Friday, March 12, 2010

Prayer Requests 3/11/10

Here are the prayer requests from last night's Love in Action feeding.

For those of you who missed the Christ Church events for serve.everybody weekend, it was amazing! More than 1000 people did more than 100 projects for 1 mighty God! View the slideshow at At Hope Central, there were events all weekend: outreach, cleaning, landscaping, free clothing, haircuts, bike raffles, worship services, barbecues, face painting, a family festival. It was incredible!! Truly, love was put into action in a million little ways, across a million little moments. We truly serve a mighty God.

Thank you for keeping this ministry and its guests in your prayers!

He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor.
1 Samuel 2:8

-- For a little girl, Jessica, who put her name in our prayer request bag this week.
-- My grandma wishes to walk without falling.
-- For Jeff and Nicole, getting married on March 19th. Jeff is a wonderful servant and friend, and we pray for blessings in his upcoming marriage to Nicole.
-- For Robert, pray for hope.
-- For Scott, we ask for healing. He's having surgery next week and we ask for wisdom for the physicians working with him.
-- For Randy, Nina,
-- Errol A.W.: To have a job. To help get my loan for my business. I want to see my grandchildren. To have a home and wife. For my family and friends, for them to be well.
-- Abe: Please pray for my health, for my family and friends, that God may bless all of you.
-- Tino: I go on everyday wearing a mask that smiles all the time when my real face has tears coming out of it, a dark cloud hanging over my head with a whispering constant reminder of how I'm going to fail. I'm bleeding while I'm still breathing, I'm just not happy. Isn't my Lord the same today as he was then? Now there's my dilemma. I am now standing in front of a river—I can't go back to where I came from. Maybe feelings of resentment or maybe guilt, shame or maybe just me. I'm asking for a miracle. Asking to walk on water would be absurd. I just need a sign — a word — or open the river. Please, I'm falling apart. Tino is falling apart.
-- Gene: Need work every day.
-- My name is Steve, please pray for me and my dad, brother, his family, and sister and her family. Thank you.
-- To help improve my relationship with my dad.
-- Christ, could you please give Criss peace of mind.
-- Wish for lots of money $$
-- I wish for a job, truck, please.
-- Bryant E. needs leniency in court case. Caroline E. needs help being a single mother with stress, anger, finances, transportation, etc. Healing for my brother's broken leg. Shonth needs restoration with kids. Kuturah needs victory in court case.
-- To change my whole life in Jesus' name. Pray for my family and fiance that I love.
-- Lord, bless me. Please back with Miss C.R.P.W. that we shall be together in Jesus' name. Amen
-- R.J..: For my family indeed. My Jesus, I am ashamed of what I do. Please forgive me. I love you my Lord. Amen
-- L.G.: I really, really need you my Lord. That my life change in the name of Jesus. Amen
-- Kevin T.: Father God and Jesus, I pray to accomplish all things in my life in His timing and will. Father bless you all.
-- Nina: Bless and protect all homeless and neglected animals and their caregivers. Please find them all a home.
-- Napoleon P.
-- Bless my family, my son Joshua, and Shemar.
-- Shonta: I pray that I get a job, a stable place, and my baby back.
-- James: Thank you for the food.
-- Kevin L.: I need prayer for upcoming HIV test. Blasphemy.
-- Lord Jesus, please, that your mercy, your love, your forgiveness will come to me. Please answer my prayers.
-- I pray for my mom, grandmother, grandfather, other loved ones, our country, world, earth, globe.
-- Pray for me to find some work and a place to live.
-- Meera (she's cute, I want her)
-- Dear Christ, please protect Bike Johnny.
-- I pray I have a job and brighter future.
-- Charlie M.
-- Just please watch everybody back home and all the people around. The food and shelters are a blessing. Thank you for always being there, regardless of what happens.
-- I pray for my daughter to stay free.
-- Please say a prayer for Pam.
-- Carlie: Love, peace, and happiness.
-- Clarity of mind and the strength to stay clear of drugs.
-- Prayer for ME, Patrick.
-- I would like a prayer for my friend on the corner. That God move in all our lives. And also my life. Thank you, Jesus, and you all.
-- Greg: That I do better in life.
-- Obed L.
-- Jimmie Lee M.M., J.P., Deena Marie M.M.
-- Christ, please help and love and comfort Lucy or Lenny, Lord. Thank you.
-- Quintiv, rest in peace.
-- Sherrell: a job!!!
-- Pray for Justin.
-- For Savannah
-- For all the people and groups and all they do to help the homeless.

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