Thursday, March 5, 2020

Prayer Requests 3/5/20

The prayer requests from Thursday’s Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for praying with us for this ministry and our guests.


He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?”
Mark 4:39-40 (NRSV)

-- Samuel C.: Love God.
-- David J. aka DJ: Thank you for getting me an apt. Now I am praying for a job as well as being able to cash my check.
-- Pray for my son, Jason (24) and Shawn (22), who won’t speak to each other.
-- Dear Lord of Lords, hear my prayer. Send me some help to get my life back to You. Thank you.
-- Bernard M.: I need prayer for work. I need someone to help me with some work. I believe in prayer. 754-248-xxxx. Whoever can call me you need an independent laborer. I need prayer for prescription eyeglasses. I do believe in prayer.
-- All glory, all power belong to you God, the maker of everything. God is the perfect, just judge. Yes! He is.
-- Byron: Join me in prayer for our pastor, our bus driver Mr. Greg, and all the volunteers, the convenience of this church, and all the above mentioned families, my sons, my brothers and their families. Thank you!!
-- I am me! If not, who is?
-- John W.: I need God and a home and love.
-- I am praying to get closer to God and family.
-- Lord, I wish the prayers to be sincere and from each person’s heart. In Jesus' mighty name. I ask that you pray that Calvin and Wayne have a blessed journey home. Amen.
-- Reynold, Bette, Mat.
-- Eke: Everybody in the world to have a safe night, give your child a kiss before bed. Love and a very special man. I love you. Your son. When I get my check it will be enough to move in a halfway house.
-- Greg Y.: Requesting prayer for permanent housing.
-- Cory S.: Please pray for Mary, G., and William. They lost their daughter to ovarian cancer last month. They need strength of ???. Thanks.
-- Seyah: Please pray for my own place to stay, for my health as well. Please pray for my families well-being, I need to find a good part-time job. I really need to find a good man who is going to love me for me as well. He must love the Lord, as well. I really want to be happy. In love with a good person. Take all the evil out of my landlord house as well. I need to get my own place as well. Just keep me in your prayers. Amen.
-- Housing for all the old men.
-- John J.: Pray for me and my family. And pray thatI find a job and a place to stay.
-- Pray the homeless get beautiful, safe, decent place to stay. In Jesus name.
-- Please, I just want to go home.
-- Rodriquez A.: Asking for prayer for healing. Pray for the Allen family. Ask for prayer for housing.
-- I will like to see my daughter.
-- Lord, Jesus, I ask you to protect me and get my disability. I love you Jesus.
-- That we stay safe and warm in the arms of Jesus.
-- Please pray the Lord bless me and my brother with work boots so we can get our job.
-- Yaning E.: Pentecostal Christian Home Benefits.
-- Corey T.: Please pray that I can get my medication ASAP. Thank you. God bless.
-- Mr. & Mrs. R. and family: We pray that our breakthrough is successful and that our children are reunited with us. We pray that we are blessed even more spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially to do the Lord’s will. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen, amen, amen.
-- Psalm 28; Peter 5; Timothy 5-11; John 7; 1 Corinthians 16; 2 Corinthians 2. Thanks for the overview of time and effort. Blessed will be continued for all and one.
-- My mother, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, aunties, uncles, friends, foe, volunteers, Pastor Pery, my diabetes.
-- My health and wellness.
-- Lora: Thank you for all the help.
-- God send me a good woman.
-- I pray that Friday will be the day I can afford to leave Ft. Lauderdale and start a cycle in my life with a roof over my head and money in my pocket and attend church and study the Bible.
-- I want to meet a ????.
-- I love Jesus. Thank you Jesus for my life. Abba, ask you speed up my disability papers.
-- Calvin and Wayne: Would like to make it back home tomorrow to Raleigh, NC, and thank God for all He have done.
-- God bless it for all you have given me and for your son Jesus Christ in His name. Amen.
-- I need help from God.
-- God, please get me out of this situation.
-- Thankful and grateful for every minute and every hour, for every lesson learned.
-- I finally have a place to call home.
-- Sending special prayers for Kimmy. For Tracy’s physical and emotional needs. For Ashley and her daughter Trinity. For Bianca and her family. For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann and Kamaurry.
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For the police department to give attention and effort to solving the case. 
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. For Nina.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers. For their health and well being. Help us to be quick to listen, slow to speak.
-- Thank you, Father, for the hands and hearts of the Love in Action volunteers. Thank you for our donors. Thank you for the way the members of our ministry use their gifts to lovingly care for our guests. Thank you for loving us first.