Sunday, November 13, 2011

Prayer Requests 11/10/11

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action Share-a-Meal are below. Thank you for praying for this ministry and its guests.

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV)

-- Help me, pray for me. I feel like giving up. I am 52 years old. Life has never been nothing for me.
-- Prayer for work. For saving life of people. Amen
-- Betty R.
-- End the criminalization of homelessness and poverty. Stop the apathy and indifference towards the poor and homeless. Create jobs for Americans. Our veterans served and fought for the AMERICAN PEOPLE to have freedom and EMPLOYMENT ... not outsourcing jobs and offshoring companies. STOP SELLING OUT! FOR CHURCH LEADERS to meet with government officials and politicians and those in charge of corporations (Corporate America) to change the rules and laws so Americans get first priority at jobs. Stop the ruthless and reckless GREED.
-- Pray for my kids.
-- Trust in the Lord with all your heart, don't lean on your own understanding; in all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will guide you down the right path. Proverbs 3
-- Hi, Michael here. My 92-year-old mother Annieliese and my sister Susan (the best in the earth) who is caring for her.
-- Michael again. Please continue to pray for Thomas James Dean (Red) that he would surrender to his savior Jesus Christ. I will not give up on him (EVER)!
-- Hi, Michael here again. Please pray for Richard. We've been friends a while and I've had the privilege of sharing Jesus with him. He's moving to the state of Washington and I want him to be saved by God. Thanks.
-- I'm back, Michael. My friend Earl (not homeless) has been a special blessing to me. His son David is ill too often. May God give David robust health and boldness to serve the Lord. I love you guys!
-- World peace.
-- My name is Anthony L. A. and I'm in desperate need of prayer for housing for my daughter Angelina, my daughter's mother Myeka S. J., and myself. I'm asking you to believe God with me for a good job with benefits. Thank you!
-- Please guide me in everything that I do.
-- For Carlton, my best friend for 27 years who passed on Aug. 21, 2011.
-- Pray for Herbert R. Nov. 8, 2009
-- A dog that is living is better than a dead lion; all the living have hope, bit the dead hear nothing. Ecclesiastes.
-- My name is Sandra F. G. I am asking prayer for peace and protection and healing and prosperity. Thank you.
-- My niece Payton to stay cancer-free.
-- Keith A.
-- Pray for good work.
-- Trey, Becky, Alicia, and everyone.
-- Willie Mae G.: People are threatening me and I need a safe place to live. Pray for my case workers Ms. Jackson and Ms. Marie to let me move. Pray for Barbara's dialysis. For Cedric in county jail for 9 months. He has court on 12/9 and I pray for him to come home. For Robert, gone since he was 17 in Fed program. Now 38. For Sammy in Miami prison and sick with bronchitis to come home. For Georgia, George L. G., Pat.
-- Please pray for me, my husband and family for peace of mind and peace of heart.
-- Family, friends.
-- Tony L.: Father and mother, sister, nephew, niece. All my family members, kids' mother, all their family members. Kathy and Kristina. Sandy, her mother attend Bible and people attendance. New hope, people attend on Monday who sing Readiverse, me and John's carpet cleaning business. For me for a place. Calvary church, Lutheran church. All church. Help home. Thank Jesus for you.
-- Bob: My mom and dad are not too good, 81 and 82. Dad in hospital. I'm having a hard time finding a good roommate.
-- Please pray that I get a good job and watch over my loved ones. Thanx.
-- Oneil J.
-- Jesus, please bless Shaun in the name of Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Jesus, please bless Kathy and hers in their hour of bereavement. Please give them what they stand in need of.
-- Freedom from the addiction of alcohol for Tom.
-- God is good. Bless me Father for all. Thank you Lord. Bless all. Thank you God.
-- My name is Gerard. I am blessed — by God I found a job.
-- Tim P.: Thank you for giving me a forgiving heart. Not to take the life of him who broke my face!
-- My prayer is for Kathy. She has always been there for others and also for me. Thank you.
-- I would like to ask for help for a lady named Hillary. That her life and mind be restored. Thank you.
-- Permanent job, permanent home. For Jarek, Igor, Kelly, Lou, Regine, Peter, Deliverance, Christopher.
-- Miguel: Te pido Senor por la salud de mi madre, mis hermano, y la mia. (Translation: I ask the Lord for the health of my mother, my brother, and myself.)
-- Senor Jesus, te pido por Jose L. que esta enfermo. (Translation: Lord Jesus, I pray for Jose L. who is sick.)
-- J.D., peace for his soul.
-- Pray the thieves away. Stole a lot of art. Pray over my bill. They stole $70 for electricity. Artwork drawn by homeless man. Lights to go off Saturday without God's help. Had to get a warehouse with my phone $. Pray artist finds mustard seed.
-- Bless the homeless and all the children of the world.
-- That people would be drawn particularly to New Testament to learn and devote and come to knowledge of God.
-- Prayers and blessings for Kathy, Sean, and all people from this church.
-- Jamius W.: Pray for my family's prosperity.
-- For Mark McNulty. We lost him a week ago by car accident.
-- Shaun O'Connor, Kathy's well-being and health. Continued blessing of this ministry. The poor, homeless, sick and ill. For me who wrote this.
-- Please pray for Brian and his family and all the volunteers.
-- Please pray for Jay T. to find a job. If you can help, my number is 954-xxx-xxxx. Thank you.
-- Para Norma Trinidad y mi hijos y por usted es que Dios los bendija. (Translation: My prayer for Norma in Trinidad and my children and for you is that God bless them.)
-- Please pray for me and my family, the Moreland family.
-- For my son to come home healthy and with a sound mind also. For traveling mercy and finances.
-- The Lord is so real that things have been going just as I have prayed for, and I ask that the prayer teams pray for me in Jesus name. Amen
-- D.P.: Help Larry, he's on drugs. And help me find someplace to live.
-- Willie P.: Thank God for my family and pray for my friends also. Give us an apartment soon, God.
-- My mom is in hospice, not gonna make it home :( Her name is Rommy. I'm her son Jason Lee. Please ask God to help her.
-- Please pray for all my friends and family. Please keep me and all them safe, happy, and healthy.
-- Pray for Shelly D. He is doing drugs.
-- Matthew C.: I am praying for my own apartment. And also to prosper. I need a money blessing.
-- To keep on track, keep my head clear, get ID and job and pray for everybody here that brings me closer to God and all those who serve us.
-- Luis V.: Para conseguir trabajo y tener paciencia. Dios los bendiga. (Translation: To get a job and be patient. God bless you.)
-- Bless our newborn to be healthy and happy.
-- God, heaven, Father. Please free me from jail and may the judge be merciful the day of my court day.
-- Randy J.: My ID please.
-- Ellen: My children have a safe trip on the road to Florida.
-- I pray God that you bless all here tonight. Bless my sons Dorian and Joshuah, my wife Yolanda, and the R. family — John Sr., John Jr., Colleen. And my family that's in heaven with you already.
-- Please pray for Mackendy J. I need a job. God bless me.
-- Pray for Jeanette M.'s vision and healing. Thank you.
-- Olivia: Pray for my children Tasha, Wallacy, Flody, Jamesha.
-- Te pido por salir de la calle y tengo un techo donde vivir. (Translation: I ask to leave the street and that I have a roof over my head.)
-- Pray for Sean and Elizabeth's well-being and for work.
-- Theo: God, bless everyone under your sun. Help me get back with my family. Keep me safe and hold. Thank you.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres as he continues to seek Dave's killer.
-- For Kathy's family as they struggle with the death of her nephew.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Gregg, Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Tino
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Willie Mae, Carl, Kayla, Lorenzo, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

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