Thursday, December 6, 2018

Prayer Requests 12/6/18

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below. Thanks for praying with us for this ministry and our guests.


He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:2-5

-- Continued prayers for healing for Debbie Burns.
-- Get out of this predicament. Stay out of this predicament. Win a huge amount of money.
-- All of you.
-- Reggie: Thank God for my kids, family, Sue, and Laura. Help everyone get off the streets.
-- Robert: Prayers for family, brother, sister, ex-wife, myself. A place to stay. Healing in my leg. Strength to walk. Help to get off the streets. Pray for me.
-- Lord, continue to bless me and forgive me for all my wrongdoings. I give my situation in court over to You. In Jesus name, thank you Lord. Amen.
-- Yanina E.: I pray I get a home - taken off the streets.
-- Byron: Please join me in prayer for our pastor, Greg, and the volunteers who make this venue. Also all the above mentioned families, my sons, brothers, and friends. Thank you.
-- Pray fo my sister who has AIDS. I feel sorry for her.
-- Jonathon L. B.: Praying that God keeps me strong.
-- Please pray for all the volunteers at all the area churches. Also, pray for the homeless in Broward and Dade counties. May these wishes and desires come true for Christmas.
-- Pray for Melvin M., Tanya S., Gail L., Undray L., Sky L., Jeikkio B., Zydon F. For good health and finance.
-- Jehovah keep me! Amen!
-- Smiley: Heal my leg ulcers and provide housing. Thanks.
-- Tony: Pray for my children and Debbie.
-- Robert: I would like someone to pray for me: wealth, place of my own, safety and well being. Thank you.
-- Troy: Thanks for knowing where the bites are.
-- Please pray for Debbie and Becky for continued good health.
-- Charles: Lord bless Pastor Pery and all his efforts. Release me from my drug habit and give me strength to find employment.
-- Miguel to Jenny: Love you. Lord, let her be safe.
-- Kenneth B.: We pray the Almighty answers Craig R.'s prayers and please remember me, Pop G., Alpha, Rick, and Andrew!
-- Pray for Andy M. and family. Just heard today that he committed suicide.
-- Please help me fight my demons. Help me be a man of God.
-- Continue to bless this church. Bless the volunteers. Miracle blessings in my life. Bless my grandkids. Stay focused and on top of my affairs.
-- Reynold, Bettey, and Cat.
-- I want to thank God and only God because God has been there to pull me up when I’m down. Continue to pray that God will bless my life and protect me. Thank you.
-- I hope everyone will be okay with this weather. I hope everyone can share love.
-- Sending special prayers for Kimmy.
-- For Tracy’s physical and emotional needs.
-- Continued prayer for Ashley and her daughter, Trinity. 
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For the police department to continue to give attention and effort to solving the case.
-- For the health of our volunteers. 
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann and Kamaurry 
-- For Lennox, Wolf, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Sister Pat, Gypsy, Turtle.
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Joey, Christian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. For Nina.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.
-- Father, please enable Love in Action to continue to serve your children. As we struggle with questions about funding, give us the wisdom to listen for your voice and to trust in you.
-- Thank you, Father, for the hands and hearts of the Love in Action volunteers. Thank you for our donors. Thank you for the way the members of our ministry use their gifts to lovingly care for our guests. Thank you for loving us.

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