Saturday, October 30, 2010

Prayer Requests 10/28/10

These are the prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding. Thank you for praying for this ministry and its precious guests!

We have a mighty God, and no problem is too big or too small to be lifted up to him in prayer.

Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, extend to the skies, and Your faithfulness to the clouds. Psalm 36:5

-- Thank you, Father, for delivering Tino to a safe place. Please help him humbly seek your will.
-- For Rocky's recovery
-- For Eric and Rhianna
-- For Kelley, Errol, Jamall, Robert, Steve
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice and made whole.
-- For all the neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For Terry, who has been struggling to find work while juggling his legal problems. He sees the situation coming to a head this Wednesday.
-- B.M.C.: Pray for me to get my place and a job.
-- Eugene B.: Please pray for me to find a place to live, to find work and get the job, ask God to give me wisdom and knowledge, to point me in the right direction, to make smart decisions and wise choices. Ask him to help me be the best man that I can be to him.
-- Tony L.: Mother, father, sister, all family members and kids and their mother. John and Murphy, all friends and church and family members. Kathy and daughter, and Sandy and Calvary Church, and New Hope. All friends' family and enemies. Meatloaf and job and places reunite family and kids.
-- Tammy: Health, love, wages, disability check.
-- Eloise N.: Left arm, feet strength.
-- Darryl N.: Weight, cash blessing.
-- Patrick G.: That the right people are placed in my life and those that are caught up in material things will be brought to the light, and to let go of so much negative ways.
-- Larry: For families come together and better job.
-- Chamtel: Safeness, things to receive, what I need.
-- Thank you so very much for praying for my return to my family and friends.
-- Michael M.: Pray for my friends — Tanya, who is battling drug addiction; Selena, who is in the hospital for bleeding on her brain; and Ann, who is having financial trouble. As far myself, I need a job to get off the streets, I don’t drink or do drugs. I know I am wrong, but why am I being punished. I am a believer. Please pray for me.
-- John B.: Blessings for sister with breast cancer.
-- David T.: Job
-- Robert P.: Family and friends
-- Please pray for my friend Ray, he is really hurting, thank you.
-- Willie M.: God
-- Fawna’s cancer.
-- Leon R.: For change, need what God has for me to do. Thank you.
-- Barbara G., Cedrick G., Robert, Snake, Patricia, George, Sammy, Darryl, God.
-- That you keep me strong and clean in the most way – husband also. Much love.
-- Bless all the people that bring this evening to our people.
-- I need prayer for tolerance.
-- J.G.: Help me overcome some people crises.
-- Darius/Romeo
-- Bob: I am having a very hard time right now with my money.
-- Bless the people in Haiti and Indonesia, etc.
-- Please pray that Mark and I (Linda) life comes together for the Lord's will, we’re both homeless.
-- S Leon T. Sr.: Dear God, May I be blessed with continued good graces.
-- For everybody in active addiction struggling.
-- Please bless me, Jesus, through this time of transition.
-- For Julliett, Juanita, Pauline my Mum.
-- Lord, let us continue to exercise individual acceptance.
-- Keep on praying for my step-father and mother, also to say a prayer for my step-brother and sister because they are not talking and lots of bad things been said between one another.
-- Pray for me to find a job and a place to live.
-- Kenneth B.: Me and my family, other brothers and sisters that stay in the park with me, are being put out. I ask that you’ll keep us in prayer for the Almighty's help with everything.

Phoenix Parker & The Good News

Phoenix Parker & The Good News
at Love in Action

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Prayer Requests 10/21/10

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below. Thank you for praying for this ministry and its precious guests!

Hallelujah! Thank God! Pray to him by name! Tell everyone you meet what he has done! Sing him songs, belt out hymns, translate his wonders into music! Honor his holy name with Hallelujahs, you who seek God. Live a happy life! Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence. Remember the world of wonders he has made, his miracles, and the verdicts he's rendered—O seed of Abraham, his servant, O child of Jacob, his chosen. Psalm 105:1-6

-- For Billy, who is now in a wheelchair. Pray for her to be able to lift herself into and out of bed. Psalm 105 says "look to the Lord and his strength." The lame shall walk then the blind shall see.
-- For Tino, who goes to court this week. For the Lord's hand to be upon him.
-- For Kelley's health
-- For all the neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For Rocky
-- For Teresa
-- For Dave's killer to be found and made whole.
-- Arthur N.: I pray for wisdom and understanding!!
-- Jeff G.: Have Karl do the right things in Luke!
-- Gracias Dios portodo decorazon tu conoses mi corazon perdoname. (Thank you God for everything … from the bottom of my heart … forgive me)
-- For Atibo – to achieve and overcome problems.
-- God help us all!
-- Bro Paris
-- Riley: “Love is YOU!” Pray for ME.
-- Ashton, Spencer & Family … thanks
-- Pray for Sean & Elizabeth that they can afford to have a baby.
-- I to Jesus for my disability claim.
-- For Nicholas to overcome problems.
-- For Vicki … Pray that my brother is safe from any harm. Pray that my daughter is safe from any harm. Pray that my grandchildren are safe from any harm.
-- Mark W.: This church is a real blessing to me!! I would like prayer for more work and continued employment so that I can buy the things I need. I would also like prayer for my family and friends.
-- Thank you, God, for the meal I'm about to receive.
-- Stop oppression of the poor, return jobs to United States!!! That sell-out CEO’s of rich companies overseas come to their senses and bring back jobs for American citizens. Stop the off-shoring & outsourcing! Our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, etc., FOUGHT, DIED FOR U.S. AND HER CITIZENS (poor as well). Stop the injustices of lack of jobs in U.S. because of corporate GREED & SELFISHNESS & OPPRESSION. Those rich share the guilt of some of the poor that commit crimes because of unemployment because of this oppression. STOP IT!
-- Debra and Ronnie need God. Blessings for the funds to get our utilities turned back on. Then we’ll move back into our house. God bless you all!!
-- God please grant me victory with everything I try to accomplish.
-- Pray for Jenny and Miguel that they can both be safe and a job.
-- Lord, set the captives free.
-- Bless President Barack Obama in Jesus name and God bless America!
-- Eloise N. feet heal. Tammy cure diabetes. Darryl's rash.
-- For Vicki, pray that I stay healthy. Pray that I get to enjoy my family.
-- I pray to have a great birthday and for everyone to have good health.
-- God bless the needy.
-- P.J.: To have eternal life.
-- Pray to keep Wendy and Scott together.
-- Brian R.: I pray for love and happiness.
-- Shag: Health and wealth, shelter and pass it on!
-- Michele: God bless my friend Herbert who just found out he has HIV.
-- For Harold, my Lord – Justice and peace. Amen
-- Pray for Chris and Eva, that they may afford to have a baby!
-- Dr. Love: To be a millionaire – soon!!
-- Pray for my brother Glenn – has Alzheimer’s Disease.
-- Praying for getting better and find work. Praying for everyone.
-- Abe: Thank you for all your prayers. Please, pray for my health. Please pray for my family and friends.
-- Laura P., Kristin C., Patty S.
-- Katherine T.: Prayer for deliverance from drugs and alcohol.
-- Please Jesus, let Gwen and I make a life together. Thank you and God bless.
-- Rod: To stay off drugs & a better life.
-- Pray for Dwight D. for a job.
-- Pray for me, Joseph, for healing so I may stay alive longer to serve God.
-- Michael N. for getting into Broward College by November and for FAFSA to allocate funds for housing. And also for all those who still need God’s help. For peace and love for all.
-- Thank you, oh Lord, for your grace and mercy. Teach me your ways. Show me the way that I should go. Make me a blessing to others. Teach me wisdom! That I may serve thee, oh Lord!
-- Keep me in prayer for prosperity and wisdom.
-- Grace and mercy.
-- Pray for me to find a job and place to live.
-- April and Jaime M.: To pray for our health and a stable living environment.
-- Mike M.: Pray for my friend Salina B. that God heal her. And for Tanya M. to overcome her addiction.
-- Michael B.: I would like you to pray for my family, kids and friends. Thank you.
-- For the Lord to demonstrate His divine healing. Pray for Joseph S. and the Lord to keep me on track for the vision He has given me.
-- Eric: Pray for me, Rhianna, Erica, Mykalea and Another. I love you, Lord.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Prayer Requests 10/14/10

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for this ministry and its guests!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7

-- For Nina, who passed away, we offer up the prayer she wrote each week: Please pray for all the abused, neglected, and hungry animals and for those who care for them. And thank you, Father, for allowing us to know Nina.
-- For Errol A.W.
-- For Kelley's foot pain
-- For Tino's good news
-- For Rocky's continued recovery
-- For Dave's killer to be found and made whole
-- For Gypsy's brother Robert
-- For Eric and Rhianna
-- To look over and keep my family together.
-- Thank you for the food, God bless.
-- Tammy's health, Eloise N's health and walk, Darryl to gain weight back.
-- Brian E.R.: My own home.
-- Mark W.: I would like prayer for good luck, health and more work. P.S. I have things I need and have to pay for.
-- Ann: I pray that you keep watching over me so I can do my heart's desires.
-- B.H.: I pray for the homeless to have a better life and to be blessed with something that we don’t have.
-- Please pray for Amy’s hand to heal back to the way it was, thank you.
-- I need regular work, I need housing, I need many more things also.
-- Pray for Maurice & Danielle & Pauline & Juliette, God will answer all prayers.
-- Cindy
-- I pray that my family succeeds with God.
-- I ask that God better my family.
-- Edward N.: Pray that I go to NJ next Tuesday.
-- I wish God can come back to life.
-- Pray for Manfred that he accepts the Lord's will, comfort him until his friend returns.
-- Kenneth B.: Grace, mercy and His everlasting love and protection.
-- First off, let me thank all who contributed to this great meal I just received. Now as for my prayer request, I would like you to pray for me to obtain employment and to continue in good health. Thank you for all you have done and for all you will do in the future for me and everyone else.
-- Employment . And to please hear from my best friend Troy E. real soon, please.
-- Don’t let depression get to me. Aunt Ana’s grieving family. Latonya, Tracy, Fedrico, Jon, Rufus, Verona, Judith, Kareem, Ms. Adelee.
-- For all hungry, unsheltered people.
-- That I get another place to live and I get into Broward College.
-- Michele: Lord, I ask that you take my friend Sam under your wing and protect him at all times.
-- Taylor: Lord, let each day get better.
-- A prayer of thanksgiving for the rescued Chilean miners.
-- Samuel S.: Please pray that I can keep this new job I start tomorrow. Thank you.
-- Healing and salvation for Marilyn & Dan.
-- Have a good and lucky day.
-- I want Gwen to be loved by the Lord and hope we can spend the rest of our life together. Thank you and God bless.
-- Pray for me to find a job and a place to live.
-- Shelly L.: I'm asking God to give me more strength.
-- Fawna’s cancer
-- Please pray for Brad, that his life is in order.
-- My name is Brian, please pray I find a job and that my health gets better and for all that are in the same situation, thank you.
-- Tony L.: Pray for my kids and family, a place to stay and jobs situation. Stay out of trouble, bless my friends and family and kids.
-- Lee A.W.: Please pray for me to get my job and position back soon.
-- M. Mills: Pray for my friends Lena & Tany and that Lena recover from aneurism and that Tanya do well in her recovery from drugs. He knows my needs.
-- Please pray with me for God to bless Myeka and I with an affordable place to live because our income is only $370/monthly. I’m in need of new eyeglasses too.
-- Keeping me strong, helping me find work, keeping faith. Thanking you, Lord, for letting me see another day.
-- I hope for blessing in every way. Thank God for life and understanding and open heart.
-- Robert B.: Family, my wife, brother, sister, a job and a place to stay.
-- Mercy and grace.
-- Tyler: To say a special prayer for my stepfather Robert O. and my mother Dion, also for me.
-- Kevin T.: I pray for the Father’s mercy and grace to continuously be granted to me in every area of my life. Amen

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Prayer Requests 10/7/10

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below. We thank you for your ongoing prayers for this ministry and its guests!

But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness. James 3:17-18

-- For Rocky ... 6 days clean.
-- For Nina
-- For Tino's recovery
-- For Steve
-- For Gypsy's brother Robert, who's still in critical condition.
-- For Jamall and his kids
-- For Eric and Rhianna
-- For Sister Pat's health
-- For healing for Scott, Mike, and their mother.
-- For Willie Mae's housing situation.
-- For Kelley's foot, which isn't healing and causes a lot of pain.
-- For Dave's killer to be found and to be made whole.
-- For the Lord to call back to his kingdom Mike O., Sean O., Joseph S., Kathleen Y., and for him to find me a new job.
-- Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your grace and mercy! Show me wisdom and guide my steps, oh Lord. Give me patience. Bless me so that I may be a blessing to others! In Jesus' name, Amen!
-- Stephen F.: That Miss Debbie will forgive me for getting angry. I ask Jesus to forgive me. Have a blessed day.
-- I pray that I be blessed very financially wealthy.
-- Bob: I need help as I am not doing good right now. Having a hard time with my money.
-- Mark W.: I would like prayer for work and continued employment. I would also like prayer for good luck and good health.
-- Randy: Dear friends, let us not forget where we sit today. It was a gift yesterday, and it's a gift today, and tomorrow still holds its own. Amen
-- Barbara P.
-- All of us.
-- Complete financial and spiritual breakthrough.
-- Carl and Richard: A job and a home.
-- Johnny S.: Pray God to show me the way to make right choices in life and automotive business. I hope God lets me get this automotive job. And I have an issue .... a friend of mine, she needs help. She needs a lot of prayer.
-- My mother Loris B. Strength with dealing with life situations.
-- For Olivas!
-- Fawna's cancer
-- Katherin T.: Need special and all time prayer. For deliverance from drug and alcohol and a relationship with the Almighty.
-- Pray for Mr. David and Ellie to come to a better life and understanding.
-- Help me with my family.
-- David G.: A better life, a place to live.
-- Larry: For myself and families come together for better health and job.
-- Isiah: Lord, please help me to receive my SSI, so that I can help my Godmother.
-- Bruce P. G.: Please, Lord, help me find work and to be a better person. Thank you for keeping me safe and sound.
-- My name is Jephte A. I just need your prayers to go toward my salvation. Thank you and may God bless all of you in Jesus name.
-- Charles B. to get back in his children's life and be a father to them. Thank you, Jesus and God. And for me to go home to see my mom.
-- Tyson: To say a special prayer for my mother Diane and my stepfather Robert. Also for myself.
-- Ashton S. .... Thanks.
-- For life, prosperity for my family, Sandra, Devontae, Mikki, John, Tiffany. Pray that God blesses us to gather, to live life, love and eternal life God promises to us. Pray for deliverance.
-- Napoleon P.
-- Robert B.: Wife, brothers, sister, a place to stay, a job, financial blessing.
-- Pray that Popeye completes his walk for Jesus to Washington D.C.
-- Tammy: Heal, cure diabetes.
-- Eloise: Heal, left arm come down.
-- Darryl: Prosperity.
-- Riley and Diana: We all need prayer! Pray for us!
-- Genesis 3:13
-- Warm weather! 85 degrees and up!
-- Pray for Valarie, Charmaine, Karen, Andrew, Daniel and Ms. Adelee.
-- Thanks for the meal we were served.
-- First of all, I want to thank God for all things and I pray for everyone that's less fortunate than I am. And I pray to God that He will install in all of our minds to pray for each other. I ask of you, God, to use me more to do His will.
-- Latonia and Tracy. Help our youth, help Love in Action.
-- Michelle: Lord, please help my friend Nappy go through this custody battle for his child.
-- Let the Lord guide me on this one last try for prosperity before I decide to leave Florida for good. Amen
-- M. Mills: Pray for Tanya and I to get this job that I already claim in the name of Jesus. I'm tired of living on the street.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Prayer Requests 9/30/10

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are included below. Please lift up these prayers with your own.


In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

-- For Nina, who is missing from us.
-- For Tino in jail, to reconnect with our Father and accept His forgiveness. And healing from depression.
-- For Gypsy's brother Robert in Colorado, who was shot in the back by a shotgun in a failed robbery attempt. He crashed the Harley he was riding when shot and is now hospitalized in critical condition. Gypsy's sister passed away earlier this year and he's very worried about his brother.
-- For Eric and Rhianna
-- For Sister Pat, who injured her foot this week and had a bad response to the pain medication the doctor gave her. She's having trouble breathing.
-- For Scott, who needs a blood transfusion but is scared to go back to the hospital. He's fighting cancer.
-- For Scott's mother, who has had ongoing heart issues and just found out she's too ill for heart surgery.
-- For Willie Mae, who thanks you for the ongoing prayers! Her landlord had wanted more than $900 from her for back-rent, but he has dropped the fees he was tacking on and the amount is down to $595. This is amazing! Still, she needs to come up with the money or she risks eviction. She also asked for help finding a dress (extra-large, or a size 14 or so) for church.
-- For Kelley's health
-- For Dave's killer to be found and to be made whole.
-- Pray for no more rain until I get out of Florida.
-- Debra A., for strength in her spirit.
-- Robert Lee G. to come out of federal prison.
-- Pray for Bryan, that he chooses to survive by the Lord's hand, instead of what he is doing now.
-- That God would stop talking about death and cancer!
-- Earl F.
-- Bonnie C. in the hospital
-- I hope someone will find my eyeware and return them to me or someone at this church. I need them for my classes, in order to finish up my nine classes. Thanks for your prayers.
-- Patrick: Thank you for what you did for me.
-- Adrienne T. to find her way back home.
-- My head and my ankles heal. To be healed completely!
-- Katherine T.: Deliverance from drugs and alcohol, and a relationship with the Almighty.
-- Thank you, crew, for feeding us!
-- Pray for jobs for the people that need them.
-- I want to pray for my family and my friend.
-- Jenny M.: Pray that I get a good home, for I am homeless and out of work.
-- Carl and Richard: A job and a home.
-- Praise the Lord and bless the children! Amen!
-- Pray for my sister, she is sick. Also, my Aunt Betty and her daughter. Also pray for Dave, his teeth hurt.
-- First of all, I want to thank God for all things, the bad as well as the good. And I pray for everyone that is less fortunate than I am. And I know that God is in control of all things, and I pray for everyone that's sick and living on the streets. And that he will let us know we need. God is God.
-- Chamtel: My needs and safety and health and money daily.
-- Barbra L. for healing.
-- Family — Rufus and Verona/Rico. Pray for Joseph T.'s salvation/Love in Action, Christ Church. God's purpose for my life. Heal Ms. Adelie, Mr. King, Ms. Morrison, Ms. Cunnignham, Mr./Mrs. Canyon. Financial breakthrough.
-- Tammy, get well. Eloise N. walk. Me, blessing money-wise. Quicken them.
-- Riley: Prayer changes things. Pray for me.
-- Derwin: Submission to God's will.
-- Abraham: I like that you pray for all my family.
-- To the Lord, I would like to request $1,000,000, a thousand head of cattle belong.
-- S.G. healing for drugs.
-- Abe: Please keep praying for me that my neck surgery be fine.
-- Willie Mae: I need financial blessing.
-- Fawna's cancer
-- Glenn D.: My family and friends, everybody, better place to live. God is good. Need better job or more hours. Thank you, my prayer has been answered!
-- Robert B.: For family, brother, sister, wife, mother, a place to stay, a job, financial blessing.
-- For the homeless, sick and shut-in of whatever illness.
-- Job and a place to stay.
-- To pray for my step-father Robert O. and my mother Dian R. for better health.
-- Ronnie and Debra R.: Need God's blessings for a financial blessing to open our house. Electric and water needs turned back on so that we won't be homeless. God bless this issue and everybody else!
-- For Arthur: Strength to make it through.
-- Arthur N.: To become a better father and get off the streets being homeless.
-- RV: Thank you for my new job and home. Please help my kid to find a good life.
-- Pray for me to find a job and a place to live.
-- I pray for Gladys to get well, for us to find a place to live.
-- Please let me and my mother patch things up, and also my uncle who has cancer, and pray for my daughter who I have not seen in 2 years.
-- Please pray for Ivan and Margaret that they get their apartment this month.
-- Michele: Lord, please bless this new relationship I'm in. Also I ask that you keep my friend Michele safe.
-- Reese K. and Rashon K.: Please pray for us, we need all the financial help that God blesses us with.
-- William: Pray for my girlfriend Laura and her kids and my healing, health.
-- Peace and understanding, happiness. Increase in knowledge for Willie. Healing of sickness.
-- Please pray for Pam P., she has pneumonia and is in Broward General.
-- Pray for Wendy and Scott to make it.
-- I pray for a job, a better life, and brighter future.
-- May Stephen Hawking receive a super miracle and speak on his own without computer. He has been a tremendous help in the past. He earned it.
-- Miguel: I pray for Jenny to get well. Keep my mom healthy. Let me find a home. Amen
-- Rod: To help stay off drugs.
-- M. Mills: Pray for my friend Tanya that she continue her recovery. God already knows what I need.
-- Douglas: Please allow me to find a job. Dear Jesus, I pray for mother R. to make things better for her.
-- Robert P. and family and friends.
-- Bob: My friend Peter is not doing very good with his job. He is having a very hard time.
-- I pray for the people outside like myself to be safe and dry tonight.
-- Charlotte: For my safety
-- Karan B.: Healing power of the Almighty!
-- Wisdom and understanding. Loving kindness and perseverance through hard times. Blessing to be a blessing to others. Enough to have all my needs met and some left over to bless others. Obedience to your Word, oh Lord. In Jesus' name I pray. Thank you, Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit for this and every day. Amen!
-- Pray for my father Paul H. who has lung cancer and my son Tyler.
-- That the Lord returns soon to end our misery.
-- My brother Scotty's recovery from cancer.
-- John W. needs a job.
-- Please pray for the well-being of my children, Prestin S. M. and Braylin K. M.
-- Bob: I am having hard times right now.
-- Michael: I want you to pray for my family and friends that are down on life, and pray for me and wife. Thank you.