Sunday, November 21, 2010

Prayer Requests 11/18/10

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below. Thank you for keeping this ministry and its guests in your prayers.

As we give thanks this week for our many blessings, let's also pray for all those who are struggling — in our own families and neighborhoods, on our own park benches, and throughout this great nation, as well as around the world.

I feel blessed to serve alongside all of you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

-- For Tino's recovery
-- For Rocky
-- For Errol A .W.
-- For Shante, your wisdom
-- For Kelley, healing
-- For Gypsy's brother Robert, thank you for his continued healing.
-- For Jon's next chapter, please bless him mightily!
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For Dave's killer to be made whole.
-- Well, I just got out of the hospital today and still don't feel well. I'm lost in so many ways. I wanna do right, just need some light. My name is Atiba. I'm not really sure what to expect from this but I'm saying this: I need a prayer and I need and want your help. May God bless it B.
-- To marry the man that I love and with the blessing of God.
-- Earl F.
-- Pray for me to get help with my transcripts to go to college. Costs $15. Help finding a job and housing.
-- Please pray that my daughter Jolie receives a miracle. Please pray that my daughter Jasmine and my grandbabies have a perfect Thanksgiving.
-- Pray for me to find a job and a place to live.
-- Stanley: To marry the woman I love and be happy with her in Jesus and be blessed.
-- "Et en vou Q'vielo en Piere at Canada Donde." I would like you to pray that I can find my family in Canada or France and pray that work goes well on Monday and for my friends.
-- Herman D.: A job.
-- I pray that all my family is healthy, happy, and successful.
-- For my job and my home and dog.
-- Pray for healing and salvation for Marilyn and Dan S.
-- Larry: Pray for me and families and a job.
-- Please, please, please, may April and Walter reunite their loving marriage.
-- John E. W.: Need a job.
-- Angelo: Help me to control my way of thinking and reacting to that I can't control.
-- Fawna's cancer
-- Abe: Happy Thanksgiving. Please pray for my health. Pray for the world. God love you. Thanks.
-- I would like to take this time to give thanks to Jon and Pery for their help and prayers. Please continue to pray for all of us and continue to help peoples in need and need prayer. May God bless each of you.
-- Eloise N.'s fingers on left hand straighten out. Tammy to get better and better, beat diabetes, lose weight, walk. Me, triple match - Tallahassee. Claudia Tallahassee.
-- Bus tickets pass monthly weekly
-- Please pray for Dennis C. to stop being in pain and to get off the streets.
-- Frank B.: I had open heart surgery. I need all the help I can get to get then's streets.
-- Pray for my friend Sean, that he will turn from his ways or to let him suffer so he is made to come back to God.
-- Thomas: Pray for my deceased family and my health, which is failing.
-- Michael S.
-- Ronnie and Debra: Prayers that we're blessed financially to re-open our house.
-- Joey: Jesus loves you, so do I.
-- Please pray for my sister in the hospital, pray for all of us. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving.
-- Prayer for Linda for her health.
-- Ricky M.: A job and love.
-- Daryl S.B. Feb. 19, '72: I need my own house and job.
-- James G.
-- For the Lord to bring unto him Sean O., Robert B., Mike O., all of Joseph S. family. For great blessing to Linda C., Joseph S. and Manfred Z.
-- Marvin D.
-- Stan: Please pray for my mom Lillian, as she's 80 years old and her faith is fading. Also I miss my daughter terribly and she is not saved. I'd like to reconcile with her.
-- Please pray for Mary W. that she accepts her life and uses it to inspire others to love and trust the Lord.
-- For myself, Nick.
-- Norma: Luke 11:4
-- Mike: Keep me in your prayers.
-- Pray for those who pass me by while I'm panhandling. Let them find more compassion and empathy for those who are struggling.
-- Mike M.: Pray for my Godmother who just lost her husband. My friend Lena and Tanya. And for me.

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