Thursday, April 30, 2009

Prayer Requests 4/30/09

Here are the prayer requests from tonight's Love in Action feeding.

There were several praise reports from our guests and volunteers tonight. Scott, who just had cancer surgery, was with us tonight and in very good spirits. He told me he was shaving this morning and found himself on his knees in grateful prayer for having a comfortable bed to sleep in and for making it through the surgery with his eye and vision intact. Please continue to keep him in your prayers, as he recovers from the surgery and enters the next phase of his recovery. He repeated how much your prayers mean to him and to his mother as well.

Jamal happily reported he got a room last week. We've been praying for him for a few months, and it's exciting to see God working in his life. A few weeks ago he got his green card and social security card so that he could work. Then he found a few small paying jobs. Now he has a room and is no longer on the streets. His kids, who have been living with their grandmother, have a place to visit him now.

Gary wanted you all to know how much your ongoing prayers have meant to him. He's starting a new experimental chemotherapy tomorrow and is scared. The last set of chemo treatments were unimaginably awful, and Gary said only the visits and prayers of people from our ministry got him through it. In particular, a Bible study with Jon and Pery last Tuesday night gave him a sense of peace as he continues his cancer battle. Please hold Gary very close to your hearts this week.

We're looking forward to seeing any and all of you at the Serve.Everybody. events being held this weekend (5/1 - 5/3/09) at Hope Central. Follow the Christ Church link in the upper left-hand corner of this website for more information.

-- Mario Q. G.: For men and women overseas and my family and for a job.
-- Job, provision for rent and funds to buy bus passes to seek work.
-- Carl: A job and a home.
-- That I may receive total salvation.
-- For Richie, guide him, Lord.
-- Charles: Pray for an improved economy and also for the futures of Kelly and Wendy .... may they both see God's light.
-- I need prayer for my computer and hope I can keep my place to live. May God the Father watch over me day and night. I need a bus pass this week.
-- Please pray for my friend Kelly, she is dying. I love her. Keep her with Jesus please. Amen
-- For Riley, that he finds God again and finds his way home.
-- I pray for job security.
-- Richard D.: More wages to take care of business.
-- For David R. to detox off methadone, to get in program.
-- Ben W.: Better life.
-- Kizzie J.: For myself, my life, and my soul and safety. Also for my family and extended family.
-- Please God, keep my daughter safe. Her name is Kasey.
-- For Joe B., may he finally get it. Thanks.
-- Please help uncle .... scary, homeless
-- Darius & Bianca: Please, Lord, get this devil out of me. Pray for me and my husband, we are getting married July 25. And more, keep us in prayer. Amen
-- Kelley: For healing
-- Robert B.: Wife, family, sister, brother, job.
-- Marion P.
-- God, forgive me for all my sins. I repent to you and pray for everlasting life. Amen
-- Anthony L. A.: Please pray that President Obama and his Cabinet seek God's will as he leads our country.
-- Reynold: Please pray for me, knowing the ability of my opponent. Please help me pray for divine help. The dark prince has been working on my case, but the Lord was the one that created me. Pray for me for strength, because if I give up he wins, and that is a luxury I don't have -- to let the dark prince win. Pray so I have knowledge to see the sign that the Lord is showing me. Pray for me to be a bit wiser, love a little deeper. Pray for my sister Martine, for her illness (diabetes) and pray for Melissa to find back the way of reason and light. Please pray for them and pray for this church to not only be a physical blessing, but emotional and spiritual. Thank you.
-- Pray for me and my family, pray for me and my husband and my kids.
-- That all of us will come together and love one another as God has loved us.
-- Darius, Bianca and our unborn child. God bless.
-- Please right the wrong. All that stealing.
-- Michele: Pray for my friends so they be safe. And also that they be led in the righteous path.
-- Cleveland P.: Please pray for me because trouble is in my way.
-- Mainman T.: My prayer request is a job and house.
-- Karen: My prayer request is for my daughter and I to reunite. I was blessed by God, The Out Reach and the Hope Team with a two-bedroom apartment. I want her love and trust. Pray that I will be of good courage and strength; that God's council and mercy and knowledge get through to my daughter for me. In the name by the only Jesus Christ, thank you.
-- Mrs. Marlo I.
-- Errol A. W.: For better times to come. To find a home to have. To have some money! Thank you!
-- Please pray that I pass my state boards successfully and highest scores.
-- Lance: I would like to be blessed.
-- Cedric S.: Full-time job :)
-- Roderick L.
-- God knows
-- S.L.T.: Bus pass, job, money, and more.
-- My roommate, that we get along. Health, money, everything God provides.
-- Trevor: Pray that Almighty God give me the strength and wisdom to beat my drug addiction.
-- Virginia, please be with her and her family.
-- Robert: Blessings, lotto, job, bus pass.
-- Anthony W.: Please pray for me that God would bless me and let me live in the land of the living with His people.
-- Mick: Pray for my cancer and stop smoking cigarettes.

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