Thursday, September 6, 2018

Prayer Requests 9/6/18

The prayer requests from Thursday’s Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for praying with us and for us!


Brothers and sisters, it doesn’t make any sense to say you have faith and act in a way that denies that faith. Mere talk never gets you very far, and a commitment to Jesus only in words will not save you. It would be like seeing a brother or sister without any clothes out in the cold and begging for food, and saying, “Shalom, friend, you should get inside where it’s warm and eat something,” but doing nothing about his needs—leaving him cold and alone on the street. What good would your words alone do? The same is true with faith. Without actions, faith is useless. By itself, it’s as good as dead. I know what you’re thinking: “OK, you have faith. And I have actions. Now let’s see your faith without works, and I’ll show you a faith that works.”
James 2:14-18 (VOICE)

-- Amber R.R.: Asking for prayer for housing before my unborn is birthed on September 23rd. I'm currently homeless and can't find help or any resources to help me get off the streets. DCF is in the works of taking my child if I remain homeless. Signed, a desperate mother.
-- Matthew D.: My request is to stay focused on the importance of life and getting close to God with the correct directions of truth, spiritual healing of the mind, body, soul and having victory over my past negative choices that led me away from my children and asking God for strength to stop the same mistakes that kept me away from them. Please! Thank you, God bless.
-- Please pray for all the homeless people to find good places to live, enough food to eat and jobs to sustain those things. Please also pray for the people who volunteer to feed and clothe the homeless. Please also want to thank God for my amazing boyfriend.
-- Marlene: I need help to get my ID and a place to stay. I need to talk to somebody.
-- Prayers go out to the loved ones that have no homes yet and my prayer goes to their family and friends from overseas.
-- Please pray for Kelly Lauren T., she needs extreme prayer for herself and children. Thanks so much.
-- I would like to say thank you God for all you have done for me. Blessing me with life and another day to get it right. I pray you continue to bless me with all the good that comes with life and bless me in abundance. Thank You, Lord.
-- Need to get stronger.
-- James H.: Thank Father God for everything.
-- Robert: Prayer for family and a place to stay. For healing in leg, for sister and brother, for strength in my walk with God, myself.
-- Collins B.: Standing on the world of Jesus. Keeping of Jesus, love always.
-- Pray for the peace all around the world and pray for the sick at the hospital and thank the Lord for the food that we are about to receive, Amen.
-- Shay ;)
-- Kenny T.
-- Tony: Please pray for my children, Kyle, AJ, Madison and Mike. Love you, Jesus!
-- Please help me to figure out my life and please help me get some new teeth.
-- Byron: Please join me in prayer for our Pastor, driver Mr. Greg, and the volunteers and families, my sons, my brothers and their families, their close friends who also need healing, deliverance and comfort for their families.
-- Benee B.: Dear Lord, please help me to depart these streets. I need my social security to be released. I need a home. I need to pay my bills. Please pray for me. Thank you. 
-- Derrick: Pray for world peace.
-- Pray that Duanita keep the roof over my head, my friend as my blessing, financially stable.
-- Pray for the homeless that they get a house! Great day! Praise God! God is love! Amen.
-- To family and friends.
-- Please say a prayer for hope and happiness for myself and all others. BTW, I would prefer a real job, not day labor, in my profession. God bless.
-- Dear God, pray for good health, good job, new home. Protect my friends and family. I pray for a better life. I pray for a car, and I just pray for everybody's needs.
-- Paula: I ask that you pray that I need strength and prayer to help me quit smoking. Thank you.
-- I pray that I can find a full-time cooking job. May God bless you all!
-- CHB: Prayer Request - 1. I get lucky and find a girl I can move in with. 2. I win 2 million dollars. 3. I get all my wants and needs and hearts desires.
-- Sending special prayers for Kimmy.
-- For Tracy’s physical and emotional needs.
-- Continued prayer for Ashley and her daughter, Trinity. 
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For the police department to continue to give attention and effort to solving the case.
-- For the health of our volunteers. 
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann and Kamaurry 
-- For Lennox, Wolf, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Sister Pat, Gypsy, Turtle.
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Joey, Christian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. For Nina.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.
-- Father, please enable Love in Action to continue to serve your children. As we struggle with questions about funding, give us the wisdom to listen for your voice and to trust in you.
-- Thank you, Father, for the hands and hearts of the Love in Action volunteers. Thank you for our donors. Thank you for the way the members of our ministry use their gifts to lovingly care for our guests. Thank you for loving us.

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