Thursday, November 8, 2018

Prayer Requests 11/8/18

The prayer requests from Thursday’s Love in Action meal are below. Thank you for praying with us for this ministry and our guests.


We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
Romans 8:22-27 (NIV)

-- Terrance, 5 years old. Torrence, 6 years old.
-- Mark and Danielle get up to (not able to read).
-- Kenny T.: $1,000.00
-- For all the men and women in DOC. For all the homeless and myself. May the Lord keep working in our lives.
-- Harold B.: To my Lord. Please help me with my life and keep me in your Hands.
-- Please help Daniel M.
-- Need a job and place to live.
-- Lord, forgive my sins. Help my sister get better soon.
-- Mark, Tony, Tolanu
-- Thank you. A blessed today.
-- Shawn O.: Stay on top of personal business. Continue to do right. Rekindle relationship with God.
-- Romans 8:26: Pray for my prayers.
-- Marie M.: Pray for goodness for me.
-- Papa T.
-- Tamika C.
-- Thanks.
-- Robert: Prayers for family, brother, sister, wife, and healing. Place to stay for myself.
-- Trey: Father, I pray for wisdom and guidance. For you and your will to manifest itself thru me. Strength to resist all temptations that may cross my path. Strength to continue living for you in a world that no longer recognizes you as the true leader, King Lord of Lords. I pray for those who are battling demons, addiction, sickness. Forgive me my transgressions. Bless all and let all be blessed.
-- I pray that my mother made it to heaven. Also, God bless America and keep us safe.
-- Andrew: Thank you, Lord.
-- Praise God! Homes for the homeless! Blessed!
-- Want to move into a new place and cook a real turkey.
-- Tony: Please pray for my legs to get better. Please pray for my children.
-- Mark O.L.: Great health.
-- Pray for Mrs. Amanda L.
-- Reynold, Bettey, Mat
-- Pray for good health for Debbie and a speedy recovery.
-- Danny D. speaking to Jesus: Lord, please bless me with a job. Don’t forsake my mind, spirit, and faith, which is in You. Thank you. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
-- Derrick: Pray for world peace.
-- Angela S., Calvin S., my children, the whole house, me with my lawsuit to come and all, Patrick, check higher, Deborah P., Nella’s health, Tina S., kids’ health.
-- Sending special prayers for Kimmy.
-- For Tracy’s physical and emotional needs.
-- Continued prayer for Ashley and her daughter, Trinity. 
-- For Dave's killer to be found, brought to justice, and made whole. For the police department to continue to give attention and effort to solving the case.
-- For the health of our volunteers. 
-- For Bianca and her family.
-- For Wendy, Peanut, Shy’ann and Kamaurry 
-- For Lennox, Wolf, L.C., Jamalle, Tino, Richard, Kevin, Lori, Kayla and Lorenzo, Lou, Sister Pat, Gypsy, Turtle.
-- For Charlotte, Ed, Jacques, Robert, Brad, Lance, Kelly, Shante, Shamona, Randy, Richie, Roger, Scott, Tony, Keith, Steve, Dennis, Brieanna, Carl, Rocky, Red, Johnny, Angel, Joey, Christian.
-- For neglected and abused animals and their caregivers. For Nina.
-- For all of LIA's volunteers; help us be quick to listen, slow to speak.
-- Father, please enable Love in Action to continue to serve your children. As we struggle with questions about funding, give us the wisdom to listen for your voice and to trust in you.
-- Thank you, Father, for the hands and hearts of the Love in Action volunteers. Thank you for our donors. Thank you for the way the members of our ministry use their gifts to lovingly care for our guests. Thank you for loving us.

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