Sunday, April 4, 2010

Prayer Requests 4/1/10

Happy Easter from Love in Action! Here are the prayer requests from last Thursday's feeding.

Thank you for your faithful prayers for this ministry and its guests!!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead ... 1 Peter 1:3

-- Please pray for Kevin B.
-- I love you. Thank You.
-- For my family and a healthy life. WWJD
-- The love of my life just told me that she might be carrying a baby from her past. I’m trying so hard to be strong. I love her but I don’t know what to do. My name is Atiba and her name is Miracle. I call her my miracle from God himself.
-- James G.: To be prayed for.
-- Leeroy G.: Pray for my family and my love!
-- My husband is in jail, please pray for him to get out soon.
-- Willie: Please come/change into my life. Thank you.
-- Yo, a prayer 4 my children, Hanna n Jonathan.
-- Easter Thursday/ Cheeked chop pork on Saturday
-- An extra inch.
-- To Christ Church, to Diane and Pery and Kayla, thank you for the meatloaf dinner.
-- A job.
-- Please pray for Ponsy H., a dear and loving friend who is not saved yet and wants to study the Bible with me. Please pray for me (Stan) that as my walk grows I will have the wisdom to testify effectively. Thank you.
-- For everybody to have unity and trust in one another.
-- Brian: I need it! Badly
-- Get OFF the homeless train! Full-time work, roof over my head, not in a shelter. Ability to GIVE! Financial Independence!
-- Keep my grandbaby safe, thank you Lord.
-- Work and good health.
-- Pray 4 me. My name is Brices & I feel SO DEAD! Allow me to get apt. (person from my church is helping me also). To get a part/full time job to go along with my part-time job.
-- Prayer for employment and good health.
-- That I get shelter.
-- Michael M.: Pray more faith, the cooking job and my own place.
-- Jeff G.: Lord, help me make it in life.
-- Larry: Pray for families and a job.
-- Kevin T.: Continued faith, endurance, and perseverance, for Jewish attorney to help with court case; protection and provisions. To see things in God's timing.
-- Pray for me to find a job and a place to live.
-- They took away my Shelter Plus Voucher. I am 65 years old and I am on the street. Pery and Jon, this is Sasha.
-- Andrew
-- Like help me find employment, help with faith in my Christian walk.
-- Cori D.: To find work, a fair but good job.
-- My father dying of cancer like everyone pray for him.
-- ABR: Please pray for my health and my family. Pray for all the homeless.
-- You know me Lord, so help me Lord. To Jesus with love.
-- For his saving grace and his love for all, his son, Frank J.
-- Bill’s eye surgery.
-- For William W.
-- Good health, good surgery.
-- For God’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
-- Earl F.
-- Michelle: Need prayer for my friend David who is not doing so good. He is at Holy Cross.
-- For release of husband – My God be with him.
-- Louise, Shelly, Aaron, Robb: Please pray for blessing.
-- Kenneth B. & Katherine T.: That God will keep us together and strong with His love, grace and mercy. Without drugs and alcohol. May we get married soon.
-- Pray for everyone during Passover. And that they have a good Seder.
-- Pray for citizenship for Marcia.
-- Errol A.W.: For me to hit the lottery. To help others. That my family and friends are blessed in their lives. To have a nice wife and happy home. To have a nice job and a home and a car!
-- For Lord to release the blessing of heaven on Sean O., Mike O., Jack E. L., Scott.
-- My prayer is for my friend who is in drug treatment center getting help to stay drug free. Please pray for him to believe in the Father. Thanks for my bless and pray.
-- Cowboy: Please Lord save and protect my daughter and the same for the woman I love, Betty.
-- Bilal M./Anna B.: Good health, prosperous marriage for daughter. Release from jail/termination of probation for Anna. Forgiveness about our fight, and successful marriage together.
-- Francisco: Lord Jesus, please take my name’s prayers. Don’t delay please because I have been waiting for your mercy.
-- May God's protection and blessing abide with us family (no sharing) henceforth and forever more.
-- We need work.
-- Bless all homeless animals big and small with home and their caretakers. Bless us with everything we need.
-- For the people that come here. That their blessings come true.
-- Lord please help me get my food stamp card and transportation and heal me. Please help the world become wiser and more loving.
-- I ask that we pray for Chandra, her daughter and her family. I also request that she be brought to the light.
-- Roger K.: The Lord's prayer.

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