Thursday, March 28, 2013

Prayer Requests 3/28/13

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for this ministry and our guests.

Have a blessed Easter! He is Risen.

Lord, I know that you defend the cause of the poor and the rights of the needy. The righteous will praise you indeed; they will live in your presence.
Psalm 140: 12-13 (GNT)

-- Eric: For a job.
-- Kendall: Please pray for me, I need a home, job and money, blessings.
-- Carol & Mack: To be blessed to keep our faith, stay strong and keep to church.
-- Family
-- Pat N.: Pray for a new construction job, to keep it.
-- Samuel: Pray for apartment.
-- Rose: Take my will and my life and guide me in my recovery and show my children and myself how to live.
-- SLT: Keep all safe.
-- A prayer for Chris, may he be in peace.
-- Joe: I have a lot of blessings to give to Mom and my kid.
-- Dear Lord, please help me get my feminine products on time.
-- Lord, please keep us in the strength and health.
-- John S.: Pray for work and good health.
-- Frank: God, take care of Sylvia for me.
-- James L.: Please help me, Lord, with a job, love and all I need.
-- GR: God, bless me and forgive my sins.
-- Calvin: I'm asking for financial blessings and a roof over my head.
-- I was for summer to my friends house.
-- Dear Lord, I thank you for another day and I pray for everyone and please, Lord Jesus, forgive me for all my sins and I think of you my Father God, for another day.
-- Family and friends.
-- K: Please heal Eric and I, so we can live a long live together.
-- Robert B.: Pray God to continue my ministry.
-- Please pray for Timothy S. and Shirley T.
-- Willie M.: Pray for my health and prosperity.
-- N.F: God, please bless me and my family with money, respect and wisdom.
-- Jermaine T.: I'm home and asking for family support on my conditioning.
-- Prayers for family and friends.
-- Please bless Michelle H., her mother, son and daughter. Please bless Mindy D., her brother, niece, son, mother and step-dad.
-- Casey R.: Pray for the world, that Jesus, which is Lord, save the lost and those who struggle to do right, and me.
-- Willie & Jeannette W.: Most gracious Heavenly Father, we need more love, honor, and trust in this world, not just in Florida and the USA. Please keep your loving arms around us and especially the little children everywhere.
-- Randy: I need my ID.
-- Deliver me not only everyone that believe, and save the lost until He return.
-- I just want to thank God for the loved ones and the things that He has given me.
-- CCT: May the Lord bless my noble desire to give back to help the little children in the world.
-- Pray for me to be a better girlfriend/wife/mother to the ones that I love so dearly, I am so blessed to have my kids and blessed to have Rodney D. B. in my life.
-- I pray that God be with me and Tony and that we make it together.
-- Paul S.: Please pray that Angela B. and I get our life together and get off the streets and have a place to live.
-- Ryan C.: I pray that the enemy stays away from me forever and that I have family reunification and get married. Pray that I always get all the time and enjoy the beautiful life that is to come in the kingdom of God, in Jesus name. Amen
-- Pray for all these people — your sheep, for health, finance and shelter, the brothers and sisters wanting to have a relationship with you, your Lord, you know my need.
-- Deliver me, reverse anything the devil set before my life.
-- His great invitation my Redeemer, freedom, saving and my forgiveness, Father bless us.
-- Lord Jesus at resurrection, you are the resurrection, resurrect us all in your immortal truth.
-- Pray for complete healing for Kathy and Harry.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres not to give up.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April, Erika, Pery, Debbie, Sister Pat, Gypsy.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. For Nina.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

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