Sunday, July 31, 2011

Prayer Requests 7/28/11

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below. Thank you for your continued prayers for this ministry and its guests!

Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
Psalm 3: 2-3

-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole.
-- For Bianca and her family
-- Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tino, Tony, Keith, Smitty, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Willie Mae, Carl, Kayla, Lorenzo, Lennox, Rocky, Red, Johnny.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For the well-being of all of LIA's volunteers
-- World Peace
-- Pray for me, Jephte A., for me to be blessed with the Spirit of obedience. Thank you.
-- Lord, keep your hand on me.
-- Errol A.W.: For my health to get better. Pray for my family and friend everything alright with them. Lord, keep me strong and steady as I go through my trials in life.
-- Aaron W.: Healing Prayer
-- Robert J.: Bless me to keep my health. Bless this trip, the family & friends. Keep me safe all around.
-- Tony L.: Father & mother, sister, nephew, niece, uncles, aunts & cousins, nieces & nephews. All family, kids & their mother. All their family members. Calvary Church member Tracey, Ms. Mitchel, Bob, Amy, Apostle Allen, her church member, all churches, Sandy from His Walk & her mother Wennie. John & carpet business & his neighbor dog. And please get me off the street with my own place, and to reunite all and family members and kids. Keep mercy, grace on me and family. May Holy Spirit on me. In Jesus name. Amen
-- Steve H.: Work + live
-- Pray for Deried family & self (health).
-- Pray that I find a job as RN.
-- 10 tanks of scooter fuel, 10 ice, 10 brew
-- Jimmy: Pray for guidance and to overcome alcohol and get my life together.
-- Jeff: Pray for a new job.
-- Don W.: Employment or place to volunteer services.
-- Gary R. and Genia S.: Praise Jesus everyday for what we need, so pray for me and for us. Amen
-- Genia & Gary: Please help us achieve our goals & health.
-- GR: I hope God protects me from the devil.
-- Pray for the woman that sang tonight!
-- Tino: My days have gotten a bit brighter; I no longer feel the need to pretend to smile. I no longer have to remind myself of my blessings when I wake up in the morning. A new heart has been restored in me and I learned to appreciate what really matters. My request for prayer today is to grow wiser as every dawning of a new day.
-- Wanda F.: I need you, God, to help me with my food stamps, Lord, Amen. For me & my family, God. Amen.
-- Gilbert: Help me get back with my family.
-- Rafael G.: NEED HELP
-- My name is Kevin C. and I know God is in charge. I am grieving the death of my son. Please pray for me and my family.
-- Pray for David & Marlene to obey God.
-- Pray for my friend to find guidance for his calling in life.
-- My name is James C., Jr. I ask God to help me keep my family and a better life.
-- Leonard M.: Please pray for me that I get my papers.
-- Pat J.: Thank you, Jesus, for the blood that you shed for me.
-- Reynoldo I.
-- My name is Chris. I would like for God to guide me in finding a job and getting back on my feet. Amen.
-- Family friend
-- Frank: God love Mary.
-- Bless all the people from the church that do God's will and help us all.
-- Pas
-- Rose: Deliver my 3 children and keep a shield of protection around them.
-- Prayer for sister Deb who has ACLS.
-- Henry: Pray that God continue to lead and guide me to where He wants me to go. Also watch over my families and keep blessing.
-- Bless me with too much ability, to break free. Amen
-- Eugene B.: Pray for me to get a job and to get my rent paid.
-- My name is Michael M. I would like a special prayer for deliverance of all drugs & alcohol and to find a residence to live.
-- Please pray for me. My name is Alex G. Need God now more then ever before. Thank you for this food and for your compassion.
-- Nico E.: For my surgery for lung cancer, strength, wisdom and encouragement.
-- St. James. Pray for HS!!!!
-- For George B.
-- Pamela C.: Breast cancer
-- Mackey Fred
-- I am so close to my simple goals through my job to have stability. Everyday I feel like something trying to pull me down. I will keep moving forward with help from Jesus!
-- Pray for my babies, my girls, my enemies, and myself … that we prosper and be in good health … Salvation for all…
-- Spiritual Growth. Love.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Prayer Requests 7/21/11

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below. Thank you for praying for this ministry and its guests.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

-- God bless my family – E – with Me and Valerie to be together and God be with her in court
-- Gerard R.: God bless me
-- For Michael M. and family. Thank you.
-- God, I need your help!
-- Pray for everybody
-- Fraser K.G.: I would like to live God’s will and not my will. Please pray for my will to be non-existent. Thank U and God Bless.
-- Aaron W.: Thank you. Healing prayer.
-- Pat J.: If anyone says to me I love you, Love the Lord.
-- Mike & Tuesday: Love, joy, peace, happiness, work, shelter, better health.
-- For financial security
-- Johnny Bag of Donuts: A place to live. God bless.
-- James: Safe travel to see family.
-- Especially help these people become more understanding of each other if they were not there!
-- Lord, please help me & Eric get a job.
-- God, help me quit drinking.
-- Serenity, safety & guidance
-- Nico E: Strength, wisdom, courage and for me to get in the Calvary House.
-- I need somewhere to lay my head. Thank you Lord in advance. Lord, I’m waiting patiently for you to bless me with a place and a job! Much Love, Robert H.
-- Robert J.: Lord, keep me safe. Lord, you are almighty. Bless me, my friends and family. Bless me to have a safe trip. Keep me in your hands Lord.
-- To get my home done so I can move in.
-- Buddy’s health and home
-- Nicholas, Tray, Rebecca, Alicca, Dee & Cuartone
-- Vicki N. from PA. I need prayer 4 my baby. C – wow wow puppy (Bambi). To find a place 4 us to rent on SSI and ex-boyfriend also.
-- Janice R. and family: Prayer for health, happiness, financial blessing and job and a home. Help me God!
-- I pray for me and fiancé to stay off drugs. And live a productive life and move in our own place.
-- From Georgia T.
-- God love M & Al F.
-- Pamela C. 1/0 Breast Cancer
-- My name is Helen. I need prayer. I do drugs. Help me.
-- Mike: I need your help, dear Holy Father.
-- Don W.: Employment.
-- Pray to make my life better in the future.
-- Rafael G.: Need help.
-- Increase for all.
-- My name is Anthony A. and the mother of our 7 month old is Myeka J. God has blessed us with a new place to live where we will share an apartment with another couple. Our rent is $400/month. Please keep us in your prayers. Our 7 month baby girl is Angelina A. Please, please, please pray for her. Thank you.
-- Napoleon P.
-- Leonard M.: I am having problems with Immigration. Please pray for me.
-- Please bless me, Jesus, with a job and help me to pay rent.
-- Phil M.: I’m requesting more “Faith” and being more “Motivated” to what I’m praying for.
-- For me and my friends and neighbors of the streets. God bless.
-- Anthony S.: For my girlfriend and kids' health and love.
-- Mike: Please help me find a place to live.
-- Pray for a safe journey for me and my friends as we move to better ourselves in Lakeland, FL. Home – Job – Health
-- Pl: Jesus, hear me when I call upon your name. I need financial, need a job. Please, Jesus.
-- Family, friends
-- Troy: Thanksgivings to God. The job is coming through!!! And a place to LIVE!!!
-- Mike: Please, dear Jesus and Lord, help me.
-- For me and my friends and neighbors on the streets. God bless.
-- Al: God, I need you so. Bless me, God Jesus. And all people.
-- Restoration – Guidance, Devotion
-- Resvoldodll
-- God, please pray for me and my friends. Thanks.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Prayer Requests 7/14/11

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below.

Two Thursdays ago, Johnny "Bag of Donuts" approached me at dinner to thank us for praying for a job for him the previous week. He'd found work holding a sandwich-board type sign on a street corner for a few hours each day, and he said, "Prayer works!" He asked that we continue to pray for him — this time for a full-time job. The following week, we did just that.

This Thursday at dinner, he came up in an excited rush and told me he'd been standing on the corner with the sandwich board, and a former employer saw him. The guy had recently opened a new restaurant, and on the spot offered Johnny a job as a line cook. Johnny was overwhelmed with praise for God and dazzled by how quickly his prayers had been answered.

I was pretty overwhelmed, too. I don't pretend to know *how* prayer works. We lift up people every week, every day. Some people's prayers are answered with an immediate "YES!", some are told "no" or "not yet." The only part I know for sure is that the glory goes to God. It's beyond my understanding, and that's OK :)

Johnny covets your continued prayers .... he's hopeful this job will be his chance to get off the streets, and will lead to a place to live. Please pray for him, as well as all of these other children of God who covet your prayers.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:8-12

-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole.
-- For Bianca and her family
-- Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tino, Tony, Keith, Smitty, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Willie Mae, Carl, Kayla, Lorenzo, Lennox, Rocky, Red, Thomas.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For the well-being of all of LIA's volunteers
-- John from DE in Navy.
-- Financial blessing
-- Rafael L.G.: NEED HELP
-- Pamela C.: Breast cancer
-- James C. Jr.: I'm praying to go see my little girl and a better life.
-- Qually: Bible concordance. (He gave a phone number, so if someone wants to call him to provide a Bible concordance, contact me.)
-- Pery Canan promised me some clothes.
-- Birth certificate, encouragement, strength, and wisdom.
-- Amen. I'm requesting a foundation in Christ.
-- Genia: Help us achieve our goal of opening two businesses and helping us help ourselves. Keep Gary, Ashley, Stephanie, Dee and Genia safe, healthy and whole.
-- I pray for all dealing with their demons. That their demons will leave forever.
-- Keith A.
-- Johnny Bag of Donuts: Pray for a place to live. God bless everybody.
-- Michael: That I would become all that God has predestined for me to become. Praise Jesus.
-- Don W.: Job (employment)
-- My mother, Rebecca H., is in the hospital in Harrisburg, PA trying to recover from lung damage due to pneumonia. She is 81.
-- Pray for Perry.
-- Unemployment
-- Pray for all of us who are unemployed to find work, and for those of us who are looking for housing to find housing, and also for us that are seeking God to find him!!
-- For me, Brian R.: Pray my knee gets better and that the sickness I feel inside me leaves me. Thank you.
-- RJ: Help me and guide me in the right direction. I pray that everything I am going to do for my future is blessed. Bless all my friends and family.
-- Georgia T.
-- My roommate Ralph V., who has liver disease.
-- Sandra: Please pray that a job will be created and apartment found. Thanks.
-- Lord, I need you to help me get off drugs. I need you to save my life.
-- Napoleon P.
-- Troy: My job comes through.
-- For my father Gus, who's sick in the hospital.
-- Wand F.: God, I need you to help me and my family with my food stamps, Lord. Amen
-- Reynold O.
-- Michele: Lord, I so want to thank you for what you are doing in my life. I pray that you do the same for my friends and also my enemies. Keep my friends and family under your protection.
-- Luis V.: Para conseguir trabajo, y para tener paciencia. Gracias. (Translation: To get a job, and have patience. Thank you.)
-- For a nice old woman called Miss Georgia, that her husband will see some light and treat her right. Bless all.
-- God, please pray for my cats and all the blessed people of this church.
-- God, please for me and my friends. Thank you.
-- Father God, to be a blessing to others. To be your bride, Lord Jesus, without spot or wrinkle. To be filled with the spirit to overflowing. To bear fruit! In Jesus' name, Amen!
-- Randy: Dear God, bless us that are amongst this author and the need does not depend on us but the grace of your love. Fulfill this passage. Amen
-- Dave L.: That I get all my lost articles replaced. FAST.
-- Aaron W.: Healing prayer.
-- Hello, my name is Floyd and I ask you to please say a prayer for me that I get in school so that I can improve my life, and pray that the Lord's blessings continue to improve my life. Thank you and have a great day.
-- Frank S.: More work.
-- Elvis F.: More work, place to stay, stay out of trouble, pray for my family.
-- Family and friends, please.
-- God love Mary F.
-- Pray for Mo J.
-- Gary R. would like to express my loving thoughts on all of those who are in your hands. Keep on keeping on in Lord Jesus' name. Amen, Hallelujah. Amen. We praise you, Jesus, we give you thanks and all of your wonderful blessings on taking care of us, Genia and Gary, in our time in the hospital. God bless all who took care of me and Genia. God bless us all.
-- Please bless me and family.
-- David D.: For my health and disease of Hep C.
-- Tony V.L.: Kids and mother and father, sister, niece and nephew. All church people that I visit. Please have grace and mercy on them, my family, also me. Keep guardian angel over these people: Marc J., my friend Kevin T., Sandy of Walk, her mother Winnie, and me. In the name of Jesus, our Lord God. Thank you.
-- Pray for the victims in the Arizona tornadoes, wildfires that they will recover.
-- Theo: I'm ready to take your hand. Lead me through any storm. Bless my family. Bring us together.
-- Leonard M.: For help with my legal problems.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Prayer Requests 7/7/11

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action dinner are below. Thanks for keeping this ministry and its guests in your prayers.



Let my cry come right into your presence, God; provide me with the insight that comes only from your Word. Give my request your personal attention, rescue me on the terms of your promise. Let praise cascade off my lips; after all, you've taught me the truth about life! And let your promises ring from my tongue; every order you've given is right. Put your hand out and steady me since I've chosen to live by your counsel. I'm homesick, God, for your salvation; I love it when you show yourself! Invigorate my soul so I can praise you well, use your decrees to put iron in my soul. And should I wander off like a lost sheep—seek me! I'll recognize the sound of your voice.

Psalm 119:169-176 (The Message)

-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole.

-- For Bianca and her family

-- Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry

-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tino, Tony, Keith, Smitty, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Willie Mae, Carl, Kayla, Lorenzo, Lennox, Rocky, Red.

-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.

-- For total and complete restoration of Lori's health.

-- For Thomas C. Jr., who got out of jail on Saturday after 200+ days incarcerated.

-- For the well-being of all of LIA's volunteers

-- Pray for my son Sean B. Just got out of prison 5/24/11 and has bipolar disorder. He only had enough lithium from prison to get him to July. He's on a list at Henderson because his mental health is getting worse, but they can't see him until August. He is threatening me and I'm afraid he'll end up back in jail. Please pray.

-- Pam C.: Breast cancer

-- Thank you for treating me good. Another church treat me wrong, I stop going. This is a church. I know the words, you know I messed up my life. I'm trying to make it better. It's so hard to do it. Love when you pray for me. This is W. Jean.

-- Pray for mother and father, sister, nephew and niece. Also kids, their mother, family members, all my friends and enemies. Special prayer for Kevin T., Marc J. and business. Please family and kids and place to stay. Sandy and her mother, His Walk, Bob, Tracey, Angel, Amy, all people of Calvary, meatloaf, all churches. Keep mercy and grace on me.

-- Elvis F.: Job, stay out of trouble, place to stay, my family, good health, and keep safe.

-- My mom Karen to get off of pills. To watch over my family members, my friends, my boyfriend, his kids and that everything works out tomorrow and goes as planned.

-- Please pray that I will get a job created for me from God. And for family. Thanks.

-- For the Lord to grant Jonathan the power and the will to overcome his addictions!!!

-- Please, Jesus and the angels in heaven, be with my father Thomas B. I miss him so much. Tell him I love him and please help me to get back on my feet. Love, Ryan B., your son

-- Trey and Alicia

-- For my kids who I've been a deadbeat to. May God give me the strength to become a better father and a way to support them.

-- Frank S.: More work.

-- Pray for deliverance for S.B. and healing mind for M.J.

-- Thank you for previous prayer! I got a job after two weeks looking. Pray for strength for me to do well for the job.

-- David G.

-- My name is Gerard. I need God to help me.

-- I slipped and was running on my own faith. I need your faith to guide me. I pray for my family and myself. I want special prayer for myself.

-- Robert H.: I thank God every day for where he's brought me from. And where he's taking me now. I pray that God will have me working soon! So I can get my own place.

-- Leon R.: I need to get right with God!

-- Please pray for Patrick L. that every bad thing a person does to me or others, that Jesus punish them and make them suffer for all the wrongs they've done. In their life.

-- Keep me going in the right direction!

-- Please pray for Billie S. to get straight. Thank you.

-- For Jose, Maria, Vanesa, for God to keep us safe.

-- For the salvation and restoration of Mike O., Jack L., Matthew C.

-- Gus M.: For me and everybody else.

-- Employment

-- Don W.: Employment before I go crazy from inactivity!

-- Troy: That my job comes through.

-- Please pray for James, OK?

-- That my doctors fix my knee and get me off all these pain pills, and that my kids call me, for I miss them much. Thanks, Brian

-- Lionel J.

-- Tony G.

-- Gary R.: We praise you, Lord Jesus Christ, and thank you for your blessing. Lord, we do not know where it will come from, but we need car insurance money. God bless!

-- Genia and Gary: Help us achieve our dreams and success so we can help others achieve theirs. Heal Ashley and Dee!

-- Darin: To be with God. To be with God. To be with God. To be with God. :) Love you.

-- Kelly needs job and shelter/home, peace.

-- Igor and Chris, shelter, job, reconciliation, friends.

-- William G.: God, I need a prayer for me. I love you!

-- I am a believer. God to bless me with disability.

-- Pray for God to have mercy on me in court Monday 7/11/11. Thank you.

-- Mom

-- Please pray for Melvin.

-- Pray for my family. Pray for Casey and her family.

-- My family and friends.

-- Miller: Pray for Jenny's health, eyes, healing.

-- Willie J.: Pray for my family to be safe and I can find a job and get off the street.

-- Bless over me and my husband in looking for a place to stay. Also in keeping our health in good condition. Blessed dear Jesus, Amen

-- Miguel R.: Lord God Jesus, please let Sean, my girlfriend's son, get it together. He is bipolar. Love you, God.

-- For my family's health, la salud de mi familia.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Prayer Requests 6/30/11

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below. Thanks for praying for this ministry and its guests.

God's love is meteoric, his loyalty astronomic, his purpose titanic, his verdicts oceanic. Yet in his largeness nothing gets lost; Not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks. How exquisite your love, O God! How eager we are to run under your wings, to eat our fill at the banquet you spread as you fill our tankards with Eden spring water. You're a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light.
Psalm 36:5-9 (The Message)

-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole.
-- For Bianca and her family
-- Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tino, Tony, Keith, Smitty, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Willie Mae, Carl, Kayla, Lorenzo, Lennox.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For total and complete restoration of Lori's health.
-- For the well-being of all of LIA's volunteers
-- For Rocky to get employment and keep working his program.
-- Errol W.: I want to have good living, better my health.
-- James: Pray for me.
-- Mary: Frank ID
-- God’s good all the time.
-- My family, those less fortunate, father of my child and my unborn child.
-- Pat, want you to pray for her. She went to jail.
-- Willie May G.: Children, R.S.B.G., C.R.R.
-- That my husband gets out of jail soon.
-- Please pray for the strength I need to stay on the path of a true human being. Also that my children do not have too much pain being apart from Daddy, for I am relocating to be certain that they will have what they need. Aurora, Alan II and Jordan are my life.
-- Dee: For finances & healing.
-- Pray for me. I hate struggling. I pray everyday, nothing. God hates me. I hate living like this.
-- For everyone to be happy.
-- Pray for wisdom.
-- Give me the strength to keep going. My surgery goes well and job comes through.
-- Bring my family together under one roof. Bless us.
-- Brian: That my knee gets better and that I stop getting sick. Also that my Dad returns my phone calls. Thanks.
-- Lord please get my brother out of jail. Amen.
-- Please pray for Melvin that I can find a room. Thank you!
-- For life.
-- For Guy, for work and shelter.
-- World peace.
-- I praise that me and Valerie continue to be together again and that I can help her get out of the little trouble that she got into. God bless my mother in heaven and bless all of my people me & her.
-- For addiction problems & family & friends.
-- Kathy: Healing for health/throat.
-- Tashaya: Pray for me and David to have a successful relationship and a healthy child. Pray that we get off the streets and that we wake up each and every day. Thank you and may God bless.
-- I pray for my Mom, Louise & I find faith. Thank you, Lord, for your love.
-- God bless me good. Thank you.
-- Helen: Pray for my head. Thank you.
-- Reynold O.
-- Seth love his daughter Julia.
-- Jonah: Success, wealth & God’s speed to get back to California & jobs & relationships.
-- I ask you to pray for monetary blessing, job.
-- Please keep Carrie, Lisa, Martha and Tim safe and well on this journey.
-- God, please change my circumstances and my way of thinking and living.
-- Pat G.: Since my faith, I have clear vision. Thank you God forever.
-- Scott F. Family: For me and my 3 kids to be a family again. And for me to stop smoking Newports and weed. And find a place for me and get off the street and get a job and live and be happy. Please keep me and my 3 kids and boyfriend in your prayers because we really need it. Thank you.
-- God please help me to get on my feet so I can get off the streets. I am going crazy our there. Please, please help me God. I need you and my 3 kids and you know who this is, your child crying out for help.
-- Carl & Richard : A job and a home.
-- P.: Help us get off the street to get the help we need to accomplish Gary’s dream.
-- Genie S. & Gary R.: To get the help we need to do the best we can do, for all that we can. Lord Jesus, we praise you and give our thanks. You are our Lord and Savior. Amen.