Thursday, December 27, 2012

Prayer Requests 12/27/12

Dear Love in Action prayer team,

As 2012 draws to a close, I want to thank you all for being such an important part of this ministry! God knows us each so intimately, he knows the number of hairs on our heads. Yet many of our Thursday night guests feel invisible to the rest of us. Praying for someone by name or by specific need is a way to reflect the kind of individual concern and personal loving attention our Father shows us. That's what you do each week for our guests!

For those of us who have had the opportunity to physically hold the handwritten prayer requests each week, it feels like a sacred act. Our Father in heaven treasures every one of those little slips of paper and responds to each and every need, no matter how big or small. He knows the needs before they are written, and He calls us to lift them up to him, calls us to linger over them and extend ourselves in love toward those who have written them. He calls us to know each other by name, just as He knows us, and to see each other—finally—as He sees us.

As we begin 2013, I would ask you to prayerfully consider whether you feel called to take a larger role in our prayer team, even if for a season. We are seeking someone to type up the prayers each week after they have been collected so they can be distributed to the group by e-mail and blog. I will continue to handle the distribution, and you do not need to be able to attend our Thursday night meals to participate. Please let me know if you or someone you know feels called to this loving act, and please pray for this need to be met. We are certain our Father will lovingly respond!

As always, the prayer requests from last Thursday's Love in Action meal are below.

Again, many blessings for a happy and healthy new year!

In His Love,

Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.
Romans 12:12 (NLT)

-- Riley and Diana: Pray for us.
-- Sky: Pray for my friend Josh that he is safe out there wherever he is tonight and I see him soon and he is alright and that he knows that I love and miss him.
-- Salvado Adrian E.: For the sanction you all need to succeed to what you and we are.
-- Dear Lord, please help me get a beehives worth of blessings.
-- My name is Dewhyne. I need a job to take care of my family and my kids and my own place. Can you pray for me, please, to be a better man?
-- Michael G.: December 9th I had congestive heart failure and woke up on December 12th in trauma at Broward General. If it weren’t for my God, I wouldn’t be here!! Also I need pants size 32 waist and shirt L-XL badly.
-- Ellen: Harry and Kathy, best regards on positive chemo, my family and friends, all my love.
-- Lori S.: Asking prayer that I get my housing and my ID and everything back as I got my purse stolen Christmas Eve because I am able to get my money. It was SSI on credit card and I am getting a new card. Thank you.
-- God love Mary and Frank.
-- Eric J.: I want a tube for my bike.
-- Taylor J.: Small bike tube
-- James: I pray for love and understanding for God’s people.
-- Prayers for John, for safety living on the streets.
-- Pray and bless me and my family’s finances. Need help to guide me in the right direction. Peterson family, Husser family.
-- I want to have a job opening that I applied for to give me the position. Thank you.
-- Nepolius P.
-- Donald: I ask that you pray for my house and my girl. Thank you for the food and all the blessings. In Jesus name, Amen. Thank you Ps 128, Ps 37, Ps 100, Ps 23.
-- James G.
-- Pray for Heather's health, strength, soul and spirit. Also for a young lady who seems very troubled. I don’t know her name, but Jesus does. Thank you.
-- Darryl and Nikki: Pray for me and my husband that our New Year is as good as our last.
-- Reynold M.
-- Eugene B.: Ask Jesus to open the doors of opportunity for me and allow me to receive His blessings. Ask Jesus to bless me, my family, my girlfriend, the few friends I have and everyone in this world for good health, wisdom and to guide us in the right direction.
-- Nicole: Father, if it be Your will, may I have a financial breakthrough even now. I’m still believing for a security deposit to rent an apartment but now I need to stay in Florida until You heal my legs and strengthen my ankles, but be very gentle with me Father, because I’m a little delicate like a flower. I’m praying for Pam and her husband. Mr. Harry can not receive no spirit of cancer throughout his body because Jesus, You said and it is written no weapon formed against you shall prosper. So for Pam’s husband I’m standing in the gap for believing the spirit of cancer has no place in his body and that it has been immediately cursed at the root from forming and it spirit of cancer has to go now because Father you said speak to the mountain, in Jesus name, and the mountain shall obey you. Thank you Your grace. Thank you for Your faithfulness. Father bless the nation with only love not hate this season and then every other day. Stop all the wickedness, please. Now would be a perfect time. Lord, thank you for what You did for us on a cross. Thank you for dying for us so he didn’t have to. May the nation know what price You paid, and in full. Bless You, Lord, over and over. Amen.
-- God bless all the people that have and don’t help poor, rich, middle class innocent people. Better job for every man, woman, teenager, young, old, new middle.
-- I am Harold M. and asking for prayer that God help me with a job and a place to stay.
-- Josh: Please pray for Harry’s recovery. We need him on Thursdays.
-- Robert: Prayers for my family, brothers and sisters, for a job, place to live. Prayers for my ex-wife, Helen. Prayers for safety out on the street.
-- To all I loved and to all I will love, my family and friends. I hope for peace and joy.
-- God’s grace & mercy upon the poor, hungry and homeless (especially children). Bring jobs back to the US for US citizens. Pray for social and economic justice, affordable housing for the working poor and jobs with a living wage so people can make a decent go of it and have a fighting chance. Mercy, grace, reconciliation and reparation for those who have been slandered and/or labeled. For people to pray the rosary for peace, prayer and fasting to prevent wars, please, thank you. For women to choose life and end the killing of little babies. All life is sacred and precious. Rules, policies and laws from government and corporate America that are dignified for the working poor, unemployed and homeless and with compassion. If we desire respect for the law…we must first make the law respectable (Louis Brandeis). Please and thank you.
-- Victor D.: Please God, help me with my unemployment application with the State of Florida.
-- Rachel: Please pray for housing and food supplies. Thank you.
-- Lord, as you say seed on fertile soil, may we serve as fertilizer for fig tree for 3 years. Oh Root of Jesse (Nazarene)
-- For the leaders of this feeding movement that empower those that assault and rob the homeless without challenge.
-- Pray, please, about Ralph’s health and Keti’s health and problems many.
-- Errol W.: Blessed with good health and have good life and for all my children and friends, bless their life. My friend Victoria to be happy in her life and to be blessed. Thank you.
-- Randy J.: I wish everything to be better in the New Year. Need my ID please.
-- Pray for Ty-keia, Ty-shountis, Ty-quantis, Johnice and all family. For Brian G., that he may become the very man whom God, in Jesus name, has made them to be.
-- Pray for friends, family and blessings. Pray for health, peace and continued love.
-- My mother, Mrs. Edmonia P., is in need for intercessory prayer for healing miracle.
-- Sean: Pray for good people that push me to succeed and thrive. Money and everything I need to live well. Overcome food addiction. World peace.
-- First of all, I want to thank God for sending His Son in the world to die for all of our sins, and I pray that all of us will learn to love one another as God has loved us.
-- Anthony R.L.N.: Prayers for the volunteers who come out to feed everyone Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at the churches. May the love they give be returned prosperously 10 times. Prayers for the church groups who come out to feed the homeless – may their love and generosity be returned to them 10 times. Prayers for the City Commission of Fort Lauderdale, that they grow a heart, a soul, and a conscience in how they interact with the homeless in Fort Lauderdale. Prayers for the Broward County Commission, that their collective greed is replaced with an insatiable thirst to grow in your love. Prayers for the people of Florida in that they wake up from this nightmare we have in the Governor’s Mansion and replace him with someone whose compassion, spirit and heart are as overflowing as yours, Lord. Prayers for President Obama, that he doesn’t cave in on the talks for the fiscal cliff or the debt relief ceiling and that he keeps his promises to protect the poor and middle class. Prayers for the families of the firefighters shot to death in New York for responding to a fire. May they feel Your love and grace and comfort as they grieve. Prayers for the families of Newton, CT. in that their grief lessons daily in the knowledge their loved ones are home with Your Child, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Prayers for my deceased mom, Barbara G., grandmother, Helen G., cousin, Joann G., aunt, Mary R., and all family members I’ve lost. May they be resting peacefully and prospering in Your love and grace. Prayers for my sister, Jackie T.H., her husband, Perry and their 3 children, CJ, Teresa and Matthew. May they prosper in Your love and wealth always. Prayer requests for my children Anthony Thomas N., Alexis Brooke N., and Nickolas N. May they find forgiveness for my not being part of their lives enough to come seek me out so they can learn the truth. Prayers for all the men and women in our Armed Forces that they are safe, protected and come home with no scars, be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual and that they can get the help they need when they return. And that Your love can help them heal. Prayers for all veterans who are suffering and need help. May they grow closer to You and Your love to open up and heal. Prayers for the homeless who need help but have no available shelter to get to. May Your love keep them safe, warm and alive with Your grace and love. Prayers for Lilia, the love of my life. May she be safe, happy and comfortable in my love and guided by Your love and grace to a happier life with me and her son, and the family we will have together. Prayers for myself, Anthony Richard Louis N., that everything works out for me through Your love and guidance with the VA and that I get my arrest expunged so there are no roadblocks to my being with Lilia for the happiness You have shown me with her love. Thank you, Lord, for all You have done for me and all that You will do and I apologize that I haven’t thanked You enough. I pray for better physical, mental and spiritual health to get me through my tribulations.
-- Please pray for Harry and Kathy for complete healing and for their families and their struggles to see their loved ones suffering.
-- For our friend Randy
-- For the health and healing of Sister Pat, Gypsy.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres to continue the search.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April, Erika, Pery.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Prayer Requests 12/20/12

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below.

Thank you for keeping this ministry and our guests in your prayers so faithfully! On behalf of the Love in Action team, we wish you and yours a merry, blessed Christmas!


He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:2-5

-- Ida: I love you Daddy, very much. I wish that you would come home. All of my prayers come true. Love. (written by a child)
-- Sara & Tom: For a home, job and less stress. A healthy birth of our child and the resources to be able to keep and raise the baby we look forward to.
-- Anthony R.L.N.: Prayers for the families of Newton, Ct. Prayers for all members of U.S. Marine Corps. Prayers for all veterans returning from war. Prayers for all homeless veterans. Prayers for all homeless people. Prayers for my family – Anthone T. N. and Alexis B. N. and Nickolas N. Prayers for Lilia, my beloved and her son. Prayers for my sister, Jackie T.H., her husband Perry and their children CJ, Teresa and Matthew. Prayers for my late mom Barbara, late grandma Helen G., late cousin Joann G., late Aunt Mary R. Prayers for myself. May everyone I pray for be blessed in your love, prosperous in your blessings, be safe in your loving protection and be graced with your heart when their time comes. Please keep the 20 children from Newton, CT, with Your Son and My Lord and Savior Jesus, where they are loved and happy. In Your Blessed Name, Amen.
-- Prayers for cigarettes, only price of $4 -$5, some other place prices. Pizza. Not people's problems. How the guy throws his woman officer on women when men close. I did no crime.
-- I need special intercessory prayer for my mother, Mrs. Edmonia P. She has a need for a healing miracle.
-- Gracias dios mio. I love you, mama, Lorena, Lester, Manuel, Miguel, Jerry.
-- God give me peace of mind and help the world.
-- Jessica: I love you dad. Have a wonderful Christmas. (written by a child)
-- Pray for world peace, starting with the guys at meatloaf dinner.
-- Red: For everyone who I love to have a good Christmas and safe warm place to spend it.
-- James, don’t mess up. The new year is better.
-- Sherrell: The best year ever for us all.
-- Pray for Valdie H. and suzline, and family.
-- Hope!!!
-- The Wilson Family: Can you pray for our family a special blessing.
-- Please pray that we/us people, humans, live as peace citizens just as the word speaks of.
-- Diana B. and Roosevelt J.: Protect my unborn child and keep her safe and born perfect with no defects and born healthy, strong and beautiful.
-- Roosevelt J.: To stop using crack/cocaine.
-- Michael T.: Please pray that the Lord would grant me peace among the people that I see every day and that I would have a heavenly, positive effect on their lives in some way. Also, I need prayer concerning a personal matter. I was involved in an accident and I have a lawyer handling my case. I hope and pray that the outcome will be favorable for me and others involved.
-- O’Neil J.: Black OPS2 for PS3 (written by a child)
-- I want some toys for Christmas (written by a child)
-- Randy J.: A game for Christmas, head ear phone set, MP3 player.
-- John Jean B.: For employment at Vodka Restaurant.
-- My prayer is that people treat each other with respect.
-- Ann: My prayer request once again is to be blessed with an apartment so I no longer have to live on the streets in my car.
-- Robert J.: I pray for my family and me to have a better life in the future, praise God, and to get off the street and start living right.
-- Family and friends.
-- God bless Tony. I’m still in love. And my mother and brother.
-- Amber Michelle B.: Please pray for me about everything you can think of. I love you and God and Jesus and don’t forget to tell Him so for me. God bless you and the whole world.
-- Keith F.: Pray that I do the will of God and get a job and a place to live and pray for my family and my Emiest. Amen.
-- Salvado A.E.: Guidance to the mall (Flamingo Mall) so I can interact on going home or taken to Indian Trace Vista or Vista Indian Corporation in Opalalka Hialeah or Pompano.
-- Red Miami: So me and my family can enjoy our week together and it will be special. I love you.
-- Mom, I love you.
-- Don M.: I want to thank the Lord for all the blessings He has bestowed on me today and everyday. I would ask that you pray for me and my house, my children and grandchildren. Thank you for the food and all the blessings and fellowship and music and the effect your people make in our time of pain and suffering. Thank you for making life a little more bearable. Psalm 128, Psalm 13, Psalm 100. God bless!! Thank you.
-- Pray for me, Gail A. and Kelly R. and family. Thank you.
-- I pray for world peace between everyone. I pray for safety for all homeless people around the world including myself. Pray very, very hard.
-- That the great golden cow of greed is melted away along with the accusing tongue.
-- Lee: Give me a home and life help.
-- V: A plane ticket, money, sports car, house, gainful employment.
-- Johnny: I wish that me and my boyfriend, Rich, will forever be together. He is incredible. I also wish that he loves me as much as I love him. Let no man pull us apart forever.
-- Pray for a safe home for me before the end of 2012 of my own. I need to do God’s will. No financial burden. No unGodly or unfair expectations.
-- All my family and everyone and home, God, an efficiency.
-- So far everything is going great, thank you. I know would like to not do drugs and alcohol every move which I haven’t done drugs but frankly I would like to be myself.
-- Joyce E. – cancer and Lori M. mother – brain tumor.
-- Keep Clara R. in your prayers that she gets the transportation and medical help she needs and she gets better from her bronchitis flare up. Soon she has lots of doctor appointments and legal business to take care of. Thank you.
-- Please pray for all who made this possible and who will make it possible in the years to come. Pray for Pery and Sharon, for all their needs. Keep them safe. Thank you Lord for everything.
-- Rashon Shadi K.: Employment. Thank you.
-- Pray for the Gantt family, Israel W., Hughes C., Pierre N., Carter W., Bell S.
-- Healing for Harry and Kathy
-- For our friend Randy
-- For the health and healing of Sister Pat, Gypsy.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres to continue the search.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April, Erika, Pery.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Prayer Requests 12/13/12

The prayer requests from last Thursday's Love in Action meal are below.

Thank you for your prayers!


He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3 (NIV)

-- Prayer for me and family for life, health, strength and knowledge and to be prosperous.
-- Victor D.: Lord, please bless me with some finances now. Love you.
-- Delores: Please pray for me, my health isn’t good. I hurt 24/7. Please ask God to ease my pain. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
-- I pray for some new sneakers.
-- Tywanna K.: Give me strength thru all my day to fill me with joy, hope, uplifting, meanwhile, with love and happiness.
-- What I want for Christmas is God.
-- I pray for everyone that has more problems than me and I pray that the Lord will continually forgive us all for all our sins, and to forever love, and help us all. I love you Jesus.
-- Thomas Y.: Pray for me.
-- Let my mother get strength to do well in her life and always look forward and don’t look back.
-- Nichole: Thank you for your grace, Father. Please heal my jewel immediately. Pain does not belong there. Bless all the children in the world with a gift of You in their hearts. Bless Dennis with your healing hands. Father, if it be Your will may I please have my social security check? I waited so long now. Father I need a security deposit for an apartment now. I love you Jesus.
-- Duane A.: Give me shelter God. Please help, on the edge.
-- Lori S.: Asking for prayer that I get into my housing and/or for some jobs that make me some quick money. Thank you for your prayers.
-- A game like a playstation.
-- Pray for: Victoria, Daniel, Meme, Goldie, Ellie, Ed, Dede, Steward, Bernadette. Happy holidays.
-- Mike: Keep me in your prayers and my family and most of all, my girlfriend.
-- God love Luann T., love Scott.
-- God please keep all of the ones I love safe until you bring them home. Love always.
-- Ivory J.: To keep my family in prayer. Thank you.
-- O’Neil: I want some games and I want a playstation and a Nintendo, new shoes and clothes.
-- Please pray that my disability gets resolved in favor of me so I can get off the streets before I die.
-- Dear Lord, as time and space pass, Oh, Alpha and Omega, may be with You always as You are with us, even till the end of time.
-- Dhasheea S.: God please watch over and protect my mother and brothers, Nasanga, Melquan, Johwuan and Anthony. Please give Shawn & myself the strength, wisdom, knowledge and understanding to continue on our daily struggles.
-- Shawn S.: Bless me with Your greatness Lord, and please look over me and Dhasheea. Keep her safe, please. In Your name, Amen.
-- I pray next time they use battery powered candles or glow sticks, environmentally friendly/people safe. Amen.
-- Donald: I would like you to pray for my children, Jessy, Amber, Keyard and me. Thank you. God bless!
-- Pray for the leaders of the feeding so they may find the faith and courage to take risk.
-- Nepolius P.
-- Jonny S.: Please get negative people out of my boyfriend’s life. Keep him safe.
-- Randy J.: A game for my kids.
-- Lesa: I pray that God will heal my mind and my heart.
-- Bless me with my disability money.
-- Roosevelt J.: would like to stop using crack/cocaine for the rest of his life and to watch and protect my unborn child and that she would be born healthy and strong.
-- Family.
-- Rachel: Lord, please help me find a new life and new beginning. Make it better and brand new.
-- K.W.S.: I pray that it will not rain on me tonight. I want to get a good night’s rest. The last two days I’ve been soaked through. It’s not good sleeping.
-- Delbert W.: Asking for peace on earth, good will to everyone. I need shelter and help living on the street since I came here this month. Thank you. God bless us all in this world. He made us all. Amen.
-- Keti: I need to have a job. Thank you.
-- I pray in Jesus name 1) deliver my husband from crack and alcohol and porn. 2) I pray for a financial blessing for my children’s needs. Thank you.
-- God, give my friend, Shante, the best things of life and to overcome her pain.
-- Pray for transportation until my disability gets resolved, 30-60 more days.
-- Wanda A.: I am looking for a place to stay and need prayer and help, please. Thank you.
-- Pray for John S. that he gets some work!
-- Kimberly T.: Prayer request for my son that went to court on 12/12/12. Pray for his kids and my family and me.
-- I ask that you continue to pray that the Lord continues to watch over all of us. Thank you.
-- Prayer for family, mother, sister, brother, a place to stay, a job.
-- Willie M.: Pray for me.
-- Amber Michelle B. and Rashon Shadi K.: Pray for whatever, I need as many blessings as I can get.
-- Nikolas L.: I need healing for my torn cartilage in my knees; proper shoes would help also work and housing. God bless, thank you.
-- Melvin D, George D. and family, and all people.
-- Bouduipapa fergrace souple Fergricon poumaun souplee (unable to translate)
-- Healing for Harry and Kathy
-- For our friend Randy
-- For the health and healing of Sister Pat, Gypsy.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres to continue the search.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April, Erika, Pery.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Prayer Requests 12/6/12

The prayer requests from Thursday's Love in Action meal are below.

Thank you for praying for this ministry and our guests so faithfully!


Here’s the story I’ll tell my friends when they come to worship, and punctuate it with Hallelujahs: Shout Hallelujah, you God-worshipers; give glory, you sons of Jacob; adore him, you daughters of Israel. He has never let you down, never looked the other way when you were being kicked around. He has never wandered off to do his own thing; he has been right there, listening.
Psalm 22:22-24 (MSG)

-- Pray for humanitarians to take small risk everyday.
-- Robert: Prayer for family, brother, sister & wife, a place to stay and a job for myself.
-- Prayer for John’s father, Joe and Jeff
-- Salvado Adrian E.: For the blessed arrival after my self journey home as I walk to living hopeful. Peace. Yours truly.
-- Angelo: MP3
-- Victor D.: Lord, please help me with funds to help my son and get off the street.
-- Sean M.: Pray for shelter
-- John Jean B.: For a good job.
-- I would like you to continue to pray for me because even though I am blind in one eye and homeless I know that I am more than a concern. Please pray for us that are homeless and those that are suffering. Thank you.
-- Bill S.: Help me with drinking.
-- Sean B.: I need a prayer for used men’s boots size 12, please.
-- I pray for everything. I need a prayer for the whole world.
-- Stanley R.: Please pray for me to do the right things. No drugs please.
-- Ellen: Kathy – continued improvement. My children – lot of love & good fortune. Myself – good health & success. Tammy – good health & love. Marlene – win the lotto. Success in life.
-- Darin: For my sons Greyson, Galin, Quinlan and the mother of my children, Maggie.
-- Reynold, Bettey
-- Donald: I would like you to pray for my children, grandchildren and girlfriend Sheri-n-Jessica and me. Thank you. God Bless!!
-- Lee A.W.: Please pray that I may go back to work and stop my addictive behavior and ways.
-- Eric: Help me live you Rhianna love all and to get a job! Thank you.
-- Please pray for my girlfriend, Samantha and everyone. Love.
-- I pray for a Cadillac.
-- For my Aunt Liz for her new fight with cancer, I pray she will get through her challenge and have peace with God.
-- Nicole: I found my ex-boyfriend now with a naked something that I’m not and she will. Day needs some heart change too. He loves you but he backyells too much and now he’s prostituting, not just himself but other girls and receiving money for both. Then he tells me he’s sorry and keeps sinning against me and enough is enough. I still have got to praise You and have a clean heart, but why are you letting Day break it? Thank you Father for your grace. Father, may I please have my breakthrough I’ve been believing for, for all these months now? I need some way past due bills paid. I have to give Lauren money too. I need a security deposit now Father. I have got to get clothes that fit and toiletries of all things. Just the basics and now I need a bus pass too. I need immediate financial provision for my surgeons to and from them so I won’t be walking too much. I want to let my womb heal. My heart rate is higher than 49, Hallelujah, but can it be 60 or higher and not caused by stress. I need coddley friends too. And can I have a job that can hire me now please? Bless Mr. Pery and Mr. Tim. Father, if it be your will can I have $25 for a checking account so I can have a safe place for my money to come in January. And can you please bless Lauren and Randy? I love you Jesus.
-- God love Mary and Frank.
-- Eight hymnals per pew. How about hymn #192? Check it out or not. No music needed. Let’s just sing.
-- Pray for Robert to stop smoking. Pray for Marilyn and Nan – finances. Nan in the hospital. Marshall & Robert’s finances.
-- Randy J.: Toys for kids.
-- I pray that the GOP stops playing games and gets to work.
-- James W.: I hope to have a prayer for my children.
-- Thomas S.: Please pray for me to become safe for Christ.
-- Zebiah: Dear God, Can you give us a house, clothes – not a lot, shoes, money and a blessing? (written by a child)
-- Lois & Zebiah: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord God King of Israel. Psalm 118:26. I thank God for his loving kindness and mercy towards me and my daughter. I thank God for Pastor Pery and the multitude of churches that come together to participate in the service of others in need. Without our Father God in heaven and His Son this would not be possible. So please continue to pray for us and keep extending Your precious hands towards those in need. Sincerely, Blessed be the King.
-- Prayer for a job! Unemployment money!
-- Please pray for me, John M., that I get God back in my heart and life and off the street clean and sober. I’m praying to get my ex-wife and daughter back as a family again. Pray for my wife and daughter, Bernadette and Christina, my mom Patty, my brothers David and Lester, my niece Theresa, all of my kids. Stephan, Shawn and Christina, my ex-mother-in-law Wanda, for all the volunteers who serve this food for those in need. God bless the homeless.
-- Hi my God. Please help me Cuntidna R.S. and my 3 kids, Shalika, Denise, Adrian
-- Tyrone F. & Shalika S.: My father, I need you to help me get my babies out of jail. Need to come home. And I pray for me to get a job and a place for me and my soon husband and Shelika to get out as soon as you let them out.
-- Could you pray for all my family to walk in the way of the Lord?
-- Financial blessing, housing, job this Friday. Special blessings.
-- Scott F. Family: God, I really need your help because I want my kids and husband back. Please help my and my family.
-- For Harry for complete healing.
-- For Kathy for complete healing.
-- For our friend Randy
-- For the health and healing of Sister Pat, Gypsy.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For Detective Torres to continue the search.
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Lennox, Wolf, Smitty, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Jon K., April, Erika, Pery.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Gary, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Brian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.