Thursday, August 23, 2018

Prayer Requests 8/23/18

The prayer requests from Thursday’s Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for praying with us for this ministry and our guests.


Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 
Ephesians 6:10-13

-- Shyteria: Dear God, I want to thank you for waking me up every day. Oh Lord, my Savior, I need to get off the streets for good. I need your help. I can’t do this on my own. Oh Lord, my Savior, could you repent my soul and take these useless drugs away from my mouth? Help me get into a shelter and Salvation Army tonight.
-- Please pray for provisions for Orlando road trip.
-- ”More fancy.”
-- Jesus is coming!
-- Bettey, Reynold, Cat
-- I ask that ______ keeps on loving me. I ask that you keep me safe. Lord, I need you. I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
-- Tony D.: Pray to stay crack free.
-- Russell M.: Praying for world, family, and me.
-- Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for keeping my family and I in your favor. I want to praise your holy name. Lord, I ask you for a place, job and to keep it going and so much more. Lord, you know in my heart. I pray this prayer in your son's holy name. Pray for Travis, Lashanti, India, Mya, and others in our shoes. In Jesus Christ, Amen.
-- Kenny T.
-- Byron: Please help me pray for our pastors, Mr. Greg, the volunteers along with their families. The bearer of the word and family. My sons, brothers and their families.  
-- To family and friend.
-- Norm: Please my Lord, my God, keep me safe and out of harm’s way. Bless my parents. I do believe in you.
-- GR: Lord Jesus, help Ryan get through the toughest times now and what is ahead in life. Show him through the toughest of times. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
-- Robert: Prayer for family, sister, brother, wife, and a place to stay. Healing myself.
-- Dear Lord, let Juanita O. be blessed to be reunited with her child, who is 7. Please, Father.
-- Thank you for all of your blessings. I pray for getting into House of Hope. Bless my family and friends.
-- Robert N.: Prayer for health and wealth and a place to live.
-- Shawn O.: Continue to walk in Christ and keep striving for perfection. Regain all mobility (after stroke). Stay on top--responsible. Remain humble and stay focused.
-- Carl: Blessings for financial improvement.
-- Peace on Earth. Get a job. Get off the streets. Get in touch with family. Amen.
-- Prayers for our world leaders, for wisdom and strength as I navigate through this world. Prayers for others and the demons they battle.
-- Eddie B.: They said I have cancer, so pray for me.
-- Thank you for not hurting myself. I pray that God’s karma catches up with him.
-- God, my prayers are job, better life, healthy life, new apt., peace.
-- Solage N.
-- Thank God for me, Laura, and Sue. Blessings for Laura, Reggie, Aika, and Ray.
-- Please pray for my father, that he will stay in USA because he has no house anymore in Cuba and the government canceled the Cuban Adjustment Act that helped immigrants to adjust and get residency in USA. Thank you. May God bless your heart. He is 93 years old and his kids want him to die with us here.
-- GR: In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen. Please, Lord Jesus, take time out of your day and put us in a home together. Please help and let someone cross the finish line in our lives. In Jesus name. Amen.
-- Please pray that I become my own payee (SSI).
-- Please pray for all the homeless people to find shelter. Pray for the people who are homeless. Please pray that my boyfriend and me get into an apartment. Pray that I don’t lose my finger over some foolishness.
-- I need to help myself and get off drugs. Pray for me.
-- Please pray that I receive rental assistance.
-- Sending special prayers for Kimmy.
-- For Tracy’s physical and emotional needs.
-- Continued prayer for Ashley and her daughter, Trinity. 
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For the police department to continue to give attention and effort to solving the case.
-- For the health of our volunteers. 
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann and Kamaurry 
-- For Lennox, Wolf, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Sister Pat, Gypsy, Turtle.
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Joey, Christian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. For Nina.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.
-- Father, please enable Love in Action to continue to serve your children. As we struggle with questions about funding, give us the wisdom to listen for your voice and to trust in you.
-- Thank you, Father, for the hands and hearts of the Love in Action volunteers. Thank you for our donors. Thank you for the way the members of our ministry use their gifts to lovingly care for our guests. Thank you for loving us.

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