Friday, December 11, 2009

Prayer Requests 12/10/09

Here are the prayer requests from last night's Love in Action feeding. Thank you, Jon, for taking over at the last minute when I was unable to be there due to illness. And thank you all for keeping this ministry and its guests in your daily prayers. Blessings, Erika

-- Aaron R. and Shelby R. for health, guidance, peace, and work.
-- Roger B., for healing from cancer and for his recent surgery to be successful.
-- E.: prayer for family, mother, brother, sister, wife, place to stay, job, get back with wife.
-- For a new apartment tomorrow.
-- For my girl that she feels better and that my settlement comes through so we don’t have to worry bout this life anymore.
-- My name is Floyd P. and I would like you to pray that I find stable employment. Thank you and have a nice day.
-- Willie Jr., Williedan, MeBrien M., Angelica F.
-- For Robert, who is going to court on the 16th of Dec. 2009. Please pray that everything turn out alright. Everything that we do at a time we call on God. When we right or wrong we know that he will not forget us. He keeps us in his prayers all the time. In this court day be in Lord name. Thank you. God is good. In God’s name I pray.
-- Carl & Richard: a job and a home
-- To Jonal
-- Ken J.: to my mother, father, my girlfriend and myself, forgiveness, and for strength.
-- Let everything turn out ok because I am a victim. Love you. Amen.
-- Pray for my loved ones.
-- For David: Dear God, watch over him tonight and all the nights.
-- Please never leave my body and soul forever and ever. Amen.
-- That my boyfriend and I get a job and a place to live.
-- Dear Jesus, help me get through this tough time. Thank you.
-- Alphonso D.: Please help me and Alexander R. to get a better life. Please pray for us both.
-- Russell T: for family.
-- That I will obtain work tomorrow morning.
-- Pray for all people who ask for prayers. Homeless, sick, addictions.
-- This week, my fiancée and I had all of our property stolen. This included all of our clothing, my Bibles, my father’s obituary and many DVDs and our DVD player. My fiancée is also pregnant.
-- Pray for my best friend Sylvia. Thanks.
-- Please pray for Gypsy and Sylvia.
-- That my sisters do the right thing! And the world.
-- Fawna’s cancer.
-- Pray to find some work.
-- I pray that the probation officer violates my probation so I can leave the state of FL. Go see my family in PA. Because I haven’t seen them in 24.5 years. I want to put this behind me because I cannot find work. Thank you and God bless you.
-- Aaron W: I am a struggling addict and I am in need of prayers for strength against my additction.
-- John: need a job.
-- Theresa P.: a prayer. Thank you.
-- Robert S.: God bless Erika and family.
-- Napoleon P.
-- Marilyn gets saved from cervical cancer.
-- Bless Nequita N. A. for health. Spiritually, mentally, strength, physically, financially. Bless Sharon and family. Bless David to keep on following God’s path through Jesus Christ. Amen. Bless Garnett & family.
-- Troy: pray for a job and a place to live.
-- Stability, ability to give and prosper in Jesus name Amen.
-- Mike M.: Pray that I get my disability approved. Pray for keeping me safe at night.
-- Hey Dianne and John: my birthday is Dec. 25 don’t forget me! Jack “Elvis” L. God bless!
-- Eric: find a job.
-- Elvis: For my family in Memphis and children, Jonathan and Hanna, Pam, Mac, Shadow (the dog), Mike, Gale, Dennis, Gena, Gloria, Lou, Gean, Kathy, Red Dog, Calvin and me.
-- For Ronna to get surgery on her foot.
-- Bless all animals big & small, the homeless & abused,
-- Pray for my family and friends, health and strength, recovery from addictions and poverty.
-- Hit Lotto & health.
-- Mike & all of us.
-- Sherrell S.: a job!!!
-- In the name of Jesus God I thank you. Please take the pain from my legs and my back, I pray. I love you. I believe in the Father and the Son and the holy Ghost.

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