Sunday, May 29, 2011

Prayer Requests 5/26/11

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below. Thank you for praying for this ministry and its guests.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2

-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole.
-- For Sandy and her mother
-- For the health of Lori, Dianne, Gaynor, and Sis Pat
-- For Kayla and Lorenzo
-- For Lenox's speech
-- For Bianca and her family
-- Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Rocky, Robert, Richie, Brad, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Scott, Tino, Randy, Tony, Keith, Smitty, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Willie Mae, Carl
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For the well-being of all of LIA's volunteers
-- For Kevin and his family, grieving the death of Kevin's mother
-- For Jacques Pierre, grieving the loss of Tara
-- For my friend David Gordon Hughes, who was killed last week by a train near the downtown bus terminal. Lift up his soul and ask God to forgive him of his sins and allow him into a heavenly home. Also pray for his friends and family.
-- Guy: To find shelter and work.
-- Lance: Thank you Love in Action. For getting well from the hospital. Glad to be back.
-- Wisdom for Peter and strength to follow God.
-- My name is Brian. Pray that my knee operation goes well so I can get off these meds and shots. Also that I can get a job.
-- Please pray for my niece Cynthia. She needs lots of prayer.
-- Timothy P.: Work as a cook or handyman.
-- Let there be rain.
-- Peace on earth and help George W. Bush.
-- Please keep me and my family in your prayers, Willie P., Adams, Andrews.
-- Please help me get my life together and be together.
-- Receive my unemployment. Please, Lord.
-- I have a prayer request for my brother Jason who is in prison and that he makes it home safe.
-- Lord, please let me get out of jail once I turn myself in and get off probation.
-- I would like to pray for my life, my family.
-- For my mom.
-- Lionel T.
-- Robert: (Dictated) I need work to help the people affected by the tornadoes. And to learn to read. For Marilyn and her mom Nan. For Vivian who is sick. For me.
-- Clarence M.: Pray for C(larence)
-- Pray for Clarence (double up!)
-- Matthew C.: For God to bless me to prosper and to get my own apartment.
-- Michael: I would like for you to pray for my family and everyone in crisis.
-- Pray for John S. and family. To increase in jobs, health, world peace.
-- Please help me and Rhainna get through this stress.
-- Peace within and with world.
-- Symera, Jordan, a job, Jessica, me.
-- May the people that have suffered receive your blessings, Dear Father!
-- For Maria. On 6-7-11 is my hearing for me to get SSI.
-- Robert J. and family. My family, that I can get a full-time job so I can take care of my family and get off these streets. Pray God, Amen.
-- My name is Gilbert. Please pray for me so I can get back in good with my "family". We're parted now. Thank you.
-- For us on our travels and money.
-- Carlos: Please pray for the people of Joplin, MO.
-- Dennis: That I'll never be homeless again and never have to deal with this crap again.
-- To hold my granddaughter, stop drinking and getting high. Please, God.
-- To find a good job and not drink.
-- A.R.: Need you, Jesus. Lord Jesus, I need you bad, bad to come into my life.
-- Please pray for me, Reese and Shon. Thanks, God bless.
-- Sandra: Please pray that I may find a job and an apartment. Thank you!
-- Please pray for Georgia Mae and Lee.
-- I just want to give God thanks for seeing another day. I am blessed no matter what I go through. I just want to say please keep my family in Haiti in prayer, and to my family Danielle and her two kids. Thanks, God bless you.
-- Henry R.: Pray that God continue to bless my spiritual family as well as my material family.
-- For Roger B.
-- Michele: Lord, I am so blessed to have you as a friend.
-- John is 3 years old and is having ear surgery.
-- Shelter for my family. A home. Daycare and good health.
-- I love this girl named Julie, I hope she is alright. I've been .... I love her.
-- Keep my kids safe.
-- Sis Pat: Lord, heal me of the hurt from other Christians. Also heal my body, mind and spirit. Help me to continue to be a blessing to your people and those that are not kind-hearted. Thank you, Lord.
-- I pray that Sum Sum is OK and I see her today.
-- For strength, guidance, direction.
-- Anthony B.: That I get a job.
-- Protect my family and bring us together with love and understanding.
-- For my children.

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