-- Continued prayer for Ashley and her daughter, Trinity. 
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For the police department to give attention and effort to solving the case.
-- For the health of our volunteers. 
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann and Kamaurry. 
-- For Lennox, Wolf, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Sister Pat, Gypsy, Turtle.
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Joey, Christian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. For Nina.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.
-- Thank you, Father, for the hands and hearts of the Love in Action volunteers. Thank you for our donors. Thank you for the way the members of our ministry use their gifts to lovingly care for our guests. Thank you for loving us.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Prayer Requests 2/14/19

The prayer requests from Thursday’s Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for praying with us for this ministry and our guests!


You are my shelter, O Eternal One—my soul’s sanctuary!
    Shield me from shame;
    rescue me by Your righteousness.
Hear me, Lord! Turn Your ear in my direction.
    Come quick! Save me!
Be my rock, my shelter,
    my fortress of salvation!
You are my rock and my fortress—my soul’s sanctuary!
    Therefore, for the sake of Your reputation, be my leader, my guide, my navigator, my commander.
Save me from the snare that has been secretly set out for me,
    for You are my protection.
Psalm 31:1-4 (VOICE)

-- This prayer is just for thanks to God and Jesus for keeping me and not forsaking me. Amen. As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Love, peace, and joy without end. Amen. Thanks be to Jesus, Emanuel, son of the Holy Father in heaven.
-- Shaunde II L., Lundy Sr., and Jr., and Jamie W.F.
-- A. Medley: Bless and protect my kids’ life in spirit and health. Blessed are those who believe.
-- God bless this church and the church who puts this dinner on. May the MSD find peace forgiveness. May God bless all.
-- Pray for Melvin M., Tanya S. and family, Gail L., Undray L., Sky L., Jeiko B., Zydon F. - for good health and finances.
-- Mary: Please set James free from jail. He is a good man. I need him in my life. I love him. Please watch over my kids: Aristotle, Myasia, Mya, Miah, Jadarrius, and my mom.
-- Please pray for Hatty, Valerie, and Taylor. I need a job and a place to live.
-- Pray that H______, Valerie and Michael Eric have a healthy and great relationship.
-- Theresa: I would like to pray for my health and drug addiction. May God bless you all.
-- Greg Y.: Stacy’s lung cancer, employment for me, church home for me, Godly men and women for friends, ministry opportunities.
-- Maria: I need a better place to live. 954-661-xxxx. Please call me. I am here every Thursday.
-- Ajan: Dear God, please let my mom keep her place.
-- M. Davis: God, please bless me and Jerome throughout each and every day. Thank you.
-- Cathy: Please pray that I find 70,000 c_____ ASAP to get off the streets. My brother offered to buy this for me. I know it is_____.  Thank you.
-- Yania E.: Find a home, food stamps, medicine and social security card, money, good church.
-- Brent, Taylor, Alexis, N____. Praying to make amends with _____ family that we can come together as a family.
-- Fabi P.: My prayer is for my parents. They need your blessing and healing for my future son that is about to enter the world, also my beautiful daughter. I pray for those who really need it. I pray for my sins and things to be better.
-- Prayers for Emma, Luisa, Rivera, and drug problem.
-- Oscar A.: Pray for me.
-- Please pray for Valerie, ______, ______, Eric, my children, Gregory P.
-- Freddie M.: Pray that I get my SSI. God bless you!
-- Please pray for David B.’s legal problems. Thank you.
-- Derrick: Pray for world peace.
-- I wish my kids would come find me. God please make it happen.
-- S. Osborne: Pray for peace of mind, prosperity, stay focused, bless all volunteers and Pastor Pery.
-- Chantel Marie D.: God please pray that my husband and I find the strength to get through this difficult life! Thank you for eternity for saving me after I died of a massive heart attack. I am forever grateful!
-- G. Salomon: I would like to thank my Heavenly Father for all the miracles and blessings that He has brought me. I’m forever grateful and forever a believer. Thank you Lord, and also to pray over ailing friends and family and keep pushing to Your heart, Your glory. Amen.
-- Tony: Pray for my children and my health.
-- I wish a prayer for me to accept people as they are, the way I was raised and how God meant it to be.
-- I pray that I get my daughter back soon.
-- My kids, family, friends, myself, boyfriend, world, people affected by the Parkland shooting.
-- Please pray for all the families that are here tonight from Parkland. Please pray for my 4 kids, Stephen, Seany, Christina, and Adrian and their mothers; my ex-girlfriend, Linda, and my brothers, David and Brian; and my friends, Mark and Larry; all the homeless.  Pray for all the alcoholics and homeless. Pray for the addicts and alcoholics fighting or struggling with addictions, as I have been.  Amen!
-- Sending special prayers for Kimmy.
-- For Tracy’s physical and emotional needs.
-- Continued prayer for Ashley and her daughter, Trinity. 
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For the police department to give attention and effort to solving the case.
-- For the health of our volunteers. 
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann and Kamaurry. 
-- For Lennox, Wolf, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Sister Pat, Gypsy, Turtle.
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Joey, Christian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. For Nina.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.
-- Thank you, Father, for the hands and hearts of the Love in Action volunteers. Thank you for our donors. Thank you for the way the members of our ministry use their gifts to lovingly care for our guests. Thank you for loving us.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Prayer Requests 2/7/19

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below. Thanks for praying with us for this ministry and our guests.


We, of course, have plenty of wisdom to pass on to you once you get your feet on firm spiritual ground, but it’s not popular wisdom, the fashionable wisdom of high-priced experts that will be out-of-date in a year or so. God’s wisdom is something mysterious that goes deep into the interior of his purposes. You don’t find it lying around on the surface. It’s not the latest message, but more like the oldest—what God determined as the way to bring out his best in us, long before we ever arrived on the scene. The experts of our day haven’t a clue about what this eternal plan is. If they had, they wouldn’t have killed the Master of the God-designed life on a cross. That’s why we have this Scripture text:

No one’s ever seen or heard anything like this,
Never so much as imagined anything quite like it—
What God has arranged for those who love him.

But you’ve seen and heard it because God by his Spirit has brought it all out into the open before you.
1 Corinthians 2:6-10 (MSG)

-- Mary: Please bless my family and keep them safe. God, I ask that you watch over me out here on the streets. Lord, please bless me with a place to live on my own with peace of mind and off of drugs with a stable mind for the future, positive people around me. Bless my mom, change her heart. Please let me see my kids and let me back into their lives. I want to continue walking on your words. God guide me to a better place in life. Amen.
-- Okay, Mr. God, I understand this is “my” husband. I apologize for being “slow” to comprehend this. Now, could You please get us off the concrete? Pretty please? Thank you! I miss cooking! I love You!
-- To whom it may concern: provide a grace and view of which it may concern. Also be, begin, and/or believe of, in, and/or through. Which could come beyond existence without looking; aloud when the sun, moon, stars and heaven to earth. 1:42/(8)
-- Irene: God bless my family with a house and good health.
-- Tony D.: Prayer to get off the streets.
-- M. Davis: God look over me and Jerome throughout the night and everyday. Thank you.
-- Good afternoon, Heavenly Father, allow your p--  of paradise enlighten my oral and believers also thought. I generously began to give my learning acceleration to your illustration ahab biblical research to analyze with the holy disciples that you bring to the homeless starvation bisect m-- every week.
-- Reynold, Bettey, Cat
-- Health and wealth. Bless us all. Thank you all.
-- Please Pastor, pray for all of the volunteers starting with Greg, aka Superman. Please God in heaven, pray for him and his family. Also, pray for Pastor Pery’s mother and may she live a long life and also Pastor Very. He’s always praying for the homeless relentlessly. Also, may all of the pastors here have God’s health, etc. Pray for ....
-- George S.: S. family and all of my loved ones.
-- Tony: Pray for Dale’s mom.
-- I need you to pray for me, Freddie, Michell.
-- Maurice R.: Pray that the government give out our taxes.
-- I hope God’s looking out for my mother up there. I pray every day that my mother is doing fine up there and she’s thinking about us. God bless.
-- Thank you God for this blessed evening. Thank you God for Pery, his crew. Thank God for being here today. Thank God for my family and others. Thank God for God. Thank God for this heart meal. Thank God for the energy and power.
-- Reggie: I would like to thank for my kids, brothers, Sue and Pery and everyone, friends, and family.
-- I need prayer for getting a position from one of my resumes I have sent out to companies.
-- Byron: Please join me in prayer for our pastors, Mr. Greg, volunteers, bus driver, facilitators of this venue, and all of their families, my sons, brothers, friends and their families who are ailing.
-- Pray for abundance of good fortune. Stay on top of my personal affairs. Pray for my family, nieces, nephews, and grandkids. Pray for all of the volunteers, Pastor Pery, Mr. Greg. Be humble and continue to do right.
-- Thank you God for the opportunity to come to meatloaf on Thursday. I pray for the volunteers and please help me save my house. Xxx
-- Need a prayer for getting a position from one of the many resumes I have sent out to companies.
-- Daphne: Financial blessing - $676.00 by February 28th.
-- Charles: Lord, shine your love and power on Wendy L. Give her strength to seek employment and help our relationship to grow. Please, in Jesus name!
-- Timothy and Shirley: Please bless the Sapp family. Love
-- Toddrick B.: May God provide me with stable housing and for my female friend, Courtney, that God leads, strengthens, and heals her emotionally and physically.
-- Greg Y.: Employment, housing, ministry.
-- Miguel: Love you, Lord. To have me stay working. xoxo
-- God bless all the people and the feast. God bless.
-- Prayers: Strength, wealth, knowledge, wisdom, families, friends, my mom, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, aunties, uncles, my diabetes, volunteers, and homeless.
-- I want to pray for my family, children, friends, enemies, homeless men and women, children, and the whole world. I pray that the Lord bless us all and guide and protect us. Thank you God!
-- Please pray for Becky and Debbie for good health. Also, pray for Brian that he will continue rehab and a sober life!
-- Fahie’s family, Judith B., Judith. O., Ricky, Marina, Avi, Ms. Juel, Joyce J., Parker family, Toni, Jean family, Judith J., Rogers family, Max and family, volunteers, Toni B., PK Wilkes, P. Reese, and Turnbull.
-- Sending special prayers for Kimmy.
-- For Tracy’s physical and emotional needs.
-- Continued prayer for Ashley and her daughter, Trinity. 
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For the police department to give attention and effort to solving the case.
-- For the health of our volunteers. 
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann and Kamaurry. 
-- For Lennox, Wolf, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Sister Pat, Gypsy, Turtle.
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Joey, Christian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. For Nina.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.
-- Thank you, Father, for the hands and hearts of the Love in Action volunteers. Thank you for our donors. Thank you for the way the members of our ministry use their gifts to lovingly care for our guests. Thank you for loving us.