Saturday, October 23, 2010

Prayer Requests 10/21/10

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below. Thank you for praying for this ministry and its precious guests!

Hallelujah! Thank God! Pray to him by name! Tell everyone you meet what he has done! Sing him songs, belt out hymns, translate his wonders into music! Honor his holy name with Hallelujahs, you who seek God. Live a happy life! Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence. Remember the world of wonders he has made, his miracles, and the verdicts he's rendered—O seed of Abraham, his servant, O child of Jacob, his chosen. Psalm 105:1-6

-- For Billy, who is now in a wheelchair. Pray for her to be able to lift herself into and out of bed. Psalm 105 says "look to the Lord and his strength." The lame shall walk then the blind shall see.
-- For Tino, who goes to court this week. For the Lord's hand to be upon him.
-- For Kelley's health
-- For all the neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For Rocky
-- For Teresa
-- For Dave's killer to be found and made whole.
-- Arthur N.: I pray for wisdom and understanding!!
-- Jeff G.: Have Karl do the right things in Luke!
-- Gracias Dios portodo decorazon tu conoses mi corazon perdoname. (Thank you God for everything … from the bottom of my heart … forgive me)
-- For Atibo – to achieve and overcome problems.
-- God help us all!
-- Bro Paris
-- Riley: “Love is YOU!” Pray for ME.
-- Ashton, Spencer & Family … thanks
-- Pray for Sean & Elizabeth that they can afford to have a baby.
-- I to Jesus for my disability claim.
-- For Nicholas to overcome problems.
-- For Vicki … Pray that my brother is safe from any harm. Pray that my daughter is safe from any harm. Pray that my grandchildren are safe from any harm.
-- Mark W.: This church is a real blessing to me!! I would like prayer for more work and continued employment so that I can buy the things I need. I would also like prayer for my family and friends.
-- Thank you, God, for the meal I'm about to receive.
-- Stop oppression of the poor, return jobs to United States!!! That sell-out CEO’s of rich companies overseas come to their senses and bring back jobs for American citizens. Stop the off-shoring & outsourcing! Our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, etc., FOUGHT, DIED FOR U.S. AND HER CITIZENS (poor as well). Stop the injustices of lack of jobs in U.S. because of corporate GREED & SELFISHNESS & OPPRESSION. Those rich share the guilt of some of the poor that commit crimes because of unemployment because of this oppression. STOP IT!
-- Debra and Ronnie need God. Blessings for the funds to get our utilities turned back on. Then we’ll move back into our house. God bless you all!!
-- God please grant me victory with everything I try to accomplish.
-- Pray for Jenny and Miguel that they can both be safe and a job.
-- Lord, set the captives free.
-- Bless President Barack Obama in Jesus name and God bless America!
-- Eloise N. feet heal. Tammy cure diabetes. Darryl's rash.
-- For Vicki, pray that I stay healthy. Pray that I get to enjoy my family.
-- I pray to have a great birthday and for everyone to have good health.
-- God bless the needy.
-- P.J.: To have eternal life.
-- Pray to keep Wendy and Scott together.
-- Brian R.: I pray for love and happiness.
-- Shag: Health and wealth, shelter and pass it on!
-- Michele: God bless my friend Herbert who just found out he has HIV.
-- For Harold, my Lord – Justice and peace. Amen
-- Pray for Chris and Eva, that they may afford to have a baby!
-- Dr. Love: To be a millionaire – soon!!
-- Pray for my brother Glenn – has Alzheimer’s Disease.
-- Praying for getting better and find work. Praying for everyone.
-- Abe: Thank you for all your prayers. Please, pray for my health. Please pray for my family and friends.
-- Laura P., Kristin C., Patty S.
-- Katherine T.: Prayer for deliverance from drugs and alcohol.
-- Please Jesus, let Gwen and I make a life together. Thank you and God bless.
-- Rod: To stay off drugs & a better life.
-- Pray for Dwight D. for a job.
-- Pray for me, Joseph, for healing so I may stay alive longer to serve God.
-- Michael N. for getting into Broward College by November and for FAFSA to allocate funds for housing. And also for all those who still need God’s help. For peace and love for all.
-- Thank you, oh Lord, for your grace and mercy. Teach me your ways. Show me the way that I should go. Make me a blessing to others. Teach me wisdom! That I may serve thee, oh Lord!
-- Keep me in prayer for prosperity and wisdom.
-- Grace and mercy.
-- Pray for me to find a job and place to live.
-- April and Jaime M.: To pray for our health and a stable living environment.
-- Mike M.: Pray for my friend Salina B. that God heal her. And for Tanya M. to overcome her addiction.
-- Michael B.: I would like you to pray for my family, kids and friends. Thank you.
-- For the Lord to demonstrate His divine healing. Pray for Joseph S. and the Lord to keep me on track for the vision He has given me.
-- Eric: Pray for me, Rhianna, Erica, Mykalea and Another. I love you, Lord.

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