Sunday, July 31, 2011

Prayer Requests 7/28/11

The prayer requests from this week's Love in Action feeding are below. Thank you for your continued prayers for this ministry and its guests!

Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
Psalm 3: 2-3

-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole.
-- For Bianca and her family
-- Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann & Kamaurry
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tino, Tony, Keith, Smitty, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Willie Mae, Carl, Kayla, Lorenzo, Lennox, Rocky, Red, Johnny.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers.
-- For the well-being of all of LIA's volunteers
-- World Peace
-- Pray for me, Jephte A., for me to be blessed with the Spirit of obedience. Thank you.
-- Lord, keep your hand on me.
-- Errol A.W.: For my health to get better. Pray for my family and friend everything alright with them. Lord, keep me strong and steady as I go through my trials in life.
-- Aaron W.: Healing Prayer
-- Robert J.: Bless me to keep my health. Bless this trip, the family & friends. Keep me safe all around.
-- Tony L.: Father & mother, sister, nephew, niece, uncles, aunts & cousins, nieces & nephews. All family, kids & their mother. All their family members. Calvary Church member Tracey, Ms. Mitchel, Bob, Amy, Apostle Allen, her church member, all churches, Sandy from His Walk & her mother Wennie. John & carpet business & his neighbor dog. And please get me off the street with my own place, and to reunite all and family members and kids. Keep mercy, grace on me and family. May Holy Spirit on me. In Jesus name. Amen
-- Steve H.: Work + live
-- Pray for Deried family & self (health).
-- Pray that I find a job as RN.
-- 10 tanks of scooter fuel, 10 ice, 10 brew
-- Jimmy: Pray for guidance and to overcome alcohol and get my life together.
-- Jeff: Pray for a new job.
-- Don W.: Employment or place to volunteer services.
-- Gary R. and Genia S.: Praise Jesus everyday for what we need, so pray for me and for us. Amen
-- Genia & Gary: Please help us achieve our goals & health.
-- GR: I hope God protects me from the devil.
-- Pray for the woman that sang tonight!
-- Tino: My days have gotten a bit brighter; I no longer feel the need to pretend to smile. I no longer have to remind myself of my blessings when I wake up in the morning. A new heart has been restored in me and I learned to appreciate what really matters. My request for prayer today is to grow wiser as every dawning of a new day.
-- Wanda F.: I need you, God, to help me with my food stamps, Lord, Amen. For me & my family, God. Amen.
-- Gilbert: Help me get back with my family.
-- Rafael G.: NEED HELP
-- My name is Kevin C. and I know God is in charge. I am grieving the death of my son. Please pray for me and my family.
-- Pray for David & Marlene to obey God.
-- Pray for my friend to find guidance for his calling in life.
-- My name is James C., Jr. I ask God to help me keep my family and a better life.
-- Leonard M.: Please pray for me that I get my papers.
-- Pat J.: Thank you, Jesus, for the blood that you shed for me.
-- Reynoldo I.
-- My name is Chris. I would like for God to guide me in finding a job and getting back on my feet. Amen.
-- Family friend
-- Frank: God love Mary.
-- Bless all the people from the church that do God's will and help us all.
-- Pas
-- Rose: Deliver my 3 children and keep a shield of protection around them.
-- Prayer for sister Deb who has ACLS.
-- Henry: Pray that God continue to lead and guide me to where He wants me to go. Also watch over my families and keep blessing.
-- Bless me with too much ability, to break free. Amen
-- Eugene B.: Pray for me to get a job and to get my rent paid.
-- My name is Michael M. I would like a special prayer for deliverance of all drugs & alcohol and to find a residence to live.
-- Please pray for me. My name is Alex G. Need God now more then ever before. Thank you for this food and for your compassion.
-- Nico E.: For my surgery for lung cancer, strength, wisdom and encouragement.
-- St. James. Pray for HS!!!!
-- For George B.
-- Pamela C.: Breast cancer
-- Mackey Fred
-- I am so close to my simple goals through my job to have stability. Everyday I feel like something trying to pull me down. I will keep moving forward with help from Jesus!
-- Pray for my babies, my girls, my enemies, and myself … that we prosper and be in good health … Salvation for all…
-- Spiritual Growth. Love.

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