Saturday, October 30, 2010

Prayer Requests 10/28/10

These are the prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding. Thank you for praying for this ministry and its precious guests!

We have a mighty God, and no problem is too big or too small to be lifted up to him in prayer.

Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, extend to the skies, and Your faithfulness to the clouds. Psalm 36:5

-- Thank you, Father, for delivering Tino to a safe place. Please help him humbly seek your will.
-- For Rocky's recovery
-- For Eric and Rhianna
-- For Kelley, Errol, Jamall, Robert, Steve
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice and made whole.
-- For all the neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For Terry, who has been struggling to find work while juggling his legal problems. He sees the situation coming to a head this Wednesday.
-- B.M.C.: Pray for me to get my place and a job.
-- Eugene B.: Please pray for me to find a place to live, to find work and get the job, ask God to give me wisdom and knowledge, to point me in the right direction, to make smart decisions and wise choices. Ask him to help me be the best man that I can be to him.
-- Tony L.: Mother, father, sister, all family members and kids and their mother. John and Murphy, all friends and church and family members. Kathy and daughter, and Sandy and Calvary Church, and New Hope. All friends' family and enemies. Meatloaf and job and places reunite family and kids.
-- Tammy: Health, love, wages, disability check.
-- Eloise N.: Left arm, feet strength.
-- Darryl N.: Weight, cash blessing.
-- Patrick G.: That the right people are placed in my life and those that are caught up in material things will be brought to the light, and to let go of so much negative ways.
-- Larry: For families come together and better job.
-- Chamtel: Safeness, things to receive, what I need.
-- Thank you so very much for praying for my return to my family and friends.
-- Michael M.: Pray for my friends — Tanya, who is battling drug addiction; Selena, who is in the hospital for bleeding on her brain; and Ann, who is having financial trouble. As far myself, I need a job to get off the streets, I don’t drink or do drugs. I know I am wrong, but why am I being punished. I am a believer. Please pray for me.
-- John B.: Blessings for sister with breast cancer.
-- David T.: Job
-- Robert P.: Family and friends
-- Please pray for my friend Ray, he is really hurting, thank you.
-- Willie M.: God
-- Fawna’s cancer.
-- Leon R.: For change, need what God has for me to do. Thank you.
-- Barbara G., Cedrick G., Robert, Snake, Patricia, George, Sammy, Darryl, God.
-- That you keep me strong and clean in the most way – husband also. Much love.
-- Bless all the people that bring this evening to our people.
-- I need prayer for tolerance.
-- J.G.: Help me overcome some people crises.
-- Darius/Romeo
-- Bob: I am having a very hard time right now with my money.
-- Bless the people in Haiti and Indonesia, etc.
-- Please pray that Mark and I (Linda) life comes together for the Lord's will, we’re both homeless.
-- S Leon T. Sr.: Dear God, May I be blessed with continued good graces.
-- For everybody in active addiction struggling.
-- Please bless me, Jesus, through this time of transition.
-- For Julliett, Juanita, Pauline my Mum.
-- Lord, let us continue to exercise individual acceptance.
-- Keep on praying for my step-father and mother, also to say a prayer for my step-brother and sister because they are not talking and lots of bad things been said between one another.
-- Pray for me to find a job and a place to live.
-- Kenneth B.: Me and my family, other brothers and sisters that stay in the park with me, are being put out. I ask that you’ll keep us in prayer for the Almighty's help with everything.

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