Friday, September 4, 2009

Prayer Requests 9/3/09

Here are the prayer requests from Thursday night's feeding. I am ill and was unable to be there, so a heartfelt thank you to Debbie C. for being the "prayer lady" this week! Blessings to you all — Erika

-- I need a job with Mastec

-- Stacey: Make my life better than the last one.

-- Terry & Larry: Please pray for my friend who is 89 years young that her needs will all be met.

-- Prayers for Judith M. and family.

-- Errol A. W.: To have a happy home and a good job and to make better decisions in my life. To hit powerball or the lotto. To have a nice home. For my family and friends to be all right. To have a very good woman in my life.

-- Wesley W.: Pray for a job and my family.

-- Robert: Pray for my family, wife, sister, brother, job and a place to stay.

-- Larry: Pray for myself and my family.

-- My name is Floyd P. I am in a desperate situation for employment and I am asking to please pray for me because even though the road is long I must go down it.

-- Lee: My health and work and shelter.

-- Prosperity & World Peace

-- Travis: For health, strength and for everything to get better and easier.

-- Help us get jobs.

-- John Lee B.: I need God to change my ways and my attitude.

-- Orlando J.: To have a good trip to Atlanta and get a job.

-- Job, health for all and employment.

-- Pray that God forgives you, Jon, because this is not right and pray that God forgives me for I have not forgiven you. Amen

-- Jackie: All her problems including drugs.

-- Bus pass for work & strength.

-- Bless all the homeless and abused animals and help to feed and shelter them.

-- I pray that God would give me and help me now.

-- Johnny: Recovering from gall bladder surgery.

-- For my mother, and brother Pat K.

-- Shelter for people out in the weather.

-- Need help getting money for medication.

-- My name is Win and I will be going to the Hac soon. Please pray that I will obtain employment. Thanks.

-- A continuance and expansion of this Church and members.

-- Pray for a job. Praise God for my family.

-- Elvis: Yes for my children, Hanna & Jonathan, and me. Today I received a phone call for work for an interview on Friday. God be with me, and all you. Thank you so much.

-- Red: God is good all the time. Help those who need it.

-- Steven: I need prayer for God to help me with a job and drugs.

-- Rodney: Breakthrough and deliverance from homelessness.

-- To get better and get a job of finance.

-- Michael M.: Pray for a place to live and that my disability be approved.

-- To get some work and a place to live.

-- I am requesting God’s will and the wisdom to follow the right path.

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