Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prayer Requests 5/27/10

Here are the prayer requests from last week's LIA feeding. Thank you for keeping this ministry and its guests in your prayers!

With every bone in my body I will praise him: "LORD, who can compare with you? Who else rescues the helpless from the strong? Who else protects the helpless and poor from those who rob them?"
Psalm 35:10

-- For healing for Kelley, Scott, Tommy.
-- Healing/success
-- Betty Jean: That my family and myself find the program that pays for a house soon by September. We want to stay as a family.
-- David W.: Pray for me and my family. I am glad that the hate crime bill was passed for Maryland and Florida. I walked 8 miles to get here, please put me in your prayers, I’m from Maryland.
-- I pray for your further guidance in battle against the flesh and I also pray for work.
-- K.P.: I pray I trust in RATN.
-- I pray for my grandmother to get better.
-- Shay: I pray that God protects me and guides me in whatever his will desires. Also for forgiveness of my sins.
-- God to make a new housing situation for us.
-- Cynthia A.: To stay healthy, strong and patient and luck to get a job asap.
-- Jeff H.: Pray about finding a job.
-- Derwin: Pray that I continue to wait on Jesus.
-- Financial help for my mom and me.
-- Special Prayers for my mother and my family and my baby and myself.
-- Francisco: I pray to the Lord of Glory in the name of his son Jesus to give me the opportunity and the money and the blessing to go and see and take care of my mom.
-- Altagracia S.: For her health and strength.
-- Alexis S.: For his release and health.
-- June B.: For this program for next week, for me to make it to my destination safely, thank you.
-- Kevin J.: The Lord’s will be done and in His timing; and the way he wants everything done.
-- Lois W.: Dear God, Bless Wil, Albert, Linda, Daniel, Vera, Lois, the W. family
-- M. Jackson: I need a job and I need to keep away injustice.
-- Wiford, Tia, Jamario W.: Just want to thank you, Lord, for job, home, family.
-- Kerry: God bless us all.
-- The Artist: Pray for me to be more humble.
-- Jim B.: To all my AA and NA family.
-- Want hard decision to become easier.
-- Fawna’s cancer
-- God is the Protector.
-- M. Mills: Pray for my friend Tanya to overcome her addiction and that I get a job and a place to live.
-- My grades to improve.
-- Robert P. and family and friends.
-- Carl: Please pray for my kids, Ramsis, Erik, Carla, thank you.
-- To choose me and use me to do your will.
-- Pray for my people as a whole. Pray for my life and my blessing. Pray for wisdom and knowledge.
-- I pray for love, peace and harmony.
-- Pray for employment.
-- Please pray for my protection.
-- Pray for my soul.
-- Michael N.: That God moves the judge to grant my SSI benefits, and a place to live off the streets.
-- Alphonso D.: Pray for my friend Alexander, he’s in jail.
-- Kenneth B.: Stay close to the almighty God and in His loving hands.
-- For a continuous strengthening in our marriage.
-- Abraham: Please pray for my health and my family, as well. God bless you.
-- Dorothy has a perforated intestine, has surgery for next few days, keep in prayers.
-- P. G.: I pray that I have a safe birth with my new baby. And that everything I need will be supplied before its arrival.
-- That God gives me the strength to continue and points me in the right direction to continue in. With faith everything works.
-- Starvis: Pray that God will heal this land of all the hunger and starvation, pray that he hears the cry of his people all over this world. Pray for my salvation in Christ. I pray that God will use me for his labor, that I may be acceptable unto his harvest.
-- B.C.B.: Need help to find a good roommate.
-- I am Sam H., pray that God will continue to bless this church and all that find their way thru these doors. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
-- Bless my children and my finances, also Michael W.
-- Shonta: Pray that court goes well and I get my baby back.
-- C.F.: Father, I pray that you use me to do your work and bless me with an apartment and my full SSI check, and I will pay my tithe to the church. Amen in the name of Jesus.
-- I am trying to get into McFatter's Truck Driving School to get my CDL and find a job after school. Pray God will open doors for me to get a grant for $1,900.

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