Friday, July 2, 2010

Prayer Requests 7/1/10

Here are the prayer requests from last night's Love in Action feeding.

I am so thankful that you KEEP ON PRAYING, as Paul says in the passage below. You are a blessing!

"Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality. Romans 12:9-13

-- Healing for Scott.
-- Please pray for Tino.
-- For Nina, Randy, Roger, Thomas, Brieanna.
-- M. and S.
-- May the gift of healing in the name and word of our Lord bring healing to Pastor Murph.
-- Pray for Pastor Ed.
-- Please pray for Pastor Pat.
-- Pray for Albert to get a bus pass.
-- Swan: I pray I may get a job soon.
-- Jorge G.: Peace and prosperity for all human kind.
-- Wllliam: A job.
-- For my three Tommy's and Linda.
-- Fawna's cancer.
-- M. M.: Pray that I get a job and place to live. Pray for Carla, Tanya, and Tina and Pastor Murphy.
-- Errol A.W.: I have gallstones and I've been in pain. Please pray for me.
-- Tom, Rest in Peace.
-- Please look out for Ivan and Margaret. Help us get a home. Please, we do need this. Thank you.
-- Please help my friend Scott.
-- Napoleon P.
-- Sis Pat: For good health and healing and for my son to come home.
-- For Fanity: wife, mother, brother, sister, a job, a place to stay, financial blessing. Please.
-- My mother Ada H. is sick.
-- Prayer for the new job and new apartment and give me strength to keep moving forward.
-- From Jill, for my boyfriend Stephen. He is somewhere he should not be and he has court on July 9th. Hopefully he'll get out.
-- Please employment.
-- Keep me strong.
-- Pray for me to find a job and a place to live.
-- Thanks for your prayers each and every day.
-- Ebony and Shaniaiah: Finance problems, housing problems, and health.
-- Lord, Mike.
-- Betty, A.W., S.W., T.W., V.W., B.W., David
-- Pray for Pastor Eddie Murphy.
-- Pray that God will get off His ass and help these people. Right now He ain't.
-- This request is for financial (money) to help my mom and family. thank you and God bless.
-- God, help me with my anger.
-- Stephen F.: Pray I make it through my last surgery. Thank you and God bless.
-- For me; Help me!
-- I need a place to stay for 200 to 300 a month.
-- John B.: Need new clothes to aid in presenting myself to potential employers. Also bus fare or passes for the week.
-- Bless my kids Shamar and Joshua, bless my boyfriend Jose to respect me more.
-- Help me, Lord, to stay focused and do and gain better for me and my other half Rosita, and bless her kids, Lord. Amen
-- Abe: Please pray for my health and my family. That God bless you. Please pray for our country and our leaders, pray for me and my family.
-- Char: Please pray for my safety.
-- Marie: I'm going to let my friend go. I'll be back. Hopefully for bus pass.
-- Ivan and Margaret: Please again, I and my husband are still praying for an apartment.
-- Pastor Eddie Murphy
-- Bob: Need help to find a good roommate.

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